Opening the painted blue grey trunk your heart beats stronger, you breath in deeper, and you wonder what will you find. Dreaming big you open it with anticipation of gold, pearls, crowns, paintings, old paper… and then the other voice in your head starts to whisper, dead bugs, dust bunnies, something stinky, mildew…
Low and behold neither is true. But what you do find makes you whistle and step back. "Nice, very nice!"
If you are like me you think to yourself, "I wanted to be an Altar boy when I was a kid, I wanted to be a priest when I got older… neither were meant to be….but now I get to wear their clothes, hot damn!"
A whole trunk, a dozen or so, of 1900s altar boy chemises, and they fit.
Lordy, lordy.
So you buy them, plan to keep one, sell the others and give one away.
Christmas is coming, my online shop is re-opening, and hopefully, I'll be walking to the post office often these days… so one more giveaway is order.
Would you like one? If so tell me have you ever witnessed a miracle? I'll randomly pick someone tomorrow.
Notes about Yesterday:
Paula S. of New Mexico you are the winner of the box of ALSA macarons. Please send me your address and I'll send them to you.
Paula, I hope you will send a picture when you make them!
Thanks for your cookie favorites! I should have asked for recipes too. Gosh after ready all the sweetness, I had to eat something sweet! Note to self do not talk about cookies when you should be avoiding them. Maybe it is a good thing I didn't aske for recipes!
Miracles instead.
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