What Brings You Pleasure?

 Corey amaro 011

Photography by Nance Harper, text by Corey Amaro.

While sitting around the fair Nance told us about a retreat she had taken that asked the retreatants to list: What brought them pleasure.

She went on to say that after the list was made the speaker asked them to look at their list and ask themselves how often they actually shared or did the things that gave them pleasure.

Years ago when Nance went on this retreat she said she listed "Work" as a source of pleasure.

I could understand that. After all, hopefully we enjoy what we do since most of us spend so much of our lives working.

Nevertheless, when French Husband made his list he asked Nance to define, "Pleasure" not because he did not know the meaning of the word, but because on his list he did not mention work, nnor family. French Husband explained (and let me tell you that is what makes the French French is their need to discuss everything down to the nitty gritty detail. Because after all philosophy, and meaning and backing up everything you say with ten examples is a fact of French education.)

French Husband went on to say that, work brought him satisfaction, and responsibility. And that family brings him love, joy, accomplishment… and that pleasure, well that meant to him, Corey, Corey, Corey…"

I was tickled pink.

Corey dancing

Dancing in texas

Corey dancing 1

Corey 022

Corey 023

Corey 015

Corey 014

Corey 019 
 What brings you pleasure?

I answered:

Being with those I love,


Having people over for dinner,

The brocante,



and most of all…. Dancing.




41 responses to “What Brings You Pleasure?”

  1. Anything in Texas is good….. :}

  2. Lieselotte

    How nice to see you both enjoying your time in the States, dancing away enlightened by pleasure!

  3. what a beautiful couple you make!!! The love you have for one another shines through the photos–lucky lucky folks you are!!!

  4. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Your post this morning brought a lump to my throat and wet eyes…we are so lucky to have the pleasure of a loving man 😉

  5. So in love, after all the years. These pictures are so sweet. Thank you for sharing and glad you are having fun in the States.

  6. Brenda L from TN

    You look SO happy…you and FH are so blessed to have the love you have for each other…Many,many more days like that for you both…your children are lucky to have such parents. I saw a sign once that said…”the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother”…I think your children have that gift.

  7. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    For me, pleasure is found in writing and friendship.
    Loving your photos, but what of Magnolia Pearl? Have you run across her (Robin Brown) yet? I’d love to see how she displays her wares!

  8. what beautiful pictures . . .I envy your peace and pleasure! again, you gave me something to ponder. . .sometimes in doing the daily grind one can forget all about pleasure. Today, I’m going to focus . .find some pleasure in my routine . . a big thank you C . . .wish I could be in Texas to share in some fun!

  9. Sigh…

  10. I still remember you dancing in high school and how fun it was to watch you move your thing.
    Went to Willows yesterday and had lunch with my Mom for her birthday. After we made a visit to your Gatherings and found a few necessities. She was out gathering new items.

  11. Wow, this is a fantastic post, from everyone…
    Dancing started it all didn’t it?

  12. Went by your booth yesterday….you weren’t there but I got up the nerve to talk to FH. Gaw….he was the most delightful thing in the booth. My friend, her daughter & I came away envying you and now you post this….so sweet & does life get any better?———————————————————-
    Hello Debe,
    I am sorry I missed you. French Husband told me you came by, and that he enjoyed meeting you too.
    Thank you, C

  13. Franca Bollo

    I was just thinking about that last night …
    A hour-ling run in the evening followed by hot shower. Then, to bed with a glass of wine, a book, and my yellow tom tucked into the crook of my arm. Nirvana.

  14. {Big sigh…..}This post makes me wish I had someone in my life to dance with. You are blessed to be loved so by French Husband.
    I love your fun spirit. You have reminded me that I seriously need to “lighten up” and have more fun.
    Thanks for posting everyday and for showing us your love and zest for life. You truly live life to the fullest.

  15. Kathie B.

    My pleasures?
    Weather that’s neither too hot nor too cold, nor excessively humid.
    Favorite desserts (including, but not limited to, ice cream).
    A good night’s sleep.
    Beautiful music (I favor jazz, classical, and the pop and rock music of my youth).
    Solving clever puzzles (which covers translating, when it goes right!).
    [To be continued]

  16. Aaaaaah wonderful! You two are perfect together, and I do love the French way of looking at pleasure, and at life. Why NOT be introspective, after all.

  17. Oh that Yann!! What a sweet loving man! You guys are sure having fun! Keep on dancing!!

  18. Kathleen in Oregon


  19. oh, my word. the best post I have ever read anywhere! Keep looking in one anothers’ eyes and keep dancing. This trip sounds like the experience of a lifetime.

  20. Pictures I’ve seen of you have always been nice, but in these – well, in these you just plain look HAPPY!

  21. hmmmm… I would have to say visiting your blog and seeing pics of French Husband brings me great pleasure! 🙂 heehee

  22. Corey,
    I’m still waiting for you to post a YouTube of you and FH dancing.
    Watching the Hummingbirds in my garden gives me pleasure.

  23. After having already had a particularly bad week, I was driving home from class. I had done badly on a required speech, and I was a bit down. So, I thought about the things that cheer me up. While I was driving I looked out the window. The area was rural, not what I normally see. I enjoy the drive especially at that time of day, early in the morning when it is still hazy, and the light shining glows behind the Spanish Moss. I see rows upon rows of purple black strips waiting to be planted, probably with strawberries. I see cows, and horses, and even geese. I see quaint farmhouses and barns with rusted tin roofs. I smiled to myself. This was something that always gave me pleasure, the pure simple beauty of nature. It was an instant mood lifter. 🙂

  24. Et que c’est l’amour, belle, le doux amour…je vous remercie beaucoup pour un poste délicieuse.

  25. Denise Solsrud

    your story of fh and you is a continual story of love. i love and appreciate it. Bestest,Denise

  26. Rhonda P.

    Seeing happy couples…like you and FH….what a beautiful example you set for your children.
    Other pleasures include – antiquing, junkin’, creating in my studio, making someone smile, making my man laugh so hard it hurts, being with my family, we are so unique but I love them so much.

  27. Wandering Chopsticks

    Oh man! With an answer like that, no wonder you’re still dancing after all these years. 🙂

  28. Being with animals or even just watching from afar, being married to my best friend, cross stitch, hand sewing, reading in the bathtub, doing things for others like baking or stitching a gift, and lastly, just staying home for 3 or 4 days in a row.
    Thank you for this Corey.

  29. Being at the beach or mountains in blissful peace.
    Watching a star filled sky on a warm summer night.
    Hearing the delicious giggles of children.
    Holding a sleeping baby.
    Friends who have known you forever and love you anyway.
    Looking into blue eyes I have known a very long time and finding HOME in his smile that melts heart…still.
    And yes…dancing with a man who knows how to hold you like you are the most precious desired thing in the world. Wish more guys understood that dancing IS romance.
    Glad you two are having both fun, adventure AND romance! Have a grand time!

  30. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    The sound of my daughters laughing
    Old silver
    Gorgeous sunsets with a glass of wine
    Vintage white dishes
    Flea Markets in France
    My husbands strong arm snugly around my waist
    Knowing I am loved

  31. Ahhhh, the pleasures of a romantic life…
    I have learned so much from reading
    your delightful blog.
    My pleasures?
    Good food, wine and conversation,
    Spending time by the sea soaking up the
    sun, listening to the pounding waves,
    feeling the wind in my hair,
    Tango music,
    and several other things which I shall leave
    to the imagination…

  32. Sigh! I wish my partner liked to dance. But it was lovely to see those photos of you two dancing. What a wonderful couple you are.

  33. Isn’t is awesome being in love with your husband after 20 years! I too am still crazy for my husband after 23 years. 🙂 Keep the fires burning! Blessings, Kimberly

  34. joanne nixon

    trees, music, books, an unexpected find, songs in various languages…funny kids….the full moon pregnant with promise…a cool breeze..mh husbands yell when his team wins the football game…family conversation at one of our family dinners….good food for sure…meeting great people….trying something new….i like taking pictures and enhancing them if needed….nice to just look at them and remember the characters i met along life’s journedy….

  35. Judy B. – Texas

    One of my favorite wordings is this:
    May this Special Day find you with a Song in your Heart and a Dance in your Step.
    I think you and Yann had a Special Day (and life).
    I, too, love to dance – releases my inner joys.

  36. Touching photos of your dance in Texas.
    What brings me pleasure? That changes from moment to moment, but, the constants are family; husband, daughters, sons-in-law and grandchild, friends, food being enjoyed around my table, the seasons, all four, a good book, gardening, music, writing, just sitting having a cup of coffee with friends and talking . . .

  37. Corey, I would LOVE to read all those amazhing comments but I fear that my computer will break down again (it just dies on me now at least once per 2hrs and then it will have to rest for another 4-8 hours) so I just tell you that this your article with those lovely photos brought me MUCH PLEASURE….
    and I LOVE reading, listening to music, sing, play music (cello), I love to laugh, to cook for friends, I love, love, love my Hero Husband although he drives me crazy on a regular basis…. and did I mentiont hat I love reading….. swimming, working in my garden, treasure hunt on brocantes, invite friends to our place, go to other places, eat and drink nice food, but of course i mostly love my family, son, my many friends and especially the TRUE friends…. etc. etc. etc….. Good night love!
    Mustn’t stretch my luck! Kiki

  38. I understand Yann’s reasoning for pleasure. Something that brings me great pleasure is holding hands with my husband. Such a simple act, but very profound in my soul.
    Tracy from Houston.

  39. What fun, photos, Corey; we don’t usually see you & Yann together since you’re the one blogging.
    I do think that for the French “le plaisir” has a more specifically sexual meaning. I recall an old boyfriend telling me that it was unusual to find “l’intélligence et le plaisir ensemble.” Quite a line…
    Bonne continuation à vous deux.

  40. jend’isère

    Listening to children’s explanations of their worl;creating;photos of couples in love(thanks)

  41. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    You’re just two crazy kids in love.
    Hey – didn’t you meet French husband while out dancing one night?

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