Lake Austin Spa, The Gift of a Beautiful Day

Photography and Text by Corey Amaro

Lake Austin Spa

After the Marburger fair my dear friend Mary (from Austin who I met last year from blogging), picked French Husband and I up and took us to her home. On the way to her home she told us she had a surprise for us… we expected Mexican food, good music and a few beers. Mary is a kick in the pants, she knows we need a fixin' of burritos when we come to the States —

We assumed she was going to stuff us silly….

We had Mexican food to be sure, but that was not the surprise she had waiting for us…

Austin Spa outdoor pool

After a hot shower and a good night sleep, Mary told we was inviting us to Lake Austin Spa

Now, I do not know if you have ever been to a spa, a full blown, off the charts spa, I know I certainly haven't and Lake Austin might have spoiled us for life. Literally.

Austin Spa

The moment we walked in I knew I was doomed to blog all my life. How if I hadn't blogged I would not have met Lynn, who invited me to Marburger, which is a heartbeat away from Austin. Mary would have never invited me last year to speak at her shop, and I would NEVER be her guest this year at Lake Austin Spa… but here I was with French Husband strolling the grounds in a bathrobe, walking on air after a full body massage… darn blogging!

Spa garden

Lake Austin Spa… you have spoiled me for life, do you know that? Such a beautiful place one that makes you feel like heaven is yours, that you can have your cake and lick the frosting off too. It is not pretenious, nor snobby, it is like a dream that you do not want to wake up from.

Spoiled far too spoiled were we.


I couldn't thank Mary enough. It was pure bliss.

Holy Mother of God was it good.

Lake austin spa indoors

When Mary told us we were going to the spa we told her we didn't have the proper attire packed in our suitcases. She told us, "The only thing you need is your swimsuit. The spa provides everything: Bathrobes, slippers, towels, lotions, shampoos, blow dryers, drinks, food, beauty… fainting couches, books, you name it, and I mean name it and it is available."

We grabbed our swimsuits without a moment of hesitation.

Lake Austin Spa lounge

French Husband and I were speechless at Mary's beyond thoughtful gesture of kindness.

I pinched French Husband instead of myself.

He said, "Ouch!" So I knew it was really true.

Lake Austin spa

After a Turkish bath, the sauna, a dip in the jacuzzi, a walk in the park, a swing on the hammock, a kiss to French Husband, a giggle with Mary, I had a massage by Karen who practices the Trager method

Karen is a native Californian. We were certain that our paths crossed in the Karma Cafe or the I Beam in San Francisco back in 1984. Kindred spirits. Of course I invited her to come visit me…. "I'll cook and you can give massages!" She's gamed.

After the massage she said, "You can get up when you feel like it."

With a delirious laugh I replied, "I am never leaving."

Twenty thousand moments later, with tears in my eyes I met up with French Husband and Mary. They were glowing pink, French Husband could hardly walk…. He said, "Corey, after the massage my masseuse said, "You can get up when you are ready." I told her I was never going to be ready." I laughed and told him I said the same thing.

Then I went back and took another Turkish bath, sat in the sauna, dipped in the jacuzzi, had a walk in the
park, swang on the hammock, kissed French Husband, hugged
Mary, and praised God.


31 responses to “Lake Austin Spa, The Gift of a Beautiful Day”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    What a sweet friend!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. michelleb.

    What a wonderful for gift to you both froma wonderful person. It’s amazing the places we go when we open ourselves up without expectations!

  3. Sounds like a dream!

  4. Shelley Noble

    You deserved that, Corey. So glad you got treated to it. Well done, Mary!

  5. Denise Solsrud

    how absolutely wonderful for all of you. i smiled thru the whole discription of your heaven. what a queen. and i am leaving to go out and scrap the frost off my windshield. Brrrr! i will think warm soothing muscle thoughts. that will work. 🙂 Bestest,Denise

  6. Rhonda P.

    What a wonderful gift and a wonderful way to end your Marburger trip. It sounds devine. Every couple should do a spa day!

  7. How lovely!

  8. That Mary knows how to live!! Everyone needs a good thoughtful friend like her.

  9. Everton Terrace

    What an amazing and generous gift. Wow. It’s only fitting, you give us all so much joy with your blog so I’m glad you got some back, and in spades. I just got back from vacation and already I’m plotting in my mind a potential trip to Austin!

  10. Stephanie M

    How thoughtful after a long week in the heat. The burritos will have to wait!

  11. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Absolutely lovely and well deserved.

  12. how amazing, some friends have the capability to blow us away at times, don’t they? I’m enjoying every minute of your trip, thanks!

  13. Cory, book me in for a year, ohhh that looks great.

  14. Just lovely!

  15. You have just described my absolute perfect day. I used to spa on a regular basis (so much that I feel comfortable using the word as a verb!) but I’m a bit too busy and frugal now. One day again! The Winter issue of my magazine is going to mark the start of the spa column, so perhaps I shall have to return to the world of pampering to write well-informed articles…
    So glad you are enjoying yourself, and that is a lovely friend you have..

  16. ג’קוזי

    Hey nice post with different varieties!!
    I too think that spa therapies is the best natural treatments for your physical fitness and mental peace.

  17. Kathie B.

    Oh, Corey, I know… It’s a dirty job but someone had to do it ;-))))
    When do you head to California? Will you still be there on the 16th? I have a Portuguese-American poet-friend who’ll be speaking at a bookstore in Chico that evening, in case you’re interested.

  18. I LOVE this perfect ACT of KINDNESS…
    and Michelle’s comment about the wonder that awaits…when we open up without expectation.
    You soooooooooooooooo deserved that
    special treat, Corey…and FH, too!
    And, it’s true…you are ‘doomed’ to blog ALL YOUR LIFE…we’re never giving you permission to “sign off”…tee hee…Judy

  19. Mary! you are awesome! Corey you have a beautiful, generous,and fun assortment of friends. Yann was right, where Corey goes good things follow. Enjoy this sweet trip and I am so proud that Texas hospitality (ie Mary and such) have embraced y’all and done it up right.

  20. Michelle M in KY

    Dear Corey…
    So glad that you and FH are having such a good time. That was the sweetest gift that Mary gave you. She knew exactly what you needed. Isn’t it funny how that shows up, just when you need it?
    ENJOY yourselves…what’s next on the agenda? Love tagging along with you.

  21. Karen, your masseuse, was one of my roommates in the 70s in San Francisco. She looks just the same as she did then!
    Hi Lil
    The world just got smaller!

  22. Ahhh…it must be you that brought us this lovely weather here in Austin! Have you checked out the Hill Country yet?

  23. What a lovely gift! How wonderful to have time in such a beautiful spa. Now I am drooling and want this for myself. Must go looking.

  24. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    you are loved for sure….

  25. My kind of day! Blessings, Kimberly

  26. Cool!

  27. Just catching up on your blog posts tonight, and what a treat! The spa, you and French Husband dancing in Texas, Marburger Fair and the people you met there – as always, thank you sharing your adventures.

  28. Such a wonderful gift. Blogging has truly enriched your life.

  29. What a wonderful day you describe.
    I’ve shared your story with my friend Annette who just moved to Austin – If I’d been paying attention I could have made introductions sooner.
    I so enjoy your stories and photos. I live they way you’ve connected with people this way, it’s just beautiful all the way around

  30. heurebleu

    Hi again Corey, I need some advice. I love the format of you blog…could you direct me to the host you use…or how to start my own…I am doing some traveling soon and would love to document it in this beautiful easy to use format….your photos are so incredible i can only hope to get some of my own even half as are an inspiration. Merci bien. C

  31. Such a beautiful place!! I lived right there for 4 years just before we moved to France. Lucky you!

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