Brother Mathew are you going to write a Blog about the Brocante?


The above photo is my brother Mat (Yes, Mat with one T. Why I don't know. But I am sure my other three brothers could come up with some dandy reasons.)

Mat does not like his photo taken. Hence, the ding-dong smile.

Yesterday, I received this email from him:


Hey Sister,

I saw Sacha yesterday in my kitchen making two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for himself. I gathered a few things from this sight: 

1. He is our Dad's grandson as he seems to love PBJ's. 

2. He is well fed. 

3. You owe me. 

Bro Mat




Then he asked me to help him create a blog.


Fair trade.

Brother Mat do you know what you are asking? Do you want to have a blog about the brocante?



Photo: My nephew Joe, Brother Mat, a good friend Sebastian, my nephew Sam, and Sacha holding a school banner.

My Brother Mat takes Sacha to all the school games.



Sacha is living with my mom, but spends most his time with his cousins Sam and Joe, Mat's sons. Three teenage boys… I am certain my brother's refrigerator doesn't stay full for long. PBJ sandwiches call for a large glass of cold milk. Sacha's middle name is Milk.




Sacha riding one of his Uncle's motorcycle.

I cannot say that it is Mat's bike… it might even be Sam's bike…. or it might be the bike my dad gave Sacha…

What I do know is that there are many motorbikes hanging around the Amaro clan.


Photo: Sacha with some of his cousins walking along the canal behind my Mother's house.




Photo: Sacha with his cousins Sam and Jack.



Photo: Sacha dressed up as a pink pig with his BMX bike. Sam his cousin had a cool idea for them to buy mascot costumes for Halloween. Sam dressed up as a bunny, and Sacha as a pig.

Photo: Sam and Sacha hamming it up.

Pink pigs need a ton of PBJs to stay fit, and a few cousins to keep him entertained.


34 responses to “Brother Mathew are you going to write a Blog about the Brocante?”

  1. If I send Sacha a jar of PB and another of Jelly will you create a blog for me too?

  2. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Wow, the boys look alike! If you line up all of the cousins in my family…you wouldn’t have a clue that we are related. I hope Chelsea has a wonderful time in China. What a wonderful opportunity. One of my best friends has lived in China several times. She adores it.
    : )
    Julie M.

  3. Well, here’s to PB&J and Uncle Sam’s blog! Sounds like Sacha is having a good time with family in Willows.

  4. Your son is more alike his father each passing day! And I’m sure he’s having a very great time with your family.

  5. Gina Baynham

    It is so fun seeing a glimpse of Sachas life away from home.
    It looks like he is having a wonderful time!

  6. How fabulous indeed
    What treasured memories

  7. How wonderful that Sacha is able to spend time and have fun with your family!!! A handsome bunch!!!!

  8. The family resemblance is strong, a healthy love of pb&j is probably not all he got from his grandfather!
    A brocante blog might be nice, he’s a good barterer.

  9. You are one bunch of wonderful loving people!
    And really good looking too!
    Sacha looks so happy!

  10. Everton Terrace

    The best part is the pure joy and exhuberancec on their faces in all the photos. You can see the love shared between them and what appears to be the absolute blast Sacha is having. Good to see. Makes me want to go to Willows!

  11. Your brother’s blog could be called:
    Mat with One T.
    Door Mat
    I think it will be called
    Lead Holder
    but maybe I will call it:
    Brocante Mat

  12. jend’isère

    The exchange for the PBJ sandwichs chased with milk should be exchanged for nourishing his boys on camembert baguettes refreshed with a Perrier.

  13. An Enchanted Cottage

    Oh my gosh, what a FUN post!!!! It must be wonderful to be part of a big family! The lust for life comes through in all of your posts, Corey. Your entire family most definitely knows the key to true happiness and it shows on every single face in all of the photos you always post…. Donna

  14. This sounds like fun…I wonder what he will blog about.
    I’m with Donna, it must be so much fun being part of a big family. Mine was/is teeny tiny. Thank you for sharing about yours here!

  15. Amy Kortuem

    I’ll bet Mat’s blog will be about motorbikes and then you can comment on how tired you are of hearing about them on HIS blog! hee hee
    The Willows Honkers? I thought my school’s team name in the 1960s, The Garden City Gardeners, was funny, but The Honkers takes the cake. (Our mascot then became the Wildcats – much scarier than the gardeners…)

  16. Rhonda P.

    Well, if those photos don’t bring a smile to your face, you’re not alive! Great post!
    That Sacha, oh, the girls must be crazy about him.

  17. Chief builder, Mat.
    Planning and designing a blog.
    Creating spaces between building codes and historic preservation.
    A blog on architecture?
    The name is t, not two. Architect of minimalist design.
    Corey..the tennis match between a brother and sister. The back and forth. Riveting good fun.
    Have a great day old friend :-X

  18. Sharon, Morrison Mercantile

    Love it!!! Sure can see the French influence in Sacha vs. his cousins. He is looking more and more like his Dad.

  19. Brenda L from TN

    The boys do all look alike….Sacha looks like his Dad, for sure….nice-looking family…BUT…
    THE HONKERS???? The Willows HONKERS???
    I am still LOL on that one….

  20. The next generation of Amaro men. Hearts are breaking everywhere.

  21. cynthia @Beatnheart

    Corey, how wonderful that your son is able to experience living with your mum and the rest of his family. You are brave to let him go, but just think of how much it will add to his life. Knowing your mum…hanging with the cuz ins. Beautiful. How i enjoy seeing happy, close families.

  22. Ha about “Brocanting with Mat” just to see the traffic that comes his way…too funny. What a delight it is to see Sacha tight with his family, fitting right in.

  23. Great family photos – lots of joy there!
    I well remember my son’s teenage years — I think I bought at least two gallons of milk per week and used to hide the last slice of pie in the vegetable drawer — mean, huh, but sheez, that guy could eat ;)!

  24. What a great experience for Sacha to be surrounded by cousins, aunts and uncles. Not to mention, learning to love PB&J. How American of him, unless that’s the only thing in the house to eat, which it often is for my boys. It’s that or cereal.

  25. joanne nixon

    i love to see cousins…cousins are an integral part of growing up…not to mention wonderful……
    and as for “putting out the mat”…….have great fun with it!

  26. Franca Bollo

    “Matt” minus the “t”? It’s akin to dotting your “i” with a smiley face.

  27. Kathie B.

    *cough* *cough* That Pierce HS mascot “bears” (2nd photo from top, at right on wall) a suspiciously strong resemblance to one of the standard renderings of OSKI, Cal’s Sturdy (or Dirty?) Golden Bear:

  28. Miss Robyn

    I will read his blog! I think it would be hilarious.

  29. I am excited to become a follower of
    Mat(t)’s blog. Hopefully Franca Bollo will be a frequent guess blogger about her life.
    Mat, aside from brocante entries please include entries about cycling and your bicycles.
    Anxiously awaiting the debut.

  30. Corey, love this post! My boys drink enough milk to warrant a cow purchase. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly (mom to 3 dairy boys)

  31. How wonderful Sacha and his cousins get this year together.

  32. This is the childhood I had, but my children missed out on. How wonderful for Sacha to experience living with his big family. An opportunity of a lifetime. Now what would Mat blog about? Kids eating PB&J and empty refrigerators?

  33. Elaine L.

    I’m so happy for you, Corey. It’s so great that Sacha is having this time with your family and seems to be truly enjoying his American Experience. He will never forget it.

  34. I love that Post!!!!!!!!
    I love the pic of the walking along the canal… I could feel to be there.
    Thanks 😉

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