Photography and text by Corey Amaro
French Brocante. The day before we left to the States French Husband and I went to the brocante. We arrived early and stayed until the end.
"Why would someone stay all day at the brocante?" I can hear my brother Mathew asking.
If you have never been to a brocante it is hard to understand.
The first time my mother came to a brocante in France she said, "I've died. I'm in Heaven with my tongue hanging out, tripping over it!"
Anyway, we stayed at that brocante from sun-up until sun-down, filling our car. Then drove two hours home, unloaded the car, showered and went out to dinner with some blogging friends (Ching, her husband, and Dee Dee and her daughter.) We arrived home after midnight… and had yet our bags to pack for our trip. Needless to say, we didn't sleep as we had to be at the airport by five in the morning.
Several weeks later when we returned home, the boxes of old things that I found at the brocante remain on the floor.
Waiting for me to deal with them…
Funny, but since I have been home the brocante bug hasn't been biting me. I haven't felt its symptoms, the pull, the urge, the whatever to do the brocante thing.
I must be sick.
The boxes haven't even tempted me to unopen them.
So so so strange.
Empty house, plenty of time, boxes full of old things, my Tongue in Cheek Antique site waiting for me to DO SOMETHING… and the brocante bug is nowhere to been seen.
If I hadn't gone through the "change of life, Madame M." years ago, I would have thought something weird was going on inside of me.
The brocante bug has been a part of my life since I went antiquing with my Mom and Aunt Marie back in the 70's.
Luckily for me, my friends Michelle and Herve called and I invited them over for lunch tomorrow (Tomorrow November 11th is a French Holiday). I do not know about you, but whenever I know someone is coming over it puts fire under my ashes… it jumps starts me to get things done that I have been putting off.
I have been known to ask people to come over just to get my rear in gear. Sad motivation tool wouldn't you say.
What motivates you?
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