Life’s Tide

  Shell art

Early this morning I spoke with Chelsea on the phone.

She will be home in a few days time.

I asked her how she felt about the next step in her journey, she said, "Mom, there are so many feelings racing around me that I feel confused. Part of me is happy I am coming home. Part of me is excited I will see Mr. Espresso. Yet part of me is sad, I am leaving my family here, leaving friends that I have met…leaving San Francisco that I love. Part of me is curious and nervous about going to China. Part of me is anixous I have so much to do before leaving here and going there. Confused is not the word, no I am numb from feeling so many things at once."




Have you ever felt like that on your journey through life? Overloaded with emotion, not knowing which emotion to feel first? Nor which emotion is leading you? Or where it stems  from?

Feelings after all are part of the journey. The vast array of them running through our veins and having our world change colors because of it.


Shell box

Chelsea is strong enough to manage her feelings and not have them cause havoc in her everyday life. Though that doesn't mean she is not feeling the sting of saying goodbye, nor at the same moment the joyful hope of what tomorrow will bring.

Listening to her made me realize that life demands us to be strong. To embrace it as it comes. Or wrestle with it until we can sit side by side with it. Life does not allow us to sit by and watch… for even that has its depth of emotion.


One by one we gather that which is around us. Each piece that holds meaning and carry it with us into tomorrow. And somewhere along the line it falls into place or drops back into the sea.

I am happy she is coming home, and it is a feeling I have waited for since August.





24 responses to “Life’s Tide”

  1. you write beautifully.

  2. I know how you must feel. Have a wonderful new year and I am so happy for you and Chelsea. Happy New Year..

  3. Enjoy your quality time with your daughter Corey… You’ve explained the journey sooooo well… Happy New Year to you…
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  4. Corey, your ability to verbalize that which is in the heart continues to delight and encourage me. I find myself nodding in agreement with you – life does doemand a strength that is sometimes innate, sometimes coming from experience, to embrace wherever we ‘are’ with joyful anticipation!

  5. I think you are very wise. As a mom I am curious.. when Chelsea described all that she was feeling, what did you say to her? or perhaps you just listened?

  6. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    These feelings Chelsea feels, continue anytime there is a change…even at 66.
    Her words are our words as we live life.
    She is so blessed to be able to travel and see the world and try new things. She will always have friends and family in her heart and mind.

  7. C, so happy for you that C is coming home, and I know you will make the most of every moment.
    Remembering when I was C’s age,I thought life would calm and ease as I aged, that struggles and challenges would cease. Now, looking toward the new year with hope but fearing big decisions, your words have helped.

  8. Chris Wittmann

    I know her feelings all too well when I was returning home from England for a short stay to be with my dad who had to have surgery. I was sad to leave England, but glad to be going home, then it was the sadness of leaving dad to go back to England….a roller coaster of emotions. Make the most of your time with your daughter.

  9. Eloquently put. Thank you. Happy New Year to you and your entire family! – Kathy

  10. You have raised a strong woman. A woman that can feel and walk through the tough times to become even stronger. This is a beautiful thing. Your post reminds me of a book I have wanted to give my daughter for a long time and finally gave it to her for Christmas, A Gift from the Sea.

  11. The challenges of life are with us always. I remember my nephew once saying “it’s hard being two.” That was sixteen years ago. Not having any children of my own I can only imagine how difficult it must be to watch them go through the challenges of life. With our experience we are able to guide them, commisserate with them, and to just listen to them.
    It seems your children are living life with as much enthusiasm as you do, despite the conflicting feelings. For that you can be grateful.

  12. I love your thoughts today….something to ponder on.

  13. Corey, I can relate! I have had so many different emotions swirling around for the past month that sometimes I bust a damn and cry not knowing which event I am crying about! Many blessings to you and your family! Kimberly

  14. AmyKortuem

    I think experiences like Chelsea has had stretch us, widen us, allow us to hold MORE – love, richness, beauty. Those experiences that seem to tear us apart (not wanting to leave the now, but wanting what’s next) are only really creating more space to hold that MORE.

  15. I will miss Chelsea!! 🙂

  16. Michelle M in KY

    Dear Corey…
    I am glad and excited for you that Chelsea is coming home. After reading your post…I wondered if you were talking to me. There were many messages in that post, many that I, too needed to hear. Perhaps I will sit with them. Thanks for the reminder that it’s ok to be restless with our feelings but nor idle. Happy Holidays to you and your family! ENJOY your time with your daughter.

  17. Miss Robyn

    beautiful xo

  18. What a wonderful post. Our family is going through major changes daugther, son-in-law, granddaughters leaving overseas in a few months time and we want them to embrace their new life fully but oh the agony and pain is so hard to bear. Thank you for always taking me a notch higher in my thought process.

  19. She is her mother’s child for sure. With her courage to try new experiences, Chelsea is going to have a wonderful life. It will be so interesting to see what life has in store for her over the next five years and what choices she makes.

  20. I am always overweight with conflicting emotions Corey. The older I get the greater the variation of “shades of grey”. Do you think it is a female thing or a “me” thing ? Happy Christmas, my love Jx

  21. All of life makes you wonder at my age, was it destiny? Was it fate? Did I plan this? Did I do the right thing? In the end, it’s all yours, your life…..choose well, love deeply, live your life.
    Your words are deep and true.

  22. Judy B. – Texas

    Today, your writing and message touched my Soul…I have much to think about and decisions to make.
    Both you and Chelsea are blessed you can express your most inner feelings with each other – a cherished mother/daughter relationship.
    Whatever the New Year brings, we will have to deal with it; but let’s try really hard to make it Happy, Blessed, Healthy and Prosperous (had to put that many are in financial strain). Happy New Year All!!

  23. It is a wonderful thing to take each happening, each God=given event, each moment in life, and experience it to the fullest!

  24. She’s a strong and grounded young lady, you and FH have made her this way, so don’t worry, she’ll be fine. I know that be a mother means you worry all the time but you must be sure you’ve prepared her well for life.

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