Willows on my Mind

Photo by Chelsea, text by Corey Amaro



That is where my heart goes,

That is where I find my roots that hold me in place,

That is where the long road ends, where the green never seems less green.

Home is where my soul knows no bounds, and my arms never tire.

Home, that is where I am when I feel the distance between the

Here and now, I don't have words, nor do I need them.

Home is no longer an external place; it is within me. It rises from the core of my being, Like a spring that goes beyond space and time.

Willows has blessed me.



Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts towards Justin, his family and those who loved him. Thank you also for keeping Mr. Lambert and his family close to heart as well. Their families and my family thank you deeply.



10 responses to “Willows on my Mind”

  1. Ahhhh, home is a place within! Goosebumps… thank you Corey for sharing opening even the sad and deep and real with us all. Your trust and love radiates and spreads its ways gently among us all. Sweetness and softness and love. xxKd

  2. that was a beautiful tribute to Justin yesterday. Very fitting for such a special young man.
    Today home, wow. I think home stays with us forever. It’s the feelings that spring forth at the mention of “home” that overwhelm us with emotions..

  3. Corey you and your intentions remain in my prayers.

  4. Corey, you were just having this discussion with us the other week re what constitutes “home.” I guess the answer for those of us who grew up in one place, then settled permanently elsewhere, might be that it’s possible to have more than one. But that doesn’t diminish the value of either home, just adds to the richness of life.

  5. Your words show so easily what home means to you – I think whenever we feel the most need for comfort is when memories of home drawn us back. Perhaps it’s the brain’s way of helping you through this difficult time, giving it to you mentally as you are unable to physically be there. Incredible sadnesses need great peace and love: I hope you and all the friends and families find both in the days ahead.

  6. How beautiful to feel those kinds of roots and connections. That is a rarity today.

  7. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    I think Home is an organ in our body. Always there, ever functioning, sometimes making one feel ‘homesick.”
    love you

  8. Yeah, I can see that too…. As will the shores of Lac Léman – Switzerland always be MY HOME….
    Justin and all the families and friends are in my prayers Corey, that’s promised and will be hold! Love and kisses, and warm hugs to all of you

  9. I had heard about Justin’s accident on Sunday. Did not know the outcome until I read your post yesterday. Very saddened by the news.

  10. Oh, Corey. That was so beautifully said. There is no place like home.
    My heart is heavy for your loss. You and yours are in my prayers. I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your friend. Your love is felt by all.
    Wishing you, your family and friends – peace.

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