Early this morning I spoke with Chelsea on the phone.
She will be home in a few days time.
I asked her how she felt about the next step in her journey, she said, "Mom, there are so many feelings racing around me that I feel confused. Part of me is happy I am coming home. Part of me is excited I will see Mr. Espresso. Yet part of me is sad, I am leaving my family here, leaving friends that I have met…leaving San Francisco that I love. Part of me is curious and nervous about going to China. Part of me is anixous I have so much to do before leaving here and going there. Confused is not the word, no I am numb from feeling so many things at once."
Have you ever felt like that on your journey through life? Overloaded with emotion, not knowing which emotion to feel first? Nor which emotion is leading you? Or where it stems from?
Feelings after all are part of the journey. The vast array of them running through our veins and having our world change colors because of it.
Chelsea is strong enough to manage her feelings and not have them cause havoc in her everyday life. Though that doesn't mean she is not feeling the sting of saying goodbye, nor at the same moment the joyful hope of what tomorrow will bring.
Listening to her made me realize that life demands us to be strong. To embrace it as it comes. Or wrestle with it until we can sit side by side with it. Life does not allow us to sit by and watch… for even that has its depth of emotion.
One by one we gather that which is around us. Each piece that holds meaning and carry it with us into tomorrow. And somewhere along the line it falls into place or drops back into the sea.
I am happy she is coming home, and it is a feeling I have waited for since August.
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