Coco Chanel and the Baby Who Pooped


Chelsea was six weeks old when French Husband came home with a pair of tickets for a Chanel fashion show. A friend from work had given him the tickets since he couldn't go.




Coco Channel photo source Chanel.


My excitment was instantly tamed when French Husband announced that the show was the next day. "What am I going to wear?" were my first words. My closet did not hold anything labeled Chanel, let alone Casual chic. To top it off I was breastfeeding. For those of you who have breastfed you know what that means. Not only did I have a pair of shooting guns, my breasts were the size of melons while my clothes were the size of gumdrops. What was a girl to do? My pocket book was empty though my desire to attend the Chanel fashion show was  bursting out of my means.

Photo source Style Hive.

The next morning while sitting on the edge of the bed breastfeeding I had an idea. I could wear a dress I had made of black wool jersey, it was a simple dress but under a charcoal dress coat I had it would serve the purpose.





French Husband went to work that morning, though we had a rendez-vous in front of Chanel later in the day. I got ready, then fed Chelsea, dressed her, and was walking out of the door when I felt something running down my leg. Chelsea had pooped. A big poop at that. A mighty big poop that went through what she was wearing, onto my one dress, down my nylons and into my shoe. Lovely, was the thought, "Shit, what am I gonna wear now!'

Imagine lightening. That was the speed in which I cleaned up that butterball baby Chelsea and myself. I made it on time.

I wore freshly cleaned black heels and a coat for a dress.

 Chelsea dressed up as a doll.

Happy 21st Birthday Chelsea!


39 responses to “Coco Chanel and the Baby Who Pooped”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    Your poopy toddler looks like a dolly on this picture !!!
    (and in French a “doll” = “une poupée” – pronounced “poopy” !!!)
    JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, jolie poupée !!!

  2. Great story. Such a sweet photo of Chelsea…and a Happy 21st!

  3. LOL, there is nothing like a woman with drive. Could she have been a prettier baby?
    Happy Birthday Chelsea, hope it’s a good one!

  4. Great story!

  5. Funny. Chelsea looks a little ticked off in this photo, but she still looks like the same beautiful Chelsea.

  6. Karen@Pas Grand-Chose

    Fantastic story! Happy birthday Chelsea – congratulations on reaching this milestone and having achieved so much. I have a strong feeling you will just love your next adventure in China …

  7. Oh I love your stories I love you
    Happy 21st Birthday darling Chelsea
    A beauty just like her parents
    Love you
    Merry Christmas
    Love Jeanne♥

  8. Miss Chelsea is gorgeous. I held my baby Sophia as I waited in a check out line, when she announced “I have to pee pee.” The line was slow, the urge was great…I felt a warm rush and watched a “pool” fan out at my feet…
    bliss farm antiques

  9. Still beautiful…
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  10. Great story! Men have no idea what women have to deal with on a daily basis!

  11. 🙂 made my day big time! Just back from Eastern Germany where winter hit us with great force and happy to read about little Chelsea turning 21!! Happy Birthday, glorious daughter of a wonderful mum…
    WHAT A STORY – and so well told, I was literally hanging at your lips on my Hero Husband’s laptop!!!! LOL
    Happy Days – and Merry Christmas!

  12. Natalie Thiele

    Happy twenty first birthday, Chelsea! “You must have been a beautiful baby, ’cause baby, look at you now.” Once a beauty, always a beauty.
    I just saw “Before Chanel” and I am sure that Chanel would have approved of your creative answer to your dress issue. She adapted men’s clothing and wore them beautifully.

  13. What an adorable picture and a happy birthday to Chelsea.
    Ah, we all have poop stories, do we not, if we have been moms or aunts or best friends? I love your solutions, Corey. Onward . . .

  14. C, love that photo and the sweet story. I had a model too a few years after you, she turned 17 three days ago.
    Happy 21st Chelsea!

  15. Too funny. Well, you were creative and you got to see the show! She’s precious!

  16. That was the BEST baby poop story EVER! And I’ve heard a lot of them…..too funny!
    Sweet baby pic of Chelsea – Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady!!
    Oh, and ahhhh to Chanel.

  17. So beautiful!
    Happy birthday!

  18. Today is my son’s 21st birthday, too! Unfortunately (or fortunately) he is the youngest of three and I can’t remember much of his childhood!

  19. OMG!*!*! What a Story!!! YOU are an amazing woman!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPY!-SHaBBy!

  20. Brenda L from TN

    Wow…what a story but glad you still got to go…The picture of Chelsea dressed as a doll is priceless…Happy 21st Chelsea!!!
    Hope you have many, many more.
    Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

  21. Chanel fashion show at six months old..
    From Kaka to Coco.
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  22. Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!
    Great story and so impressed Corey you made it out of the house when she was 6 weeks old.
    The gumption it must of taken with the pooppy baby on top of it!

  23. Happy Birthday to Chelsea! Wow! 21 years.
    Beautiful picture of Chelsea. And funny story too! I hope you all enjoyed the show.

  24. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Wonderful story!!!
    Happy Birthday Chelsea!!

  25. Happy Happy 21st Chelsea and Mom.

  26. Franca Bollo

    Au moins elle a fait sa merde avant l’événement et pas pendant!
    Un bel anniversaire à la belle Chelsea.

  27. Mmd. Tortoise

    Dearest Chelsea,
    In today’s photograph you look like a little dolly pie; years have passed and now you are a doll. I follow with interest all that your mom will share with us. Happy Birthday sweet girl.
    It is a good night for a moon dance because you have been gifted with a lunar eclipse; Not many can say that. I hope you enjoy both.
    Happy Birthday!

  28. That picture of Chelsea is just priceless. Adorable. You are a dark horse Coco, can’t believe you got to a Chanel fashion show – that absolutely demands it’s own post. Could you, did you photograph ?? Jx

  29. Chelsea, you will always be your Momma’s doll-baby! So precious.
    Happy, Happy 21st!

  30. Well, what can you do ?? It’s life. My dog did it in the house it was my fault I was mesmerized by the computer and he did it infront of me. Your baby is beautiful
    have a great Christmas,

  31. cynthia wolff

    fab and funny story Corey…wonderful memory.

  32. Once again I loved your words Corey!!! Happy Birthday to the fabulous Chelsea!!!

  33. AmyKortuem

    Happy Birthday, Chelsea! My birthday is December 19th – I love celebrating this time of year.
    I’m also glad MY mother doesn’t have a blog to tell my embarrassing stories to the world!

  34. Happy Birthday Chelsea. You are so blessed with such a creative, warm, funny, beautiful mom who loves to share stories about the two of you. You are beautiful in this picture!

  35. Only you can make a story about “poop” seem priceless and ever so interesting!

  36. That is so funny, but only because I have gone through all that too! We do what we can do! I am sure you were lovely!!
    Brenda in Lousiana @ Kindred Hearts Antiques and Gifts

  37. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Happy birthday, Chelsea (or after-the-birthday at this point)
    Corey, I love that you’ve always had a thing for all the vintage textures and stuff, witness how you decorated cute baby Chelsea. Sweet.

  38. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  39. shannon in oregon

    i love this post! 🙂

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