Christmas in France

Christmas holly

Christmas in France, what would you like to see?

Let me know and I will try to take a photo for you and post it on the blog.

Brother Mathew do not ask me to take a photo of a Lump of Coal.

Orama do not ask me to take a photo of a Santa cookie without its head.

And Francabollo keep it clean.

The rest of you are free to say what you want.



61 responses to “Christmas in France”

  1. Decorations and all the beautiful things
    I love to see everything you share………
    Love to see Annie’s face as much as possible too
    Tell her a very Merry Christmas
    God’s most richest blessings for us all
    Love Jeanne♥

  2. French streets decorated and food in bakeries! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Well, I want to hear what Francabollo has to say;)
    bliss farm antiques

  4. A decorated Christmas tree. Thanks 🙂

  5. the wheat of Saint Barbe.
    I forgot to plant mine again.

  6. How the shops look at Christmas — and maybe a view to the inside of a Christmas tree or two.

  7. Decorated store fronts, bakeries… restaurants!… old fashioned mercury glass ornaments from the brocante!

  8. Food please, and whatever else makes you happy!

  9. Old barns and houses. Any outdoor market, people in cafes.

  10. A picture of a nativity scene! I collect nativities and I would love to see a French one!

  11. Children delighting in the joys of Christmas. Or perhaps a video of a Christmas carol sung in French.

  12. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    I would love to see some of your own decorations Corey…I bet they are beautiful!

  13. Corey, since I am nearly completely absent on your blog (too much other things lined up) I just wanted to wish you a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and quietly wonder what might give most joy to your readeres… and I think it will be what YOU have planned for your Christmas; your deco, your tree, your thoughts, as you do so well all year round!
    I’ll be back with you in January – and I miss you greatly…
    …. I see I CAN put hearts, thank you Jeanne for ‘pointing this out’….

  14. Maybe a picture of a Christmas market or pictures of Christmas cakes and pastries. That would be lovely.

  15. a child on pere noel’s lap…or is that an american thing?-g

  16. Brenda L from TN

    A French Santa Claus…a snowman…people ice skating…your Christmas tree…a French nativity scene…store windows with decorations…
    Merry Christmas to ALL but especially to you,Corey,FH,Chelsea,Sachsa and Annie…

  17. I would love to see your house decorated for Christmas. A group of French women having coffee. And a French market bustling with shoppers. Am I requesting too much? I’m just a French girl at heart and want to see it all. I’m subbing in 6th grade French tomorrow so I’m especially thinking about France this week 🙂

  18. I want to see how you decorated your home! Or Annie in her Chrismas sweater I just love her….

  19. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Shop windows!!

  20. Denise Solsrud

    i would like to see christmas tree lights in the dark. Bestest,Denise

  21. Corey, did you take photos during Hanukkah in Provence earlier this month? Are there also Winter Solstice (and other) observances? I imagine at least Marseille is quite multicultural (counter-cultural too?).
    Like several others here already, I especially appreciate photos of holiday foods 🙂

  22. C, like everyone above (or below) would love to see how you decorated, how your village is decorated, how do shops decorate? Maybe, a shot of your village church? of course, Annie!! xo

  23. Love the new look:) Monica

  24. A photo of you, Yann and Annie together, toasting the holidays.

  25. I would like to see photos of your evening as you celebrate Christmas Eve. I like what you have done on your Brocante site, really pleasing to the eye! I wish you a Merry Christmas, and many warm cozy memories!

  26. Karen@Pas Grand-Chose

    Wow – love the new look on your brocante site! I would also love to see your christmas decorations and food, as well as your village and local church at christmas.

  27. Emilia De Martino

    Dear corey
    I wish, I wish, I just wish I could be there to join in!!
    Have a blessed and Happy Christmas!!

  28. house door and window decorations, please!

  29. Paris….

  30. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    I would like to see you living room fireplace decorated for Christmas.

  31. I would like to see how your village is decorated. And, doorways, yes, all those great doors you have photographed with decorations would be nice.
    Merry Christmas!

  32. I’d love to see you sitting on French Husband’s lap! He must wear a Santa hat, of course:)

  33. Your tree or anything that speaks to you of winter and christmas. Of course family, friends and village too!

  34. Brother Mathew

    I’d like to see a shot of a fine french antique arm chair taken during early evening in the soft glow of a candle lit room. with the caption: where do you rest your behind? Don’t ever lump me in with those other cyberbully hacks Orama, Franca or Mardog for that matter!

  35. Everyone has so many good suggestions, I would love to see all that has already been mentioned here. Merry Christmas and have fun photographing!

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    Well, well, Corey… You asked and you got replies… That will keep you busy, VERY busy !!!
    I have the little wish to see pictures of decorated windows…
    AND I’ll send you some from my own bag !!!

  37. A French church or anything in your lovely home decorated for Christmas.

  38. Mary Lou/TX

    I would like to see street scenes of people carrying on thier every day lives…what they are
    Just daily activities around Christmas time.

  39. I would love to see the decorated doors, shop windows, and shutters….

  40. Oh, I think I’d love to see the people. The movement. The faces. The excitement in front of a decorated vitrine, perhaps. A mother and child hand in hand in their shopping stroll.
    Lovely of you to ask…, lovely as always.

  41. Victoria Ramos

    As mentioned by many above – beautifully decorated french shop window, your christmas decorations —- and I agree with Amanda above:
    “you sitting on French Husband’s lap! He must wear a Santa hat, of course:)”….. love vickie

  42. I think Brother Mathew would appreciate what I’d like to see – a typical Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner with MEAT. Would we see a nice Duck Confit, a Goose or a rich Beef Bourguigonne. Yum, I love a good Duck Confit! Joyeux Noel!

  43. Amy Kortuem

    I’d love to see a harp somewhere! I’d also love to see Notre Dame on Christmas Eve, but I think that’s a bit of a hike for you just to photograph it for me…

  44. Rachel Lees

    I would like to see an old French church at night, and people Christmas shopping in a night market.

  45. The thirteen deserts please and a crib with vintage santons, Jxxxxxxx

  46. Would love to see the Christmas atmosphere in the streets of the France – heard it’s awesome! I saw it once in Italy and it was breathtaking.
    Love Ida

  47. cynthia wolff

    your own beautiful home as you decorate it for the season..

  48. I would like to see people dressed up to celebrate the season.

  49. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Detailed closeups of your vintage santons. I put mine out last night, along with all the rest of the crazy cast of characters that pass for my nativity scene.
    Most of all: the look on your and French Husband’s faces when Chelsea comes home! When DOES she get home, btw? (And does Sacha stay in CA until summer? ah, pauvre maman!)

  50. Do you have the Christmas lights that stretch across the roadways? I loved those in Paris and the surrounding countryside.

  51. Lia deKoster

    Corey – I just read your last two entries…
    heart renching
    to you
    from this mum, to you – mum

  52. I want to see a girl shopping for presents!
    When I was little, I would take stuff from my own house and wrap it. I would give it to my family. I just wanted to give present too I guess! 🙂

  53. I would like to see how you or someone else use the santons. I have never been in France at Christmas so I will be happy to see anything that you share with us.

  54. Karinka Calhoun

    I would like to see a photo of a skinny French Pere Noel and a buche de noel cake from a patisserie. Joyeux Noel to you and your family.

  55. I would love to see a photo taken at night, from the outside of someones house with the inside glowing with Christmas lights. I love to take a walk late on Christmas Eve evening and see peoples houses all aglow. I also love seeing chimney smoke, makes me feel that everyone inside are safe and cozy.
    Love the new look too !

  56. Just Plain Jane

    Surprise us!

  57. Do they do the whole Christmas lights thing..and do they do it with style? 🙂

  58. Merisi, Vienna

    Dearest Corey,
    it is such special moment to open your blog first thing in the morning, whether you show us one more glimpse of your France or allow us to take part in your life as an artist, business woman, wife, mother, daughter, the many facets of your existence, whatever you chose to share, it enriches my day.
    Your readers have already voiced so many wishes about Christmas in France, I will be more than happy to see some of those pictured here on your blog. However, should you happen to get down to the seaside, I would love to see images of the port area of Cassis with the Christmas lights up. I have such wonderful memories of winter lunches sitting on an outdoor terrace by the sea, in Ostia, that little seaside town outside Rome. I have a photo of myself, sitting there at a table with the sea in the background, and the interesting thing is I don’t remember it being cold, even though it must have been because I am warmly wrapped in a winter coat. 😉

  59. Judy B. – Texas

    A picture of you and Annie decked out in your winter coats, hats and mittens – taken in the snow if possible.
    Secondly, I would like to see the garden structures of your courtyard covered in snow; especially the arch!
    Third: a pastry shop window with goodies on display.

  60. Wrapped in a wool coat with rose colored cheeks. Weaving through the bustle of a city street. Are you on the TGV to Paris? You lucky girl…

  61. I can never get enough of Vintage Christmas items, and I am sure you have many in your own home Christmas decorating! You and Your Frenchman together amongst them would be very beautiful, and a “special Christmas Card”…Grreaattt French pastry, French Hubbies family traditions, Midnight Christmas services in loval churchs! Whatever you choose will be wonderful I’m sure!

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