I Love Faire la Fete

Christmas tree France

Photographs by Corey Amaro.

A French shop window, home made, cotton ball decorations on a Christmas tree.


"I Love faire la fete", a true Franglais mash up.

Snapshots for those who asked to see Christmas in France. Here are a few that I took the other day.






Christmas window decoration
Christmas decor gracing the corner of a window.




I love faire la fete

French window display: Red clothing to put one in the mood.



Red dress

Red ruffles. Ruffles are still hot, especially in red: Morgan


White dog


French dog knows how to look the part.

Chic in a jingle bell dog collar!




Chestnuts roasted

Chestnuts roasting on a street corner.

Have you ever had chestnut cream. On toast? In your yogurt? On pancakes? On a spoon? In a milkshake? On baked squash?

I kinda like chestnut cream.



                              French window clothes

Window shopping in French is: "Lèche-Vitrine" which means, "licking the windows". The French windows are clean because of my licking.


Petit bateau











A reindeer tugs a boat at the French children shop "La Petit Bateau".




Joyeux noel

French bonbon shop (candy store).





christmas in chanel



Christmas in Chanel.






Calissons du Roy Rene.

History of the candy that is part of the thirteen desserts.




Wheat grass



On the fourth of December the French plant their Sainte Barbe.

Wheat grains are spread out on moist cotton pads, and are lightly watered daily.

This Barbe grows in a Moet et Chandon bucket.



                 Candy shops


French children eating candy in a candy shop.

Christmas is about tasting.




French menu


French outdoor cafe decor. Tempting to sit down and have a hot chocolate… but baby it is cold outside!


Carousal aix


Carousals and ferris wheels are up at Christmas time in France. Happiness for children of all ages.




Street aix market



French Christmas outdoor market.






Gigantic chandeliers light the sky! (Sorry for the blurring photo, but I was in a taxi.)


Lights on buildings


Light show rennes


Christmas light show in Rennes.


More Christmas photos that you asked for to come……


19 responses to “I Love Faire la Fete”

  1. oh Corey, how beautifull photos once again! especially the one with christmas huts on Cours Mirabeau!!! how do you do that, is it photosopped or did you take it that way? so dreamy. chapeau! I love your blog and the photos full of âme!

  2. Dear Corey, Since we can’t be in Paris for Christmas, having your snapshots is the next best thing.
    Thank you for posting them and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Natalie Thiele

    Thank you! That was fun for us, lots of scouting and work for you. Hope there will be more.
    Loved the Sainte Barbe wheat grass. Very pretty.
    The light show in Rennes was out of this world! Gorgeous!

  4. I love red clothes, how can you not be happy when you look like candy. I’m going to try that chestnut cream, thanks for the tip!

  5. Beautiful and so lovely is all that you share
    Love you
    Merry Christmas my friend
    Love Jeanne

  6. Some many treats for the senses at Christmas time! The lights…the foods…the music…the little red dresses…outdoor markets…the cold weather (for some of us anyway!) What a delightful season! Your photos are terrific!

  7. sigh…
    bliss farm antiques

  8. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Love the picture of the French outdoor market.
    Wish I were there…….

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    We ‘re deep, DEEP in snow in my little corner here… Nice to read your blog and your readers’ comments, sitting comfortably inside, sipping a glass of rosé wine by the log fire…
    Loads of nice snowy landscapes around… Just exquisite when you can stay in !

  10. Karen@Pas Grand-Chose

    Absolutely love the children in the candy shop. We are snowbound in Britain and I am sad because our Christmas holiday in Vienna is now cancelled (no flights out of Heathrow), so virtual visits to France via your blog are helping to cheer me up!

  11. Corey, I love these photographs – the blurry ones makes us feel like we’re in a dream. If only there were time to fly off to Marseille for Christmas!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, and thanks for letting us visit your part of France everyday!

  12. Beautiful photos Corey. Thank you for sharing them. The photo of the children tasting the candy – love it!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the New Year be full of fun and wonder.

  13. Loving Christmas in France. Keep it coming.

  14. Love the carousals and the licking of the windows…so funny!

  15. Christmas in France is so much fun….like a dream.

  16. Shelley Noble

    Gorgeous! ok, now also make a France travel/tastes coffee table book! I’m good at spending your time and energy, no?

  17. Oh, these are so wonderful, Corey! They all make me want to come over there right now.

  18. Corey, thank you for Paris during the holidays! I would love to taste Chestnut cream…LOVE MARRONS!

  19. ann in freezing UK

    if I can’t be in France your photos are the next best thing, thank you.

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