The End of the Year

Door with lock


The last day of the year lends itself to reflection. Yet at the same time it tends to make one curious about what lies ahead. We stand at the threshold of a collective moment… simply put, I like this day for what it symbolically holds: Letting go of the past and welcoming the unknown future.

 How often does it happen that the world shares something in common all at one moment? Sure twenty-four hours is more than a moment, but you know what I mean.

The power of thought, of prayer, of hope can shift negativity into the light… do you believe in that?


French lunch table

 I went over to see Annie, to wish her a "Bon bout d’An" (A provencal expression to say, "Happy end of the Year", since in France it is considered bad luck to say, "Happy New Year" before January first.). While there we talked about what we had been doing since we last saw each other later she said, "You know Corey I am pretty lucky, look at me I am ninety-one years old, strong, healthy, and still have my senses about me."

"And you are happy too!" I added.

"I am. Isn't it amazing, how good I have it?" She bowed her head into hand, as one does when one is shy. Looking up, with a tone of reflection she added, "This might be the last time I celebrate the coming of the New Year."

With that I teasingly slapped her on the shoulder, shook my head, "Annie you have been saying that for ten years, it is growing old."

"I say that? Really? Every year? Maybe I am losing my mind?" With that she laughed out loud! Annie's joy for life is contagious and I hope I catch it bad.





35 responses to “The End of the Year”

  1. Bon bout d’An!
    bliss farm antiques

  2. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Bon bout d’an
    See you next year.
    I’m happy to know I’m going to see you on the 4th

  3. Massilianana

    Bon bout d’an ! Have fun and I sure hope the bug of Annie’s joy of life spreads wide to catch it too !!! Take care.

  4. Another wonderful Annie story….would love to meet her someday!! Happy New Year Corey…many blessings to you and your family!!!

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    Annie, you’re adorable !!!
    “Un bon bout d’an” to the 2 of you !!!
    Meilleurs voeux !!!

  6. I think you may already be showing symptoms of “Annie”, don’t seek further treatment. Happy end of the year to your friends and family. Best wishes to all!

  7. annette richmond

    Bon bout d’An I love your Annie stories. She is a very wise woman and if what she has is contagious I want to catch it.

  8. Surely I’m not the only un-superstitious person here…

  9. Toni Mason

    Corey and Family, Bon bout d’An! and Happy New Year! I love Annie too! I Want to catch all of what she is about! Blessings and love in 2011.

  10. I think everyone should have an Annie in their life….she sounds like a hoot!
    Positive thoughts are wonderful….i believe in them with the whole of my heart!
    Wishing you all a wonderful, positive, happy and fun 2011!!
    Emma xxx

  11. Happy New Year Corey~ I want to comment on your question about the power of thought & prayer. Yes, I DO believe if enough people prayed at the same moment, or if enough people stopped hating the world would change. I know it is said that the world changes one person at a time so we better get busy!
    Annie’s comment about this possibly being her last New Year’s Eve broke my heart. It may be true. When I walked up the stairs to my office last week the thought popped into my mind, “I wonder how many more times I will be alive to walk up these stairs?” We all have our last “something.” I love your blog and am always eager to read each new post. Thank you. ~ Amy in Nevada USA

  12. Bon bout d’An Coco! I am looking forward to 2011!

  13. It sounds like a wonderful way to bridge the gap from one year to the next, spending time with Annie.
    I do believe the power of positive thinking (thoughts, prayers, intention). Hope 2011 is filled with lots of positive things for us all.

  14. Bon bout d’An! A lovely link between day and tomorrow. Delightful to have friends such as Annie in one’s life. Here’s to a wonderful new year. I’m glad I happened upon your site – Your attitude and your stories/phrases/thoughts are marvelous. The archives will keep me busy for awhile.
    Cheers from snowy & cold (but sunny) Montana.

  15. As my son might say with his Brooklyn accent…Annie is a poil of a goil! We all need someone like your Annie in our lives to remind us to seize the day. Bon bout d’An! Cheers!

  16. Denise Solsrud

    that Annie,isn’t she such a dear? you are so blessed to have a 91 year friend like Annie. what a sweetheart. i have a 91 year old friend also,my mother. she will be 92 in jan. she also is in basically good health and still maintains her home and her finacial affairs with some help. how lucky and blessed am i? heres’s to 2011. Bestest,Denise

  17. Judy B. – Texas

    Beautiful post…made me cry tears of happiness – so touching.
    Bon Bout d’An to you Corey, your family, to dear Annie and to your precious readers.
    May we all be blessed in 2011!!!!

  18. Beth Evans-Ramos

    Happy end of the year to you as well! It was a special treat sharing time with you at the brocante in Carpentras this last September. I am planning on bringing another group (which probably will include three from this year’s group) to Provence again in September 2011. Jill and I are going to put our heads together to add some new adventures, and of course leave time for repeat performances of our favorites. Many wishes for health and happiness to you and yours.

  19. Bon bout d’an!!!!!

  20. oh that gal Annie is fabulous! wise and witty, like I would like to be. I will wish you a good end of year and will be back to wish the rest for the next after the earth turns a bit more. love and hugs

  21. Bon bout d’An to you and your family! Blessings to Annie also. She can teach us all many things. Wisdom comes with age, so share on Annie. We are eager to hear what life has taught you!

  22. Annie could teach us all a lot, I’m sure. Beautiful post. I’m always so enamoured of your wonderful photos–you have such a good eye. Bonne annee to you and yours, and thank you for such enjoyable posts over these past years.

  23. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    You are an Annie already. Thank you for your gorgeous posts so full of the truth of life.
    “Bon bout d’An”

  24. the parisapartment

    So sweet! Happy new year to your beautiful family and to Annie, I wonder if she know how much she inspires us all!?

  25. I’ve been spending the day reflecting, resolving, being grateful, and holding hope for a fresh new year. Bon bout d’An to you! I’m looking forward to more stories from France in 2011.

  26. ellen cassilly

    Bon bout d’an.
    Every year Frank and I make our list of intentions (not resolutions) and overview our list from last year. We will do that later this evening. It is a lovely time of year filled with so much hope. warmth you to all, E

  27. I hope we all catch the JOY, as Annie has this 2011. Best wishes for a wonderful 2011. May you, your family, and Annie too enjoy great JOY.

  28. Every morning..
    I grab my favorite cup, pour the coffee and sit down to Tongue in Cheek…
    Has it been a year already?
    A toast..
    The year has been full. Stories of love, history and family.
    Here’s to all your cheeky goodness.
    I raise my glass to you..
    Thank you!!!

  29. Happy New Year, Corey and Annie! 😀

  30. tres bonne annee, now it’s 1 january even in florida.
    and tres bonne annee to annie, too. i hope she’ll be saying ‘well, it might be the last’ for another 20.
    loved your photo of the door handle.
    i spoke to mme didi here in bradenton earlier–she’s 99 until 13 june! on thursday we’re going to call long lost relatives. i found a list of people with her armenian family name. best two were both about 35, and both called michael. one is a porn film star in detroit, and the other is the dj at obrien’s irish pub in busan, korea. mme laughed for almost 5 minutes when i told her who i’d found. she’s a retired dramatic soprano.
    and i also emailed sra fay whose new blog ‘a melange et moi’ is written from florence. neat lady. can see the duomo from her balcony. wonderful photos, too.
    i seem to have a bunch of dowager friends, so i treasure my young friends – like you – even more.
    all the best in this new year to you and fh and all those you love. m

  31. Oh Corey, you’ve already caught it–and Annie has caught your joie d’vivre! That’s a perfect pairing for friends!
    Thanks again for blogging every day and sharing your life with us. You let me see what is possible–how amazing and full and beautiful and deep and rapturous life can be if we only open ourselves to it…if we only say yes! And begin it…
    ((hugs from Milwaukee))

  32. Rhonda P.

    How I longed for an Annie fix and you provided one. Thank you sweet Corey. Bless Annie, for she is an inspiration to us all.
    Happy New Year, (I’m a little late)
    xoxoxoxo Rhonda P.

  33. Happy New Year, Corey! I am glad that I discovered your blog and your brocante in 2010

  34. Have a wonderful beginning! Only rejoice in ending anything that is finished, expect good things from God!

  35. Rebecca from the pacific NW

    I’m late catching up. Love the Annie stories. More Annie photos, in 2011, please?
    I hope that as I age more, I’ll cherish the beauty of wrinkles on my own skin as much as I cherish it on beautiful old women.

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