New Year… Do you ever keep your promises?

Shutter with wreath


The twelve days of Christmas start on Christmas day, ending with Epiphany on the twelfth day. In France those twelve days are celebrated more than the weeks before Christmas. Hence, Christmas decorations are up, the lights strung across the streets still lite, the Gateau des Rois waits to be served….



Champagne glass

Champagne flows.

We are off to Lacoste to meet some friends for lunch. Ruth is a blogger that I met several months ago. She is from Ireland, though recently moved to Lacoste with her husband and baby Louis. I cannot wait to see her baby. The last time I saw him he was a six months old ball of sweet wonder.


French desserts

Between Christmas and Epiphany, the word no never enters my thoughts. It is a downhill slide from one cake to another. It is a slippery slope of chantilly cream adding extra roundness to my hips.


Menu french
But after these twelve days of feasting…. there is my anniversary, my birthday, Valentine's, China, my cousins coming to visit, Easter…. breakfasts, lunches, and dinners…

Like I said it is a slippery slope… I have got to do some serious no saying…. it is gonna be rough.

New Year's resolutions rarely make it past day two with me. How about you: Do you stick to them or not?


38 responses to “New Year… Do you ever keep your promises?”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    That is music to my ears, Corey. So many in the States are anxious to take down their decorations the moment the gifts are unwrapped. I’ve never related to that. I do, however, relate to yummy Christmas treats. Enjoy yours! I’m so looking forward to hearing all about your great adventures in 2011!
    Happy New Year!
    : )
    Julie M.
    ps The only actual New Years resolution I’ve ever kept was giving up Diet Coke. I think it’s been 4 years now. Whew!

  2. Gina Baynham

    I lose track of my resolutions within hours! Each year the resolutions are the same. Which means I didn’t stick to them the year before! Enjoy spending time with your Irish friend. Wish her happy Christmas in Irish… “Nollaig shona duit” !

  3. christine

    Just home from celebrating New Year in the Piedmont region of Italy where the word ” no” cannot be used in the same context as food ! 2011 is not going to be my slenderest year if it continues in this vein !

  4. christine

    PS, Happy New Year !

  5. agnes hanga

    I never make promises at the exact date of new years eve.
    The only thing is i visualize my “pleasepleaseplease come true” dreams and trying to make them true all year long:)

  6. Marie-Noëlle

    I’m afraid to say the word “resolution” is not in my vocab… and it is not in any of my dictionaries either … I’ve just given them all a thorough check !!!

  7. Those resolutions are a whole lot easier to maintain if the list of things one resolves to do are carefully planned. I think I’ll be able to keep all of mine this year

  8. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    I’m with you on resolutions, Corey, but nonetheless I liked your thoughts a couple of days ago about the new year being a time for reflection. January is named for the Roman god Janus, the god of doorways and new beginnings, who looks simultaneously backwards and towards the future. So perhaps new year is a good time for reflecting and creating intentions, rather than resolutions.
    Sounds like your 2011 is going to be really busy – I hope it’s a really good one for you!

  9. Depends, if I make a resolution that is reasonable (exercise 3 times a week) yes. If I make a resolution that is not reasonable (lose 50 lbs by Valentines day) not so much…
    bliss farm antiques

  10. I try. Have a good lunch with your friends. A little roundness to the hip is attractive!

  11. Good morning, Cory. December and January are indeed slippery slopes – I like your choice of words.
    I don’t make resolutions, but instead choose a word to try and live up to during the year. 2011 is ‘release’ (possessions, negative or hurt feelings for a start) – we’ll see how it goes.
    Bonne Année

  12. I try not to make promises I can’t keep – especially to myself – so, I don’t make them. I do love the renewed feeling of a new year; new chances, a clean slate, forgiveness for the past “sins” like eating too much chocolate, or just eating too much, not being organized. ha! I can rationalize my way out of a paper bag, so, resolutions have not a chance with me. Oh well . . .

  13. Happy New Year Corey. Like Linda R, I try to pick a word. Last year it was “Courage”. This year I have not picked one yet. Still working on it.

  14. Happy New Year Friend!I once went a whole year without eating chocolate! Can you believe it? 1978 to be exact.
    I have gained 5 ugly, squishy pounds since the 2nd week of December! My resolution is to eat healthy and stay off sugar and gluten. Hard core 🙁

  15. ann in UK

    with second chocolate of the day in my mouth right now I can honestly say no, my resolutions are not lasting at all. I will try again, tomorrow.

  16. I never make New Year resolutions so there’s no chance of not living up to unreasonable expectations. Day to day is hard enough 😉

  17. Rhonda P.

    At my age, food never tasted so good. Why, after all these years of not having a good appetite, all of a sudden, I can’t stop eating! LOL
    So, my resolution is to eat less and eat better. I’ve got to lose weight and get in shape, this time I mean it!
    In the past, I have kept resolutions, just not lately.

  18. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Only one; No to unhealthy food.

  19. I myself never make resolutions, so nothing to break. 🙂 I try to keep it simple with the food and treats though and get some good walking exercise in. Enjoy! xxoo 🙂

  20. Ed in Willows

    My last New Years resolution was to never make another New Years resolution. So far, I haven’t broken it and that was 5 years ago.

  21. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    My resolution….to drink more water! Which means I’ll have to make sure a bathroom in always nearby 😉 And of course, my main resolution is to save, save, save $$$$ so I can visit with you this year in France 😉 Hope you take lots of pics while in Lacoste; I’ve read that it is a very picturesque old mountain village with a castle. Looking forward to your adventures in 2011!

  22. I don’t make them so I never ever break them!

  23. No resolutions….just reflections on the past and the future. Thoughts of happiness and hope while in my running shoes. Miles and miles on New Year’s Day. On the muddy trails and over the bridge. Feeling empowered and giselle like…

  24. Kathie B.

    Many years ago I managed to lose 17 pounds between New Year’s Day and March 20, in time for a friend’s wedding, in which I was an attendant; following the final fitting a month before the big day, my dress actually got loose on me! Of course besides watching my diet strictly, I was also taking regular yoga and adult ballet classes, as well as jogging, so was really burning up the calories back then. Oh, to be young again!
    My 2011 New Year’s resolution was perforce slightly premature, as January 1 was the deadline for submitting abstracts to a conference being held in Paris this May: I hit my computer’s “Send” button just after 11 PM on New Year’s Eve — whew! (the entire previous day the university’s modem connection had been down for repairs, so I’d worried first that it wouldn’t be back online on Dec. 31, and then when it did come back on, that it mightn’t stay operational all day, but fortunately it did) — and a few minutes later I received an automatic reply indicating that my email had been received.
    Now, if only: a) the committee accepts my proposal for a talk; and, b) finances and health enable me to make the trip to France. Who knows, Farmboy Husband and I might actually get to take a side-trip to Provence so we can meet Corey and her own FH in person! TBC…
    Hi Kathie B.

  25. Last year I made a resolution. I didn’t set out to make one – it evolved from a moment of clarity I experienced while eating lunch one day at my desk. We were in the beginning of the semester so it must have been the second or third week of January. I was eating a bowl of soup – Progresso minestrone – chock full of all things that are ‘good for you.’ There were kidney beans, great northern beans and lima beans – all of which I hate. But I was eating it – why? Because it was “good for me.” At that moment I had an epiphany. I’m an adult. I don’t have to eat food I don’t like just because it is good for me. I can make a choice about what I put in my mouth. I don’t like lima beans. I don’t have to eat lima beans EVER again.
    So I got up, walked down to the break room, scraped the remains of my bowl of soup into the garbage and washed my bowl. When my secretary asked what I was doing, I announced – “I’ve just made a New Year’s resolution. I’m not eating any food that I don’t like just because it’s good for me.”
    I have been completely successful at keeping my resolution — life is good and it’s way too short!

  26. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    I don’t make resolutions per se. I set intentions. This year, I want to be more mindful and focused and joyous. These are on a sliding scale so that I can’t disappoint myself. Any increase is a good thing.
    Bonne année à toi Corey, à Yann et aux petits.

  27. About 15 years ago I realized resolutions just don’t work for me, so I quit. Now I select a word to focus on for the year. Last year was JOY and this year is BELIEVE. It is amazing what is revealed when focusing on a word only. Good luck with your resolutions.

  28. Joanne Tuchman

    Not a resolution, but my life goal is to do something each day that will make someone else happy. There are days when my husband is the beneficiary of this philosophy because he is the last person I am with each day.

  29. I don’t normally make resolutions, but about 6 years ago 2 friends spent a blustery New Year’s Eve at my house and we resolved to take ourselves out to lunch or dinner together once a month. We have been doing it ever since. Sometimes we even do 2 in one month. It is a gift to ourselves and our friendship to spend time together.

  30. Weaverbec

    Since I can’t stand to fail, I do not make resolutions. I try to look forward to happy times spent with my husband. Most of the time, it works out.

  31. I want Corey’s blog to win a Bloggie Award this year. Please go enter her blog in the Bloggie Awards!!!

  32. I think I will try a different approach this year. To go easy on myself, stop trying to be perfect, and to enjoy all the little unexpected moments. Oh, and to try to let follow your saying,
    “Serve it up sweet, nothing bitter, without counting spoonfuls. That is the task at hand. To give without wanting more”. The lessons on love.
    With my kids leaving again for all parts of the world, I keep this quote on my desk. Thank You Corey.
    I love Lacoste! Have fun with your friends.
    Happy end of the year!!

  33. Happy New Year, Corey! I like the idea of Christmas lasting into January. The days and weeks leading up to Christmas Day are so crazy here in the States that the days after Christmas and especially the first week into January are so much more relaxing and enjoyable. It’s a good time to just sit, relax, visit with friends, write letters without deadlines, and enjoy the holiday decorations.
    As for resolutions…I came across my 2010 resolutions and although I didn’t accomplish everything on my list (does anyone?), I did manage to accomplish much of it. I was surprised by that! My goal for 2011 is to become better organized and, like you, to say no more often. It sounds odd, doesn’t it? For the last few years, the idea of saying “yes” to the universe and new opportunities would appear was popular but what I really want in 2011 is to finish my own projects, especially the ones that are already in progress. I think in order to do that, I need to say no to others. There will be moments when I will feel guilty. Anyway…that’s what I’ve been thinking about this first week of January.
    Have a great time with your friend, Ruth. And enjoy the rest of the holidays with those you love!
    PS: You and FH will be going to China? Cool!

  34. Brenda L from TN

    I NEVER make any NY resolutions…no point…I break them within days…so I quit years ago…

  35. AmyKortuem

    I gave up resolutions on New Year’s Day a long time ago. Because I’m usually good at resolving myself out all year.
    But I do spend time reflecting, releasing and hoping, like you mentioned in your post on New Year’s Eve. That’s valuable and meaningful work.
    All the best in the New Year, Corey. Thanks for being such a beautiful part of every day of my 2010!

  36. joanne nixon

    no resolutions…just want to laugh more, sing higher, dance longer, and love deeper…

  37. If it’s a diet, the proposition lasts just one week….

  38. Sherman Unkefer

    A delightful new year to you! Since I can’t stand to fail, I do not make resolutions…

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