French Brocante is Back


Photography and text by Corey Amaro


French Brocante. The day before we left to the States French Husband and I went to the brocante. We arrived early and stayed until the end.

"Why would someone stay all day at the brocante?" I can hear my brother Mathew asking.

If you have never been to a brocante it is hard to understand.


The first time my mother came to a brocante in France she said, "I've died. I'm in Heaven with my tongue hanging out, tripping over it!"


French dish towel holder


Anyway, we stayed at that brocante from sun-up until sun-down, filling our car. Then drove two hours home, unloaded the car, showered and went out to dinner with some blogging friends (Ching, her husband, and Dee Dee and her daughter.) We arrived home after midnight… and had yet our bags to pack for our trip. Needless to say, we didn't sleep as we had to be at the airport by five in the morning.






Several weeks later when we returned home, the boxes of old things that I found at the brocante remain on the floor.

Waiting for me to deal with them…

Funny, but since I have been home the brocante bug hasn't been biting me. I haven't felt its symptoms, the pull, the urge, the whatever to do the brocante thing.

I must be sick.

The boxes haven't even tempted me to unopen them.



So so so strange.

Empty house, plenty of time, boxes full of old things, my Tongue in Cheek Antique site waiting for me to DO  SOMETHING… and the brocante bug is nowhere to been seen.


If I hadn't gone through the "change of life, Madame M." years ago, I would have thought something weird was going on inside of me.

The brocante bug has been a part of my life since I went antiquing with my Mom and Aunt Marie back in the 70's.


Luckily for me, my friends Michelle and Herve called and I invited them over for lunch tomorrow (Tomorrow November 11th is a French Holiday). I do not know about you, but whenever I know someone is coming over it puts fire under my ashes… it jumps starts me to get things done that I have been putting off.


Fruit painting on board


I have been known to ask people to come over just to get my rear in gear. Sad motivation tool wouldn't you say.

What motivates you?





43 responses to “French Brocante is Back”

  1. Corey,
    nice painting, how are you?
    Happy Thanksgiving and all that jazz.

  2. Exactly the same thing. I invite friends over and hurry about to get everything (or most everything) spruced up, repaired (as filling the cracks in the marble floor). Then I can sit back, have a glass of champagne and enjoy our friends.

  3. Oh returning back to “normal” life after a visiting one’s family such as you have can be an adjustment.
    i am glad you found something to motivate you back into your routine.
    As for me…. there isn’t much that can motivate me to do housework…. Motivation for me has to do with desire.
    i am certain you will get yours back soon.

  4. I totally am with you! It takes some time to regroup after visiting family and many times I have been motivated by impending company!!

  5. Money motivates me 🙂
    As well rock and roll to clean my house.

  6. jend’isère

    The bug will be metamorphasised upon your first find at the next early Sunday morning, for sure.

  7. Everton Terrace

    The SAME thing. There have been times I’ve planned whole parties just to get my husband to finish a big project. I think I would have gone through that box though, not sure how you are able to leave it there. Can’t wait to see inside.

  8. Christine Warren

    I tell my husband all the time that if we didn’t have a party a couple times a year, the house would never get cleaned. It is great motivation! Hope you have a good time with your friends.

  9. Oh, I have missed your Brocante posts. Can’t wait to see what you will list.

  10. linda marcov

    All in due time my dear, there is a season for all things.Love you.

  11. I am just the same about company and getting my rear in gear. My brother came to visit last month and we finally repainted the living room and I cleaned and dusted with an enthusiasm for housekeeping that I rarely have.

  12. A party, a party, I always love a party. Why? Aha, the rub, so they say, is because a party is a sure-fire way to pick things up and finish projects, and on, and on, and on.
    The problem is, we had so many parties this summer that now, before Thanksgiving guests arrive, I find I really must have the carpets cleaned.
    Maybe I’ll just go to one of my favorite antique shops instead. ha!

  13. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Your blog motivates me.

  14. Have friends come over for a meal definitely also motivates me. Holidays motivate me, as I want the house to look nice. Yes, the brocante bug will return, of that I am sure.

  15. Chris Wittmann

    Definitely company coming for dinner…then I HAVE to clean the house! With 4 cats, 2 woodstoves and a sloppy husband my house is never as clean as it should be. Can’t wait to see your new treasures in the shop 🙂

  16. “to get my rear in gear” hahaha my Mom says this! I must have heard this a hundred times as I was growing up~~thank you for the memory. And your ennui is temporary. It happens. No worries, just time for your soul to rest and regroup. Love to you!

  17. Doing one thing motivates me to do another, so it’s all in the getting started. Once I start, I’m on a roll. And what gets me to take that first step? Some kind of a deadline – I love deadlines so much I should have worked for a newspaper!

  18. First time I’ve posted here but when my friends come over to see what I’ve bought, and we have to pull it all out, and ooh & ahh over it, it gets my excitement going.

  19. An impending visit from the mother in law!!!!NOTHING gets me moving faster becauseshe always has ALOT to say!

  20. Now that FH has been bitten by the bug as well, I’m sure he’ll stoke the brocante fire as well.

  21. Brenda L from TN

    Sounds to me as if you’re tired and maybe still some jet lag? Once all that passes you’ll be your “old” self again… soon we’ll be getting blogs all about your “new” treasures….get some more rest.

  22. I have finally reconciled myself to the reality of cleaning for company. It is just what I do. And at least the cleaning happens.
    When I lose interest in important things? Sometimes I just have to put one foot in front of the next and the inspiration catches up with me.
    Welcome home,

  23. susan russel

    Respect your spirit’s need to rest a little. It was a long trip with many memories. Maybe you’re still in California?

  24. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Corey dear, this is the passage I knew you would go through when things slowed down from children leaving, trip to the states to be in home air, and you had to stop and re gear. I
    can’t tell you how long that will take, but just maybe start writing about this feeling and get it on the table. It will pass…but you may just find another desire to focus on. This is the beginning of a new life for you both. It could take months to adjust. It is like a new job…it take a while to get it down with a routine.
    The boxes can wait. I have left my studio for a year or more several times in my life and it is usually after a major change. Thank God I didn’t go through with selling everything!!!
    much love.

  25. The seasons change and we respond. Your life is also in a season of change. Know that this is a time to rest and absorb all that is around you now and what has gone just before. You write so beautifully about all of that and in doing so you organize and articulate it all for yourself. Be patient with yourself and allow time to tell what comes next. Enjoy the moment as you always do.

  26. Denise Solsrud

    i have never been to a brocante, but i understand. would stay all day,even if i couldn’t stand it. i may not shop the whole time,but i would not want to leave. feast those eyes. i did have an idea tho for you. if you can’t get into those boxes,don’t open them, just slap a label on the boxes and ship them off to me. wellll….i girl can dream, right? Bestest,Denise

  27. Hope it cleans up quickly and you can focus on your guests. That tape measure would make a wonderful jump rope.

  28. I often invite people over so that I will get my house clean not just neatened up. It’s an incentive like no other. My children laugh at me, but I also always clean the house before leaving on a trip. I hate coming home to my own mess.

  29. jend’isère

    Too anxious to send encouragement, I sent you my usual typos, sorry. Correction:
    The bug will be metamorphasised upon your first find at the next early Sunday brocante, for sure.

  30. I’m the same way, nothing in the house bothers me too much until company is coming over. YIKES, I get my rear in gear. Too funny.
    But on the unpacking of brocante boxes, I’m on my way….so get ready….I’m coming to help you……I wish.

  31. Oh, no you don’t Corey! There are too many of us waiting with bated breath to see what you found. I do think that your “bug” is only temporarily lost. You have had such a journey – on many levels – you just need to settle in. It’s not just the actual physical travel for you both; it’s the emotional roller coaster of seeing family, seeing your children again, then bidding them all goodbye….just too too much. You will “be back”. Hugs.

  32. joanne nixon

    oh my….i have to be motivated in much the same way….but it is mostly when the family gets together and i know that it wouldn’t be nice to have “stuff” on the dining table or dust kittens in the corner..
    but…once it is done, what a great feeling !! now all i have to do is semi keep it like this……(never gonna happen…)

  33. RSA Certificate

    I hope you will post all your brocante findings 🙂 That’s what will motivate me;)

  34. ellen cassilly

    I think that I have been known to use a similar motivating tool on myself. Hugs, E

  35. Jennifersleeper

    It sounds like you need to get to the Dr. and sort out this brocante thing !

  36. Linda Hansen

    Give yourself the moments needed to get back into your usual routines. You’ll know when you’re ready. Don’t push for a moment too soon! Deadlines always motivate me. And it always feels good to have the accomplishment of a completed project!

  37. You have been on the go for months and maybe you need a little time to ease back in to your French home and life. Be kind to yourself. Let each day unfold naturally. Bask in the warmth of your heart and hearth. The BB will return in its own good time and you’ll be out and about once again kicking up your heels over your latest amazing finds. You put your heart and soul into your blog, and it motivates me to find meaning and beauty in the small moments that fill my own life. Many thanks for your daily tribute to la dolce vita. You’ve got it goin’ on girl!!!

  38. Itsrainingcake

    I have been looking for a hand letter holder for a long time. Today I found an imitation white one which was so ugly. I was — this close to buying it but I held back. So, hopefully your shop will have it available! Love your site!

  39. Motivation? Let me tell you..
    Iron the sheets..
    Fresh flowers.
    Hardwood floors so clean..I once had a houseguest fall on their rear.
    Out of season fresh fruit… Anything you want..
    Local reading on the bedside table.
    Sleepover and the houseguest…
    Stay another night!
    (Just found out the winners for your guest blogger via Kiki (my co-winner) She sent over a gracious email. So, humbled to you Corey. Let me just say… I have something up my sleeve for TIC!

  40. michelleb.

    Not at all. It’s the same tool I use to get motivated.

  41. Corey, Inertia is lurking around every corner when there is something we SHOULD do. So do what you want the rest will follow….I have a terrible time getting started…it’s like looking at the blank white page as an artist…it will pass. Hope to see you in late January. Let me know what time is more convenient..I’m “passing ” through.

  42. I always wanted to believe that I was a person that if given the time, would have all her ducks in a row. But slowly, now that i’m 50, i’m coming to accept that i need deadlines to get things done. when i have free time–i watch T.v. sad but true.

  43. Peggy Miles

    Elaine Hillman Ferguson was also a friend of mine and we often spoke of going to France together “next time”. She so loved the time she spent with you a couple of years ago. When I was in Normandy this summer she was already ill and I told her all about my visit with my cousins when I returned to the States.
    I called the day before she died and when a friend held the phone to her ear, I told her she would always be with me no matter where either of us went.
    She will be missed.

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