Photography and text by Corey Amaro
What happens when you take an old piece and give it a modern twist? What happens when the old things you love invite you to see them in a new way. What happens when creativity guides you, and history allows itself to be reinvented?
What happens?
These Louis Sixteenth style chairs have had the back medallion removed and Plexiglass added. The seats are reupholstered in silk-velvet, bold colored stripe fabric.
Re-purposing, Restoring, Re-inventing equals Recycling at its finest.
Genius creativity.
Louis sixteenth style: "Louis XVI, or Neoclassical style began to take root before the death of Louis XV in 1774. Madame de Pompadour and her brother, the Marquis de Marigny, were among the first to be attracted by the new classical style in the 1750s. From 1748 onward the characteristically French regard for formality was stimulated by the archaeological discoveries at the sites of the ancient Roman…" From the Britannica.
Imagine Madame de Pompadour, sitting with the King of France reinventing the chair of their time, with reflections of ancient Rome.
Is there anything new under the sun, or are we simply influenced by the beauty and creativity around us?
The other day at an antique shop in Barjols I saw these Louis sixteeth style chairs with their twist of modernity. Isn't it intriguing when we can see something in a new way which allows our creative wheels to turn?
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