Charleston, South Carolina: Why wasn’t I a Southern Belle?

Charleston, horse ride

Photography and text by Corey Amaro

South Carolina.


Have you been?

Rainbow Row, Horse Drawn Carts, Gone with the Wind, the Battery, Sweet Grass Baskets…

Southern Hospitality…

God why wasn't I born here? More-so why didn't you give me long legs and a small nose? You better have a good reason!

And… why wasn't I born a Southern Belle?

Painted ladies charleston
Joggling bench 



Rocking chairs on the decl


Lily pulitzer
Sweet tea

Rainbow row

Rocking chairs on the porch, Carolina Gold (Rice and Cotton) Plantations, Lily Pulitzer's dresses, Joggling benches for romance and Magnolias.

Sweet tea.

Such sweet tea.

 sweet grass baskets

Lynn south carolina

Jazz music

The Battery, Jazz, Walking under the low hanging tree branches… Ghost? Did you say ghost? Scarlet are you there?

Did you know that Southern Belles, at least the one that walked passed me, do not wear black.

I felt a like a Martian.

Pink yes.

Aqua blue Yes,

Sweet tangerine, key lime, lemon drop yellow…


Black? No.

Oh, I do give a damn.











Charleston… did I ever tell you I danced the Charleston on a foot ball field?


37 responses to “Charleston, South Carolina: Why wasn’t I a Southern Belle?”

  1. Maybe if you had been born there, with Longer legs and a smaller nose ,you would not have met and married your FH.. and be living in France ..!!

  2. Merisi’s France

    Oh, shrimp and grits for breakfast,
    a walk along the seaside,
    Charleston She-Crab-Soup for lunch,
    a slice of Bourbon Pecan Pie,
    for dinner, Carolina shrimp (the best!) and
    fried okra (lotsa!), …….

  3. Those trees!!!!… I’m so enjoying this trip through your blog. And the above is correct… longer legs, smaller nose, southern living – no Yann. So.

  4. Charleston is one of the greatest cities here in the U.S. Iam so glad you had a chance to go and eat southern low country cooking.

  5. So glad you love Charleston. It is beautiful, n’est pas? You have captured Charleston with your words. And sweet tea, is the drink of the south! My favorite.
    Try Savannah, GA if you’ve not been!

  6. Suzanne Moon

    Oh Corey, I could have guessed you’d love Charleston! ; ) I live in Augusta, GA – land of golf – not too far from there.
    I love Magnolia’s! It’s my favorite restaurant in Charleston. I hope you tried the dessert with ice cream served in a caramel candy bowl. It was so gorgeous, like blown glass. We called it The Basket of Love. I like desserts a little.
    Enjoy the South!

  7. Oh, yes, you have captured the essence of Charleston with your good eye. If you are still there, be sure to check out the beaches (Sullivan, Folly, and Isle of Palms), and the Shrimp and Grits at SNOB are quite good. King St. used to be mostly good antique shops if you can believe it.
    I’m moving there in a few years. Want to die there. Why not?
    Did you try rue de Jean restaurant? The salade Nicoise is very good. Also, Mistral is good, but not as good as it used to be. Right next to the market.
    Lots of French touches in this beautiful city and inside the homes, yes, French stuff.
    Oh, by the way, Scarlett’s hang out was Atlanta.
    Hugs, GiGi

  8. Oh, and by the way, the trees are live oaks. And I found one of those Gullah baskets at an estate sale a few weeks ago for 50 cents. I love them. A dying art.

  9. Don’t stop your tour at Charleston. Keep going on to Savannah, Georgia. It is every bit as beautiful as Charleston.
    My Savannah photos.

  10. Everton Terrace

    Was there for only a day a few years ago and feel exactly as you do. Have been waiting to go back ever since. I’ve been waiting for longer legs my whole life, still holding out hope.

  11. Such a romantic post for such a wondrous spot of earth. I’ll be daydreaming for the rest of the day. Beautiful – thank you.

  12. We fa welcome oonah to de Lowcountry.

  13. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Corey! When did you cut your hair shorter??? Looks fabulous!!!
    We have friends {a married couple who were both teachers} who retired and moved from southern Calif. to Charleston a few years ago. They love it too! Enjoy 😉

  14. Being a GRIT (girl raised in the south) comes from the heart, not a geographical location. enjoy the here and now!

  15. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    America has so many diverse regions and they are all beautiful and different.
    I love to see the moss hanging on the tree’s in the south and the haze in the summer mornings. My sister lives in Destin Fla. and we use to travel slow through the south. My only complaint is the summer humidity…you could cut it with a knife.
    I am so glad you are in the USA for a while. It is a joy to have you on the same land.

  16. Such a special treat for Jim and I to meet you and Yann (and Lynn)! Glad you had a chance to sample the lowcountry with Charleston. “Ya’ll come back now, ya hear”?
    (Hey Corey, maybe I will get the hang of this post stuff!)

  17. I fell in love with Charleston, when my cousin got married there. What a romantic city! She got married on Folly Beach with in a charming little quintessential beach cottage to stay in. It was a blast! We rented a convertible, and saw the sites. We ate brunch in a courtyard at a Charleston restaurant “82 Queen”. Great food, great memories, glad you experienced Charleston!

  18. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Ok, it’s kind of weird seeing you post from the US. I’m so used to life in France with you. lol


    We travelled to Charleston two winters ago and stayed at a nearby beach community. Charleston was breathtaking, but I agree with Alan – Savannah took my breath away. Bit o’ magic going on there!!!

  20. I’m glad you like it!
    Sweet tea is called “the table wine of the south.”

  21. Super photos, Corey! Of course we want to know about the football field dancing.

  22. Black is so much more flattering! and as for longer legs and smaller nose – they never helped Scarlet O’Hara keep her man!

  23. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I would love Charleston for sure

  24. Corey, I love Charleston too. I live in the upstate of SC and Charleston feels like a step back in time to an era long gone. We love to vacation at the Isle of Palms.
    If you’d like to come to the Mtns. of NC on your trip, I’ll be at my cabin in the woods of Murphy NC all weekend. Give me a holler and we’ll talk about all things Tongue in Cheek! I hope you’re loving your visit!

  25. So much to see in Charleston! Beuatiful city!
    If you have time, I would recommend seeing
    Middleton Place, located a short drive outside
    Of the city. It is a beautiful, antebellum
    Home which has not been rehabbed or
    Modernized. It is pure classical elegance.

  26. linda marcov

    you are Southern, you are a romantic, so it is automatic.. there, done, finished. Now about the long legs bit… no good answer, wear elongated clothing.. you know how..

  27. Denese Vlosky

    I am glad that you appreciated it. Some people don’t– appreciate the South. If you come to Louisiana, look us up!

  28. Question: Will you and FH get to see your children on this US trip?

  29. I didn’t know Southern Belle’s didn’t wear black. Now I am in the know too. This is definitely on my list of places to see in the US.

  30. You know Corey FH would not have noticed you if you had long legs and and a small nose. It is your spirit he saw….also based on your presentation. I have seen the contradiction before. Things are not always what the rest of the world tries to see(create). No more questions about why you and Yann found each other. It is perfectly wonderful and I hope and know it will remain that way. you both are an inspiration for those of us who have been betrayed and lost hope. I am happy to read and know that a man and a woman can have a relationship such as yours. It is one of the main reasons I follow your blog. It gives me hope that men and a relationship can actually be real. Thank you for your testimony to love. I am so grateful.

  31. jend’isère

    Belle, you are and yet one from southern France. Wondered whether “Southern Belle” expression was from “Antebellum” (Latin, “before war”). It is a way of life from hospitality, strong feminity and nostalgia. And the telephone company of the region!

  32. Oh, I wish I had known you were here. I would have loved to meet you for dinner! Next time! Enjoy your vacation!

  33. lulu redstar

    SBs do wear black, but not during the heat of day in steamy September! Glad you are having a good time with FH and Ms Lynn! ox

  34. Oh me, oh my that last photo is divine!!!
    Thank you! These trees have me speechless, and those with Spanish moss on them are amazing!

  35. It is one of the loveliest cities in the country, isn’t it? But, how was the weather? I could certainly do without the …. how you say?…pluff? I guess the locals get used to the smell, but not me! Did you visit the islands? Sigh.
    Hi Judi
    It has been warm, but not unbearable.

  36. Oh yes, I’ve been to Charleston and ate my way from one end to the other. It’s actually the spot where I ate “The Best Meal I’ve Ever Eaten” at a wonderful restaurant called Anson. WOW, is all I can say. Had the best shrimp and grits, ever… at a small corner restaurant. I’m so glad you’re enjoying your stay in the U.S. Personally, I think you are a southern belle who just happened to be born out west.

  37. Oh I wish I’d known you were here!

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