The Cat in the Hat Wore a Beret

(Photos taken by Chelsea's friend Vanessa while in New York for Halloween.)


We arrived back home in France to hear that it had rain cats and dogs. More cats than dogs. In fact one cat. That famous cat. Our neighbor's cat. The cat that has trespassed through our upstairs window (and only God knows how) and peed in our bedroom twice! That naughty little cat. Cute cat yes, but cute doesn't exempt peeing.



That cat fell down our chimney.



Chelsea on the other hand dressed up as a bigger cat and flew to New York for Halloween.



Cats are going places these days.



French Husband is not a cat but he dragged me to Toulouse less than twenty-two hours after after hearing about the cat's tale. He had some business to bark about, and since we do not have children at home he trapped me into going with him. Well not a trap, but a gentle beg. How could I say no? Who wants to stay home alone, unpack suitcases, while feeling the quiet stillness right after being home in Willows for Halloween?




(Photo: Chelsea putting on fake nails to look more like a cat. And BTW that is my jacket I wondered where it went!)



Our friend Annie, went to check our home after our friends had left. She went by to collect the mail, fed the fish in the pond and make sure nothing weird was going on. On Halloween day she heard a strange noise in our home, but could not tell where it was coming from. Annie said, "I thought, I must be imagining things and left. Though the next day I heard the same strange noise again– so I called our friend Mat to come check it."




The kitten (It isn't a cat because it isn't even a year old,) had fallen down the chimney three floors worth! Not even Santa Claus could pull that trick unscathed. When our friend Mat opened the insert door he found the poor little kitten inside. It jumped on him for dear life. Mat gave it some water, by holding the bowl to it, since the kitten would not let go of him, nor stop meowing.



Yes, Mat was the cat's hero.




Our chimney has a screen on top, so that birds and things do not fall inside. The chimney has an insert at the base, so there was nowhere to go for the poor little cat that fell in… How did it fall in? Only God knows (at least two days without water, food or a bathroom.)



Mat, on the way back to his car, with the kitten crawling all over him meowing non-stop, saw a poster that read "Chaton Perdu". The kitten in his hand and the kitten on the poster were a match.



The owners gladly took their kitten home. Annie said, "It is a lucky thing it didn't die in your chimney. A dead cat in the house is a bad thing."



Thank God there is a miracle to this story, and more "chaton" adventures to come.




Note: As for who will be a guest blogger on Tongue in CHeek, I will let you know as soon as I talk with that knucklehead brother of mine. Which means tomorrow I'lllet you know. Thank you for your ideas, and comments. I might have to have several of you fill in as guest bloggers, instead of just one person. Who would you like to see as a guest blogger?


26 responses to “The Cat in the Hat Wore a Beret”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Jason Bateman.
    : )
    Julie M.
    ps I’m so happy that the kitty is okay…poor thing! It’s a li’l miracle…perhaps they should call it “Santa Claws.”

  2. Brad and Angelina
    Your daughter is stunning…meow!
    the poor kitten!
    oh yes, the quite of the kids not being at home;(…I quite dislike it…
    bliss farm antiques

  3. The choice is obvious Corey! French Husband, followed by the NY cat, Annie herself, Your boy that flew, then maybe the neighbours cat, the pastry baker, your marvelous Mother, your brothers!(do you have sisters?)then … your cousins! That way your family could give you a nice break from blogging: A little holiday!… though if you asked all your cousins, I guess we wouldn’t hear from you for a year!

  4. Ed in Willows

    Too bad the cat that fell down the chimney wasn’t the same one that’s been sneaking into your bedroom. (would it be considered a “cat Burglar)? On the bright side, you got your chimney cleaned.

  5. What an adventure that kitten had. It also looks like Chelsea is having quite an adventure and such a cute kitten is she.

  6. Poor little kitten must have been terrified. Thank goodness it was safe, got rescued in time, and could be returned to its family. (You can sure tell who’s a cat-lover!)
    Guest bloggers should definitely be Chelsea, Sacha & FH. Maybe also your mom, or Annie (as told to Corey).

  7. Everton Terrace

    Oh that poor little kitten. Thank goodness you had Annie coming by. Other than Sacha, Chelsea and FH, I wouldn’t care to have guest bloggers – you are so wonderful why would we want an imposter? Oh, Annie with all her wisdome, she is also an acceptable substitute.

  8. Chris Wittmann

    I’m so happy the kitten is now safe, what a horrible experience for the little tike. We are currently feeding a young male cat outside, and he is sheltering in our barn, but he is feral and we can’t get close to him yet. Maybe when winter’s cold really kicks in, I’m hoping I can at least let him stay in my workshop where it’s warmer. Have greatly enjoyed your blogs from California even though I haven’t commented much, it’s a busy time here, I’m gearing up for the holiday season and working on a brand new website (myself!!!). It’s been very tedious work. Can’t wait to see your brocante open again!

  9. Ivote for FH, Mathew and your Mom as guest bloggers. Bet your Mom has some funny stories to share.

  10. Gathering Better Junque

    I would love to hear French Husbands story of falling in love with his California girl!!!

  11. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Ok girls, as long as we’re dreaming then I put my vote in for Tom Selleck!

  12. Shelley Noble

    FH!!! Great idea. And tell him he has to be completely honest here!

  13. Very creative costume. That coat looks so good on her, does it really get all that cold in France?

  14. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Poor little kitten…I am glad he is ok.
    I would love to hear your Mother speak about raising her family and life in her 70″s now.
    Being in my middle 60’s is wonderful and so far the best time of my life and I am hoping the 70’s will be even better and more peaceful…and I don’t mean “dead” peaceful!!

  15. Victoria Ramos

    Your little kitten looks cold in the NYC picture — but I am sure they had a ball.

  16. Franca Bollo

    I don’t know why a litle pipi du chat on your floor would be upsetting. In wine tasting terms, it’s consider a good thing. Next time le chat leaves a little pipi, stick your pinky in it and see if it has hints of gooseberry.
    NB: I defer to anything the esteemed Mardog has to say on this subject … because I am just a clown, right Choop?

  17. I love all you share
    I love you
    Jeanne =^..^=

  18. Amy Kortuem

    It must be the week for kitty disasters. My big, white, gorgeous and very, very, very hairy Turkish angora cat (he’s named Harry…) set his tail on fire the other night by sweeping it through a candle I had sitting on the coffee table – the coffee table he’s not supposed to jump on.
    Bad, but very lucky, kitty! Hope all else is well with the French Kitten and the New York Kitten and with you!

  19. Ahhhh, poor little kitty! Its been so long since I have visited your blog. Life has been busy, but I just wanted to check in and say Hi Corey!

  20. Marie Noelle

    Was your friend Mat dressed up as a fireman or a chimney sweeper on Halloween ?
    Please, more tales …

  21. I think Annie should be a quest blogger!

  22. Annie, bien sur!

  23. Merisi, Vienna

    My vote goes to Annie, s.v.p.!

  24. I agree with the others, I’d love a post from Annie!

  25. Judy B. – Texas

    Guest bloggers? please no. Why ruin a good thing. I’d rather you blog fewer times a week than have guest bloggers (other than members of your family, plus Annie). Just saying…..

  26. Your daughter is absolutely adorable – as a cat or not! I’m sure the kitty in the flue was adorable,but not as well behaved as Chelsea.

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