A Postcard from Thailand

  Postcard Thailand

There are moments in an ordinary day that enter into the heart changing us with each beat.

There are moments that we cannot explain, only feel.

There are moments where everything becomes crystal clear, and in the next breath dissolve into the mystery.

There are moments like today…

That gather yesterday, today and tomorrow letting us know that everything is connected, even if we do not understand how or why.


The shocking news of Japan!

We were walking on a street when in a shop window we saw a TV which said, "BREAKING NEWS 8.9 earthquake….Japan" We went inside with many others and watched the horrifiying news.

My blog post was posted before I saw the news.



18 responses to “A Postcard from Thailand”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    There are moments when a few sentences make you think.
    There are moments when one post helps one pause, look back and go ahead.
    There are moments when one picture allows one’s thoughts to rise.
    There are moments when another post-of-the-day makes you feel small and humble.
    There are moments when it’s time to say “thank you” to the author of an authentic blog.

  2. I’m worried about you all..I will keep you in my heart and pray you are safe.

  3. My love and prayers for everyone in the world……..
    so many world tragedies all over.
    I send my love and good wishes
    Love Jeanne♥

  4. I concur, thank you Corey.
    Thoughts and prayers to our friends in Japan…

  5. The emotions are welling up and threaten to spill over as I caught up on the last two
    posts. I visited an orphanage in Honduras when I was a teen, and the sweet faces left a permanent print on my heart. It does make me rethink how I am living, and how I can pay it forward. I needed reminding. Thank you for the beautiful images of life, my heart goes out to the children, with their sweet brave smiles. Also, I too am watching the news of Japan, and my thoughts are with everyone in the wake. Take good care.

  6. Praying for your safety and that of Japan and the rest
    of the world. My heart went out to the children at the
    orphanage! Thank you Corey, for your heart-felt posts!

  7. Gayle Hajek

    An emotional rollacoaster….praying

  8. Please stay safe! We always worry here in the NW about earthquakes, now the news is all about possible tsunami waves hitting the coast.

  9. Corey, Your heart touches me. My heart is heavy for the people of Japan. I watch the tv this morning waiting to see if it hits the west coast. Waking to the news, it is so sad and difficult to comprehend. Take care and thanks for your very loving posts, including the previous one on the orphanage.

  10. FrenchBlue

    Dearest Corey,
    I have no words other than…
    Prayer. Process. Life.
    Hold on tight to all you know. Look straight ahead. Stay close to God.
    Thank you for letting us know you are ok.

  11. Chris Wittmann

    I have a friend with a son in Japan, my heart and prayers go out to all the people (and animals too) there. Sorry I have not been on your site recently, but am thinking of you and pray for your safety as well.

  12. Rhonda P.

    The man of the house woke me and softly said, there’s been an earthquake in Japan and there are tsunami warnings for Hawaii and the US pacific coast. He knows I have a friend in Hawaii and I jumped up and I have been glued to CNN since.
    I thought of you and Yann, Corey, too. Your post is beautiful and true. We will all pray for Japan as I don’t think even they know how horrific it is yet.
    Warm hugs, Rhonda

  13. I am just watching the images on television now, my heart is heavy and my thoughts are with all those whom we love and are suffering now. Take good care of you and Jann.

  14. It’s a terrible reminder of the power of nature. My prayers and thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by the disaster.

  15. Victoria Ramos

    how often we forget the power of the sea and mother nature. My darling daughter lives in Santa Cruz and pretty much slept through all the drama of the tsunami (she has been studying for finals at UCSC). I called after the first surge and woke them all up….glad to know they what to do in case of emergencies….Santa Cruz for some reason experience the worst damage on the CA coast (boat harbor severe damage – millions of dollars worth of damage plus 15 or more sunked boats) One fatality in No. Cal….spectator who disregarded warnings to take photos of the beach was sucked out to sea and still missing……
    but all that is so small in comparison to the horrific videos of the devastation in Japan. My thoughts are with the people of Japan, and hopes that the tsunami warnings saved lives.
    Be well and stay safe in your travels.

  16. Wow–you must have been getting some subconscious vibe to post that before the EQ!

  17. we have been getting emails from friends in Christchurch who have just gone through a large earthquake, but no tsunami.
    We have family in two parts of Australia who have both been affected by the flooding, but no earthquake.
    I just can’t fathom the magnitude of both at once, the fear and the powerlessness against something so violent and quite literally awful.
    The earth seems to be groaning in pain.

  18. I hope everything has turned out okay for you and your family. It’s so scary when these things happen. I know someone in Tokyo and he and his family are fine. Here on the coast or Oregon it was scary too, but thank goodness everything is okay.
    Take care and be safe.

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