Brother Mathew Sneaks into Corey’s Blog

52 responses to “Brother Mathew Sneaks into Corey’s Blog”
The sense of humor runs as a genetic trait in the family, right?
why we love to hate to love the French, that’s what i’d blog about.
Thanks, Mathew! 🙂 -
a day in the life of a French woman.
How about how women need brothers in their lives? We’re like hot dogs and buns, a perfect match.
If I was picked to write a guest post I would write about French Men and how they dress. Though I know nothing about French men, nor how they dress. But it sounds creative, BTW I would need to France to do research 🙂
Well, OF COURSE I’d blog about the books I’ve already co-translated re aspects of Azorean-American culture and history, as well as the two I’m currently working on — I mean, what else?!?!? — since my father’s parents hailed from the Azores, just like the Amaros and some of this blog’s readers!
Meantime, I shamelessly invite Tongue In Cheek fans to visit my websites in support of two of my translations: (novel) (poetry)
BTW, Corey and I virtually “met” after I discovered her wonderful description of the Holy Ghost Festa “sopas” (soup) tradition online on TIC, and emailed her for permission to quote some snippets of her writing as well as to reproduce one of her spectacular photos of the “sopas” being made in a monstrous vat. Corey graciously consented. See results at “Holy Ghost Festival” at:
End of infomercial ;-))) -
I think that was perfect! I can only imagine what my brother would post about!
aka:TOT -
I almost forgot! Hope you are enjoying your time at in the states!
aka:TOT -
Wow! That was rather short & sweet for Matt! 😉
Brothers! You just have to put up with them…cause despite the teasing they are endearing. If I were to do a guest post…it would have to be more on pot scrubbers, pot lifters, graters, choppers and other vintage kitchenware found at the flea market…sticking to what I know best.
(scrubbing pots?)
🙂 -
I would selfishly blog about the antique shop, Serendipity, in Old Town Temecula where I have a space. We are decorating for our Holiday Open House on Saturday. The shop is filled with decorated Christmas trees and vintage-style decorations. I love this time of year…even though there are 51 days till Christmas 🙂
I would write about how we all would love to trade lives with Corey in a heartbeat! Maybe not forever but at least for 3 months – you know I’m right, you all know you would. I would write about trading homes and lifestyles……tee hee….and if FH was thrown into the deal….ce la vie! We would need him to take us to the brocante. Ladies? Are you with me on this?
that cracked me up.
BROTHERS!! haha…gotta love ’em!
LOL; this really cracked me up – and I think I rather like your bro… 🙂
If I were invited, I would probably just do what I do anyway: Exchange views with people I have something to share, write about places I discover in my new area nr Paris, ramble on about the beauty of nature and human kind – throw in a few bits and bobs about MY Hero Husband (not French, but Swiss, and French spoken), and by all means I would talk about my fleamarket buys, the joy of finding (and eventually pass on) the just right thing, and last but not least, about my reads and my photography (which is sort of an open diary)…. and to be viewed (and commented) here.
Wishing you much joy! -
Link didn’t show up:
(easier if you just click on my name…) -
I don’t think I want to be a guest blogger. I can’t even come up with anything of interest to write on my own blog! But I will be happy to read whatever your guest blogger writes. You have lovely readers.
I would write a fantasy post about how Corey and I traded homes for a week or two. Corey in my house in San Francisco (or the wine country) and me in her house in the south of France! It would be fiction of course, but hey, it could also be a reality! Think about it Corey! Photos available for your perusal on my blog….!
Today, I would probably write about being present in ones life. I am finding out at my age (57) I sometimes rushed things when I was young. I see this repeated over and over again in people. Being too busy does not make you important. Enjoy the moments no matter what they are. The small and the large thingsare all very, very, important. However, I do not wish to be added into your contest. A Blogger I am not. Thank you for the therapy session.
I do hope you honked when you passed Richland Road on Highway 99 in Yuba City on your way to the airport. -
More family blogs. Maybe your Mom would write one about your visit?
Oh I’d loooove to do a guest post! I am not sure what I would do it on – perhaps about my son Finn who was born at 28 weeks and who is now a strapping sweet young lad of one year. Or ooooh, I would love to write about how my husband and I met, because it’s just about the greatest story ever. Or, I might even write about the allure of foreign men, because that is a subject we could all get into!!
Tamara -
This is perfect. I have these 3 old French postcards that I put on my blog a few weeks ago and I was thinking about giving them away. I’ve enjoyed them for a while now. I thought your readers would be the people to most appreciate them! So if I am to guest post – it would just be a giveaway of these cards.
How I would have loved to have a brother and a brother with a sense of humour, like yours!
If I were to guest post on your blog what would I write about? Well, Provence, of course, of one of my favorite places maybe, towns I like, Arles perhaps.
Hope the trip home is ok! -
Jeez, I can hardly write my own blog, so I’ll have to pass on this one. Corey, you were a breath away from my house when you were in Southern California. I could have given you that bug you came down with a little earlier. Welcome” Home”…cynthia
I would love to be a guest blogger! I would love to do my California wine country version of “Tongue in Cheek”!
I could go on and on about what I would write, but that would spoil all the fun. Let’s just say I have a claw foot tub too, a lot of old tattered junk which I think is photo worthy and a rooster that I think is so gorgeous that I’m seriously considering having him stuffed so that he can be forever memorialized on my kitchen counter. LOL
(I just put “lol” there for those who might be easily offended at the thought of stuffing a rooster for posterity, I’m really not joking) -
Reading this post made me nervous to think I could be picked. I felt the same nervousness when I met Pioneerwoman…I’m all excited and then I get stupid.. Not intentional of’s just nervous…you are like a celebrity…so I haven’t a clue what I’d write about…don’t pick me…but if you decided to and then read that at least let me know you thought you would ….lol
Love your posts..and blog…you let me live in France for a short time while baking in the sun in Florida. -
Thanks Sister,
That was fun and thank FH for letting me use him at his expense. I will start working on my next guest post for your next return. I don’t know how you do it. Keep up the good work!
Brother Mathew -
I’d abosolutely love to a guest blog post! I’d show everyone the gorgeous, huge medieval manuscript page I bought on the Left Bank in Paris (it’s framed over my piano) and I’d tell them all about my holiday harp concert coming up and the song I wrote while in Paris…
Glad you’re back home, Corey. -
P.S. and I’d give away a CD!
I’d get Rod to write the blog. After all he’s the one who introduced me to your blog. Right now he is busy working on the new room in the old garage at the cabin. He sends tempting progress reports which would make a great blog entry.
Guest blogger for a day…Tongue in Cheek all to my little self. I would turn it into an advice column for a day. The subject? Breaking all the rules..American Husband, Fisherman Sandal and the White Sock. What’s a peep toe wearing wife do to? Your readers could write in with tips and suggestions on how to hide a husband’s treasure chest of drawers filled with white socks.
Little dogs,
French Husband.
Thanks Mat to put me on the 3rd position after the dogs …
I still like you. 😉 -
Apparently FH just joined the competition to get to write the next blog?
Women and facial hair. Your cousin Franco Bolla missed her esthetician appt and now has a full beard and mustache. Looking at the two photos of Corey, one with her hand covering her chin area and the other not showing her face at all…I “fear” she may have the same afflication as Franco.
,I Would LOVE, LOVE LOVE to guest blog! If I did it, I would write about Marie Christophe-an amazing artiste who lives just outside Paris-I got to meet her and visit her atelier while I was in Paris…she is commissioned by the likes of HERMES, DIOR and CARTIER!!!! And she is the most down-to-earth, kind and lovely person you could ever meet.
OR, I would blog about going to france and shopping the fleas and bringing back fab things-my favoite being A REAL FRENCH YOGURT CONTAINER SO I CAN MAKE COREY’S CAKE!
OR, I would blog about how best to do the big Brimfield show that happens 3 times a year in Massachusetts.
Jackie Lantry
bliss farm antiques
ps you do look sexy young lady;0 -
Some interesting ideas for guest-blog-for-a-day. I like the spunk of Rebecca from the Pacific Northwest. I’m interested in seeing Franco Bozo with a Wilson Beard. I’m not interested in someone wax on about some brocante find. White socks tale might work.
Just my two cents. -
Port Hope… isn’t that an inviting name for a town? Especially one full of lovely antiques, art, & architecture. Perhaps your readers would enjoy a glimpse of small town Canada and the treasures to be found here. Or not 🙂 You’re a tough act to follow!
Your blog offers it’s visitors a few moments to escape from their own daily dilemmas. That is a gift & we are grateful. -
I would never blog about brocante on your blog Matthew, as we all know, you DO NOT have the brocante bug and I would not torture you that way. I would blog about my amazing husbands talent. He is an artist, an avian artist to be exact. It is also known as taxidermy, but he specializes in birds, and only birds. He mounts for museums, and the Audubon Society, the Corps of Engineers as well as to the average Joe. I would tell you more, but then I wouldn’t have anything to blog about would I?
Your hair is beautiful.
what would i blog about, my passion for shopping, my passion for reality tv, my love of any kind of home cooking. No I would blog about my art and how at age 58 I finally find a passion besides my husband in life. Its how Cory feels about the Brocante, its how you all feel about the willows. Its art its not rocket science but it is love
Hi Corey
I would love to wrote a guest post but anomously…as a stranger peeking in. Keep them guessing! Love and hugs Pinkie -
Hmmm. Being addicted to blogs i thought the answer would be right in front of me. But I’m sure the post would have to fit into what tongue in cheek is all about otherwise a lot of new readers would be confused as to what your blog is all about…. Hmmm I’m stumped!
All I can thinking of has to do with “amour” (how original!), like “Falling in Love with Brocanting in France” (I bow my head in shame for ever having uttered “I hate flea markets!”), or “My Star-Crossed Love Affair with France” (subtitle: “Trying Not to Lose my Head after Falling Head over Heels”). And then there would be my love of French food and, especially, actually cooking in France.
Btw, who actually took these pictures of yours?
That person knows how to capture your soul. -
I am more or less Corey’s age, live abroad outside my native land (a Brit moved to Malta 16 years ago), and am, like Corey, a person with two home(lands). My son is a child born and brought up in Malta, a little person with mixed up feeling about a multicultural background. I think I would guest blog true to Corey style about that odd concept of ‘home’. I now find myself needing to return to the UK for several weeks to take care of my elderly parents, just as Corey returned to the US a while back for hers. I still call my folks’ home
‘home’ though I never lived in that house. A parallel universe – Corey, the US and France – and me, the UK and Malta. Feelings shared by people who’ve never met.
Amazingly though, we spent the same night in La Madone this September – a mere floor or two apart!
Hi Liz
You were the one in the apartment next door! Nathalie told me it was a family, but nothing more. Darn, I wish I had known!
C -
I would blog about how magic people find each other, just walking around anywhere (it may be Paris, or a brocante in San Francisco?)or blogging.
🙂 -
I think Mardog should write an exposé of what really goes on between the vines in Napa Valley during harvest. Give you something to thing about while you nurse that glass of lusty, full-bodied cabernet.
But, hey, I’m just a clown … what do I know?
Signed FrancA Bozo
(at least get my first name right, willya?) -
As a guest blogger, I do not know what I would post about. It could take me a long while to chose among several subjects.
But I know I would NOT post about “FH”, because Corey’s the only one who has that very special wit to do it !
– Yann, see there, you come FIRST !!! ; )
I would not post about “small dogs”, because I like big ones.
And I would not post about “brocanting” because it’s not my cup of tea …
MN -
I don’t really want to guest post but I would write about my cats and their personalities!
Hi Coco and readers,
I would love to write a guest post. I’d like to write about how as an American girl from the midwest (WI) I’ve spent much of my life searching–seeking–living overseas as an expat beginning at age 15 and on and off until 30. I’ve lived in Europe and SE Asia as a teacher and student, but it took several trips around the world before I found the love of my life right here in my own backyard. The thing is, it was all necessary. I needed all that to appreciate the concept of “home” and knowing where one’s heart is. Knowing how it feels to be divided between worlds and the yearning and longing one feels when between the two. I have also lived overseas the whole time with a chronic illness–an auto-immune disease–type 1 diabetes–and feel many people would not have chosen to be as adventurous and daring seeking travels, alternate lives and amazing adventures overseas–but I don’t let such things hold me back. Of course I consider them and have to plan and be responsible, but I believe I have done such things not in spite of, but in part because of childhood illness (type 1 since I was a wee little girl).
Corey, November is Diabetes Awareness Month and I’d love to write a post about living overseas with a chronic illness and the challenges–and lessons–one learns when comparing the American experience–my midwestern life–to that of Europe or SE Asia.
And of course, I’d love to write about my love. I can email you a proposed guest post–with some lovely photographs, too, if you’d like.
You can read some of my story and get a sense of my writing and life an find links to my poetry and writing on diabetes and life overseas on my personal blog: and see my photos on flickr at and
I’m excited to hear from the guest bloggers. I think it’s a great idea and would be honored to write a guest post or series for you when you’d like to feature other talented writers with stories to tell–or some lovely photographs–and good stories to share! I may be your gal…
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