The Dreaded Bug and not the Brocante


A week or so ago, French Husband caught a dreaded bug from Lynn while at the antique fair…

Four days ago I caught it from him. I passed it on to my mom's business partner Holly.

The other day at my Mother's birthday Sacha and my brother Zane had the first signs of the dreaded bug.

Yesterday, my mother lost her voice.

Today Sam my nephew was laying on the sofa…

Who will be the next lucky duck?

French Husband feels fine now… though I do not. Hence, this post is short but not contagious.


41 responses to “The Dreaded Bug and not the Brocante”

  1. Shelley Noble

    I see the bug hasn’t dampened your photography skills! You’re really shining these days, Corey.
    Please dear, get well soon!

  2. Yikes! Hope you all feel better soon!

  3. French Husband is a hottie. Great photo.

  4. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Feel better! At least it’s not bed bugs!


    Blogging through the bug – you are a force to be reckoned with! Get well soon.

  6. Perhaps you all just needed more than a nudge to take a few days off and relax?!?!!?
    Here’s hoping you are all feeling better soon!

  7. Leslie Garcia

    I hope you all feel well again soon! I loved the photos of your Mother and the family! Happy Birthday to her! It must feel so good to be home!

  8. We caught the dreaded bug while in Morocco and then took it to Paris. I think we brought it from home where a visitor insisted that she had “allergies”. I’m going to wring her neck when I see her next.
    Hope we didn’t leave the bug in Europe.
    It’s been 2 weeks and we are getting better. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  9. Hope you feel better soon Corey!!!

  10. Corey, as I read the romantic post about the wonderful apartement in Paris that had been locked for about 70 years.. I was wishing you were the first person to enter in there…to show us with your pictures the wallpapers and curtains,mirrors,candels and paintings with the love and passion you have about old things…this is a real sleeping beauty you must write about in a way…
    Get well soon.

  11. Shannon at Duchess & Bird

    Cory_ I hope the bug finishes it’s rounds and everyone is well so we can meet at Alameda Antique Fair now that you’re back in northern California~ Warmly, Shannon

  12. So sorry to hear about the dreaded bug. I
    understand that there is a cure for these bugs.
    – it’s called rest, or rust, or something like
    that. Evidently, this “rest” thing requires
    one to lounge in bed or on a sofa all day.
    Have you ever heard of such a crazy thing???
    Neither have I!!! Well, you never know Corey,
    it may be worth a try! Couldn’t hurt…right?!

  13. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    I would give you a hug but don’t want the bug! Lots of Vitamin C for all 🙂

  14. Hope you and your family feel better soon,you know you’re close when you all get sick at the same time. Take care.

  15. Take care, and rest!

  16. get well soon, Corey.

  17. jend’isère

    Basking in love and lazing around where you can be together with family will heal your spirit at least.

  18. OH.MY.GOODNESS! Everyone gargle with a little peroxide!…it kills all germs…be sure you don’t swallow it though…yuck!

  19. Bobbie Ashley

    Corey, may you and yours recover as fast as possible. Love the photograph it is beautiful. Hugs to everyone.

  20. Everton Terrace

    Drat. Being down on vacation just isn’t right. Hope you are all able to rest up and get well soon. Love the shot of FH.

  21. Brother Mathew

    I think it’s called the Brocante Slug. I feel fine by the way!

  22. Get Better soon, The BUG anytime is bad but worse while traveling. I had it for 5 days last weekend while I had house guest. Just now recovering. The only good part is that you are around loved ones and are all there to take care of each other.

  23. Kathie B.

    Just as long as my computer doesn’t catch a computer virus from your blog (LOL!).
    Hope you’re all feeling better soon. Corey, I’d send Yann out to get some photos for this weekend’s blogs — it’s the least he could do after infecting your family!

  24. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    The bug is in Kansas too. I have lost my voice, but not my ability to type!!
    Get well soon.

  25. The bug is in Amsterdam too, and we are just getting over it… finally. Hope you ALL feel better soon!

  26. Ah HA! That’s where I caught it!

  27. Oh, yuck…of all the things to share…but glad there have speedy recoveries….Yann was sick but he could still dance, chat, EAT, and travel….what a man indeed. Also the black and white photos of your mom amidst the candles, the family….the abounding love….those photos make the heart swell. YOu are awesome Corey! Belated Happy Birthday to your Faithful Gardener.

  28. I hope you all are over the dreaded bug very soon. The photo of FH is lovely.

  29. Victoria Ramos

    Happy Belated Birthday to your mom — what a present to give!!!! I just got the flu shot last week – they combined the flu and the H1N1 shot into one, so hopefully no bug will come my way…..except for the brocante bug!!!! I’m with Shannon at Duchess and Bird — Alameda Antique Fair here we come!

  30. So sorry you are not feeling well – I hope you are well-cared-for and will be feeling better soon. That picture is wonderful.

  31. Denise Solsrud

    oh drats, that dreaded bug. must be nasty to go thru so many of your family. lay low and take care of yourself. That’s important advice. Bestest,Denise

  32. Lieselotte

    Get well soon, Corey. Amazing how these bugs can be around worldwide at the same time…
    I love the pictures of your mum and her little grandchildren. She must be feeling so happy to have you all there. Give my regards to your family.

  33. annie vanderven

    Joyex Anniversaire pour votre Maman, pour vous , une tasse de the avec du miel et Rhum.
    J’avais peur que vous alliez oublier votre fancais!!!!
    Bonne sante a tous,
    Annie van der ven

  34. Feel better soon, TICA. And happy belated birthday wishes to your beautiful mother. I’ve been catching up on your posts since being away for my daughter’s daughter’s birth. You’ve been having adventures of your own, I see!

  35. Oh, Corey! Please get well soon!
    With work and my son’s homecoming week I am behind on my blog reading. Please give your mother my sincere Happy Birthday Wishes! Your pictures of her and your family make my heart full.

  36. Corey,
    For some reason, I love your posts even more when you are “home” in California…somehow, the greater depth of love comes through.
    Be well…

  37. Rhonda P.

    Feel better, rest, eat comfort food and take care.

  38. Julie Ann

    Oh bad luck honey, get well soon. We have been nothing but sick since Grace began nursery ! Jx

  39. we’re going through the same thing here in Paris! This little bug sure gets around 😉
    Hope you all feel like yourselves again soon.


    There’s a lot of TLC all around you – the bug doesn’t have a chance! Get well soon!!
    (((Ida))) from SA.

  41. Alison Murray Whittington

    Ugh… feel better!

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