“If Christ Can Be Born in a Stable….”


Years ago when I was a mere kid, Father Carriege was a "new" priest at our church. Father Carriege was cool, he had long hair, often was barefoot, and when he said the homily he did not stay up at the altar, instead he walked amongst the congregation. He was loved in our small town. He was the first Priest that I knew that made me feel that he was "like us" and not a "God". He seemed real, and his message was obtainable. He spoke to us and not above us.

I remember one Christmas when he said mass, he walked amongst us to say his homily. Usually a homily can take twenty minutes, and at Christmas it can go on for eternity… that is to say that Father Carriege stood up to say the homily and he said this and only this:

"If Christ can be born in a stable, then he can be born in our hearts."

It rocked my world, and I was never the same after that. Faith did not ask for perfection, for a five star hotel to be born into. His homily made me feel holy, made me feel that the best gift we could give is our open heart. To be ready to say yes, here I am.

Years later, on Christmas Eve, Father Carriege was killed by a drunk driver. I still can recall the shock of it as if it were yesterday.

Each and every Christmas Eve I think of him. He was someone who gave foundation to my faith. My stable is still a mess, but at least the door is open and my heart is listening.


Do you have someone (or story) who showed you faith?



43 responses to ““If Christ Can Be Born in a Stable….””

  1. A loving, poignant remembrance. Joyeux noel!

  2. There have many of the great cloud of witnesses, but I do remember one. Dr. David Hubbard of Fuller Theological Seminary who told me when I was wondering about a call to ordained ministry: “I don’t see why you are fighting this. You’re called.” So even though I had met so few woman who were ministers, I went for it.
    So today after cleaning the house, baking, getting ready for Christmas, I’ll lead two services for others this evening at my church.
    Thanks for reminding me about such people.

  3. Thank you for sharing that story. I’ve read all kinds of advent writings the past week but this one, it pierced my heart. He knew just what to say, simply and lovingly. It sounds to me like he knew God very intimately. This whole story fascinates me. I see how God took something meant for evil – his death – and still today uses it for His good. Powerful. Merry Christmss Corey!

  4. Maija Lepore

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas Corey!!!!

  5. Chris Wittmann

    Beautiful and touching remembrance. I think I’ve always believed, at least I can’t ever recall NOT believing. Maybe it was because from the time I was about 2 I remember my mother kneeling beside my bed with me teaching me to say my prayers. Then once I was tucked in she sang lullabies in German. As a Christian I don’t follow any particular denomination. We attended many different kinds of churches when I was a kid because mom was always searching for “just the right one.” God knows what’s in our hearts and “church” can be anywhere you want it to be. My faith has kept me level headed and sane in an otherwise topsy turvy world.

  6. Thank you for writing about Father Carriege. He is someone I think of from time to time. He was loved by all.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  7. Wonderful words….a priest touched me and helped me with some inner turmoil years ago by saying “we are all searching for the glorious garden but there are many paths that lead there not just one!! His words still comfort me today!! Merry Christmas Corey!!!

  8. Beautiful . . .Merry Christmas!

  9. My late beloved Mother and precious Grandmother taught me my faith by living the way Christ would want all people to live every single day of their lives.
    I love your stories
    I love you
    Merry Christmas my precious friend
    God bless you all
    Love Jeanne

  10. Blessed Christmastime to you and your family, Corey. Jesus and His gift of love is the reason for the season 😉

  11. A man like that never really passes on. Life is one big leap of faith. Sometimes you have to close your eyes and trust.

  12. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    Remarkable men often meet violent deaths – I wonder if it is to strengthen their existence in our memories?

  13. Ahhh… Father Carriege. His death devastated me. I never drive thru fog again without a bit of fear!
    But his life! His life, impacted us all even more. Thank you for remembering him with me.
    Joyeux Noel XOXOXOXO Sheala

  14. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Father’s memory lives on…..what a gift he was to our world and to your life.
    Some come to earth and are here for a very long time and leave nothing, while others come, leave their message, and then are called home.
    I stand in awe at the mystery of life.
    Merry Christmas Corey.

  15. joan tankersley

    I have experienced such grace and truth from so many unexpected sources in my life. Some were in a place of worship, some on the corner begging for bread, and many from the heart of dear friends. I believe that God speaks to us always and everywhere. Much of my life challenge has been about learning to listen.
    May your Christmas be tender and your hearts be full of hope. Joyeux Noelle.

  16. My husband told me that God has a picture of me on His refrigerator hanging next to all my drawings. When I am having difficulties God is on the sidelines yelling my name! He loves us all so very much.
    Merry Christmas!

  17. well…mine was Father Kowal…a founding pastor of our newly established parish in a newly established neighborhood. my parents bought the house new…so everything including the families, mostly young and newly married ,grew up together….Father was a quiet, unassuming man and as i grew older i admired that more and more -never asking for money- a give what you can and no one was turned away from anything because of an inability to pay. i made my first penance with him, took my FIRST COMMUNION from him and was confirmed by the bishop as he watched and concelebrate the mass. he was JUST SO WONDERFUL. well— i grew- went away to college and still he remained. we would have a live stable on the church grounds the week before CHRISTMAS and dec. 18th, Father was crossing the street, from the then rectory, to begin the blessing of the stable/animals and the people gathered. a drunk driver, a young man of the parish, hit and killed Father Kowal right in front of the church…i was crushed. i think of him especially this time of year…such a humble gentle man. PAX ET BENE to all the readers and to you and your family….MERRY CHRISTMAS…GOOD WILL TO ALL AND PEACE ON EARTH!!

  18. My daughter, Karen, was born 22 years ago on Dec. 22. A day after her birth two major heart defects were detected. We stayed an extra day in the hospital while the cardiologist was called to run many tests. Dr. Cook was a friend from our Catholic church; his wife and I were in the same guild. Karen was released late on Christmas Eve with strict directions as to what to do if her heart failed. We were told she most certainly need open heart surgery, but that we should truly thank God for a healthy beautiful daughter.
    The day after Christmas we returned to the local hospital for further testing. The same tech who performed the original heart test looked at Karen’s for what seemed like an eternity. He then turned to us and asked if this was the same child that I gave birth to. Her heart was perfect – flawless.
    Dr. Cook told me that afternoon that he had doubts that Karen would have lived through her first days of life her heart was such a mess. He said that he returned home late from the hospital Christmas Eve and told his less than happy wife that our baby was in grave distress and the best thing our church could do was to pray. So pray they did.
    Dr. Cook offered us no medical explanation as to why our daughter’s heart healed its two very serious defects. Then he added: “Maybe she’s the Christmas miracle we all pray for.”
    Karen’s grown into a beautiful young lady who shows kindness and compassion to even the most hurting of God’s children. I choose to believe that she is our Christmas miracle whom God chose to save to take care of his children here on earth.

  19. You ‘rock my heart’! Blessings to you and yours my dearest!
    Love and kisses

  20. Franca Bollo

    Even as a 7 year old, I sensed Sean Carrigy was different in a significant way than any other priest who passed through Willows. RIP, Father Carrigy.

  21. My Uncle Barton. He was a very humble hard working man who loved God and his family and rarely read aloud. Except….every Christmas Eve he would read the Christmas story to the family. I still hear his voice even though he passed away 15 years ago. When he died, Aunty gave me his Bible, worn leather cover and well read. A treasure.

  22. Actually, both sides of my family are so dedicated to their faith, it is an inspiration to be amongst them.
    Some of us have wondered away from our faith but our parents have shown us the path. It just take a moment to find that wonderful path again.
    Bless you Corey, your story flooded my eyes with tears, just to read other’s that did the same.
    Merry Christmas and yes, your heart is big and listens! xoxoxoxoxo Rhonda

  23. What a touching story, Corey. My mother touched me for her constant praying for me and others in her life. Merry Christmas!

  24. Holy priests are such a gift to us. While I was in several Ministries in our church I got to talk to priests before mass. Several priests touched my heart in so many ways. If anyone is looking for the meaning of life, one priest once said to me, “the most important thing in life is salvation.” Made me speechless which is rare. Merry Christmas!

  25. Denise Solsrud

    Corey, that was beautiful and something to leave with us. God is no matter what,IT! merry christmas! Bestest,Denise

  26. Corey, such memories you stir. He was adored my many. My Grandmother was somehow given Father Carriege’s black robe. Such a long, billowing robe it was…with an brocade overlay. It now rests at the top of a closet in my childhood home.

  27. Here’s that translation of Azorean author Daniel de Sá’s new Christmas Eve short story, by my Portuguese prof and me, that I mentioned yesterday:
    For anyone who reads Portuguese, the original is at:
    Sure hope we didn’t make too many errors!

  28. What a wonderful man – and what a fire he lit in you Corey! My Grandmother (Nana) lit my flame of faith, first by taking me to Mass with her, and most of all by her gentle, loving, devoted way of living – she was the most wonderful, faith and joy filled woman and I carry the gentle flame she lit in me.
    Merry Christmas Corey, God bless.

  29. So beautiful.
    My mom, Saying prayer every night before falling a sleep.
    Merry Christmas everyone.

  30. rochambeau

    Dear beautiful Corey,
    Your post makes me tear up.
    Father Carriege was a great man.
    Today the power of his simple homily lives on through you, so thanks for this!
    Merry Christmas ~ Joyeux Noel to you and your family!

  31. Hasmin Cannon

    Beautiful Corey…wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, Happy New Year!
    Hugs and warmest aloha,

  32. Wishing you, FH, Sacha and Chelsea the most wonderful of Christmas celebrations (though apart). You are in my heart.

  33. Diane Mannino

    Thank you, Corey – I send you a piece of my heart and thank you for all you have given to mine.
    Love, Diane

  34. ellen cassilly

    Joyous Christmas to you. I am back in St. Louis with all of my siblings. We spent the day going through our mother’s things. Lots of dress up in moomoo’s and funny hats and great stories of remembrance. Love and hugs, E

  35. I wish you a Christmas filled with loving family and friends and I wish us all a New Year in which we celebrate diversity and work for Peace.
    Thank you so much for this blog, Corey!

  36. Merry Christmas Corey! Thank you for sharing the wonderful story of Fr. C. It made my Christmas Eve! I hope you and your family have a loving, peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

  37. god bless Father Carriege and thank you as always for your words…….Merry Christmas.
    Missy from the bayou

  38. What an incredible post! Merry Christmas, Corey, and all your family, too! I read Kathie B’s translation and was moved by it, as well. Each and every one of these comments was a blessing to me, this Christmas day. Thank you, Corey, for writing this wonderful blog and sharing your world, both past and present, with all of us. We are much better for it! May God continue to bless and keep each of you!

  39. Here we are on the 26th, day after Christmas, yet it lingers in so many ways, it passes year after year, to remind us of so many blessings! But the most blessed of all are those that have strengthened our Faith in God!
    All we do for Christ will last!

  40. Margaret Sequeira

    Dear Corey,
    So this may be a bit personal to put in the comments section of your blog – but here goes. When I read your question, I immediately said “you.” For you were there listening and encouraging and modeling ministry to me. I am so glad I got to serve as a youth minister and even now a part of my work is with youth.
    So even though my life journey has taken me some places I couldn’t have imagined back in high school, I know that you were one of the people that sustained hope and faith for me at a time when I needed that.
    Thank you for being there.
    Sending Blessings and Love this Christmas Time!

  41. Corey; it’s past Christmas, I am not at home but ILL in Switzerland, and I just got enough strength to look your post up – and now I feel better all of a sudden!
    You offered the most Christmassy post Corey and it doesn’t matter one bit that it’s – for me – a post Christmas upload…. because the ‘story’, the experience is an eternal one and doesn’t date – I am happy for you (very much so) that you could make this experience and I would hope for everybody to be able to experience something as wonderful as this too —- I don’t know what my life would look like without my faith, but it surely wouldn’t be a pretty sight!
    Lots of love

  42. Rebecca from the pacific northwest but in Texas for the moment

    I’ve been out of pocket, visiting husband’s family in Texas, trying – oh -trying to support my darling man who has a bad respiratory condition – incessant coughs, meds, reactions to meds, don’t-know-what-to-do-and-so-far from home.
    I’m reading backwards through your posts of many days. This one just stopped me. That was the BEST Christmas homily EVER. thank you thank you. And now I’ll proceed to see what your precious readers have added, cause that’s always rich too!
    [I only wish that, like on facebook, I could click “like” on the various comments. I’d probably do that to all of them though, so each of you commenters, if you return to this page and see this: consider your writing clicked as “like”.]
    Christ is with us.

  43. Rebecca from the pacific northwest but in Texas for the moment

    I amend my previous statement. Instead of tagging most of the comments with “like”, I would taq them with “love”. Especially those of your family/friends who knew Father C. And many others as well.

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