Dang Stairs!

Plaa's stairs


Two hundred and seventeen uneven stairs.

Up and down we went from our "happy place" bungalow to the beach,

to the restaurant,

and to the Wifi.

Happily two hundred and seventeen steps up and down, several times a day.

We were coming back from dinner. The dark sky and crashing waves added a layer mystery to the surrounding jungle as we hiked the stairs back to our bungalow. French Husband said, "It is a good thing I left the outside light on," then he raced a few steps ahead of me to open the door.

"Such a gentle man," I thought, as well as, "These stairs would detour many a folk, which is a pity because the view is amazing… I better be careful, Yann would be devastated if I fell right at the moment he left my side to open the door…"

And with that I tripped on step two hundred and sixteen. As I was going down thoughts raced through my head:

1) Yann is going to feel so responsible, and it isn't his fault!

2) I cannot scream, I don't want to wake anyone or cause alarm.

3) Oh God! The edge is so very near, please do not let me fall off into the sea below.

4) Oh my God, my head is going to hit the concrete edge, or worse my neck!

5) Yann is going to feel sick when he sees me on the ground.

I hit the ground with my head less than an inch from the concrete edge. My foot went into  painful rage. I remained silently on the ground as French Husband turned to take my hand and lead me inside, instead he saw me sprawled out clutching my ankle.

Of course he instantly blamed himself saying, "As soon as I went to open the door I thought to myself, maybe I should stay by your side?" and then he thought, "No opening the door would be better, so you could see the last step."

Poor guy.

I had to tell him twenty times in a row,

"It is not your fault, and do NOT touch my foot."

He was dieing to touch it, why are moths attracted to the flame? I told him do not touch it because I will scream.

Then he felt worse because he knew I was not well.

The first night was terribly painful.


The next morning we hiked two hundred and seventeen steps, then across the stones at the beach's entry, under the rocks with the tide breaking in, water galore. Such an adventure! Such pain! So slow going. One step than another. At the beach, which we had to cross to catch the boat. Oh the boat! A ladder suspended into the water, with the tides crushing in. Have you ever tried to climb a ladder into a ferry, with a twisted ankle, while tenderly gathering courage as your partner swims the seven seas with your suitcases on his back?

I thought, "Child birth was worse; really it was!" and then, "Damn stairs! This hurts without the reward of a baby!" I wished I had stronger arms.

French Husband had to lug the suitcases by himself, without me teasingly taking photos, or helping him. I should have packed far less.


We returned to Koh Samui were we knew I could hole up for a few days to heal. We went to Saboey Resort. Oh I loved the bungalow at Plaa's, but I love this place more to heal! We had dinner here before heading to the isolated beach. Only a handful of stairs.

When we arrived to Koh Samui we took a taxi from the boat to Saboey Resort. We walked in the resort looking nothing short of people who live on the streets. We were wet due to the storm that took place while on the ferry. We had sandy feet (I couldn't put my shoe on due to the swelling.), greasy windblown hair and looked miserable. Worse, French Husband wrapped my foot with his wet shirt on the boat, I don't known why, but he did. When we walked into the resort he remembered he didn't have his shirt on so he grabbed the dirty shirt which I had stuffed in my computer bag and put it on; It was the icing on the cake.

They did not take notice, or were to professional to stare.

Tomorrow we head to Bangkok. I plan to lay low, in hopes to recover. We thought about canceling the rest of our trip, but instead we will take it one day at a time. The pain has subsided, and I can walk…slowly, but not far. A few more days of rest should do the trick, or at least I am hoping it does.

Nothing is broken. The top and side of my foot is swollen and bruised badly.

Poor French Husband, two suitcases and a hop along wife…. what an adventure.


74 responses to “Dang Stairs!”

  1. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    Oh, so sorry to hear this, Corey! I so hope that a bit of time out in a comfortable (no-stairs) place in Bangkok will do the trick and that you recover soon. All best thoughts and wishes …

  2. We have a saying in Polish “gdyby kozka nie skakala, to by nozki nie zlamala, ale by smutne zycie miala” which roughly translates to “if a little goat didn’t jump, it would not break it’s leg, but it would have a very sad (boring) life” – it rhymes in Polish.
    Hope you feel better soon and can resume your wonderful journey.

  3. Ouch! (but glad it wasn’t worse!) Take good care of you. Hope you heal quickly!

  4. Merisi, Vienna

    I am so sorry, Corey,
    for Yann too, but I am also glad that your ankle seems to heal,
    with tender loving care, some more rest.
    Thinking of you,

  5. What a story to tell! The picture you “drew” was so alive. An ankle and travel so difficult. A full moon and sitting and watching Bangkok will work its magic.

  6. Marie-Noëlle

    Any fish or turtle therapy around to relieve your pain ?
    Have a good pause and get fit soon !
    Thinking of you !!!

  7. Oh, Corey
    I do hope you have access to either ice or heat
    and healing salves to ease your pain and swelling. Prayers and blessings to enjoy the beauty and wonder in store for you and Yann.
    xo jody

  8. Kathleen

    At least you still have your sense of humour! Must be very painful and sore to walk,hopefully with rest and treatment it will be better soon and you can continue with your travel plans!

  9. So sorry! But the story was great, what a man! That’s right out of a romance novel…

  10. lindamarcov

    oh sweet girl… this is where and when it is time to take a break, the universe does it for us sometimes, when we need it most… just look at it as perfect timing, you do not need to know why, just that it is….. love you, and Yann too to taking such good care of you… kisses for you both.

  11. Oh dear! I am glad that you were not hurt more by falling! You will probably find a few spots here and there that are bruised as well. Not only do you have a hunk for a husband but he is caring and loving as well. Feel better and enjoy the rest of your trip but watch your step! No more pain only fun!

  12. Oh Corey….healing thoughts are sent your way!! Filled with gratitude that you did not hit your head on the concrete!!! Rest………….

  13. Deb in IN

    Oh how I wish there had been just 216 step and you had arrived safely at the bottom.In coming years I hope you remember only the stories surrounding the injury and not the pain!Another example of why you and Yann are so good at leaning on each other when needed-it sounds like together you will be able to travel any path you want. Best Wishes

  14. It’s no more your fault than it is his. I am sure he is happy for the company and does not think the luggage is heavy at all. I hope you feel better soon, take it easy today.

  15. I am sorry to hear of your injury and hope you heal quickly.

  16. meredith

    Oh non!
    I hope you heal quickly hop-along Corey!

  17. It’s that last step that get us. So sorry to hear you hurt your ankle. Take care, foot up, rest, and heal quickly, then move forward with glee and joy and take in the rest of your trip.

  18. Sorry to hear of your fall. Hopefully you can heal quickly. I always seem to get food poisoning when on vacation. Don’t you hate feeling bad and not being in your own bed.

  19. Oh no, Corey you are very brave girl.
    Sending healing thoughts to you.
    Feel better soon girl.

  20. C, I hope when you read this you are feeling much better and can enjoy the rest of your trip. So sorry to hear of your tumble, but thank God for your wonderful FH.

  21. I’m so sorry Corey! It is so difficult to be on vacation and have any problem. I think it is the
    universe telling you to take a break, slow down and
    put your foot up and rest it and yourself!
    I have loved your reports of the beautiful places you
    have been! Many thanks and I hope you have a very
    speedy recovery!!!

  22. so sorry…glad it was not broken. heal quickly as you slow down this part of your amazing trip.
    missy from the bayou

  23. Stephanie M

    Rest is the best cure. And keep it wrapped if possible. It will feel much better if you can stabilize it. Enjoy this break now so that you can have an enjoyable second half of your trip.

  24. Christine Warren

    Corey, I know just what you are going through. When you can rest, elevate your leg and if you can get ice, keep some on it. Don’t let it ruin your trip. You’re having an amazing time. Take care.

  25. I’m sorry about your foot!!!!!!

  26. herhimnbryn

    Oh Corey!
    C.ompression (you MUST strap that foot up)
    It may not be a sprain, you could have torn a ligament..be very careful and STRAP it up!

  27. Rhonda P.

    Oh Corey, I do feel your pain. I have a tremendous horrible relationship with stairs. I have fallen down stairs and sprained my ankle, way too many times. I’m the trip gal from Chicago. I had other trip friends, which made me feel better that I wasn’t alone. It’s not like we have two left feet, for some reason, we trip. It’s embarrassing. I walk more slowly than most people and take stairs one at a time now.
    Feel better and “watch out” for stairs…they’ll get you every time.

  28. Twinkleberry

    Oh Corey, sorry! Your wonderful trip…. I hope your ankle gets better quickly. Have you tried Arnica Oil – and if you could mix in a couple of drops of Lavender oil too – it’s my miracle cure.

  29. Oh, no. This IS bad news. Can you head back to the acupuncturist? Perhaps s/he can help with the pain. You are a brave soldier, Corey.

  30. I’m so sorry to hear of your fall. Everything was going along so swimmingly.
    Rest and restore and hopefully the remainder of your trip will still be enjoyable. (As Laura mentioned…is the acupuncturist a possibility?)

  31. Ouch! I’ve fallen, hurting my ankle, and can empathize with the pain. Someone else said RICE – do it and elevate your foot as much as you can. You might want to seek some medical attention. I fell a few years ago (Okay, I was reading a magazine while going down steps. Like, duh?). I walked on it for several weeks before going to the doctor and found I had a fracture. I didn’t need it casted, but did use a mobilizer, which you may need. Sorry. Sound like a mother hen. Whatever you do, you WILL enjoy the rest of the trip.

  32. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    I did same at my daughter’s apt. the other day – exact same injury – approx. same amount of steps – only I fell on last step GOING DOWNSTAIRS. Bad eyesight caused mis-step. I think I mourned for my youth more than my ankle but OUCH! Sympathies Corey!

  33. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Courage ma belle! Elevate it when you can, take rickshaws instead of walking and take pictures!
    Your posts have inspired me to dream about a trip to Thailand after retirement. I am enamoured with the sights, smells and sounds I can imagine and a kind benevolent people.
    I want to learn to cook Thai like you and have a suit made for Vlad. What a wonderful trip you have sculpted for yourselves.
    Do not let the ankle be a deterrent, rather, let it guide you to another way to enjoy the trip. I know you can.
    Denise (and Vlad who has gone to the mountains with a group of students this weekend)

  34. You could always soak it in that beautiful sea….feel better soon.

  35. Really sorry to hear this! Yes- elevate the foot…rest… may it heal quicky.

  36. Oh I’m so sorry. Saying a prayer now that your foot will heal quickly.

  37. LaurieSF

    Ice and elevate, Corey. Twenty minutes at a time throughout the day. This coming from a runner whose had her share of falls out on the trail.
    Feel better my friend and a final note to your FH.
    All men should follow your example, a truly great gentleman you are.

  38. Hello Corey great tips here, definitely RICE, try an ace bandage or air splint to help compress and stabilize the ankle (another idea is a hiking boot)when walking.
    Use a cane in the opposite hand to the injured ankle to take some weight off of it. Try some small gentle ankle pointing and flexing and later ankle ABC’s when you tolerate it without too much pain.
    The acupuncture also sounds like a great idea!
    Best Wishes

  39. Violet Cadburry

    So sorry to hear of your fall and wounded ankle! FH such the Galahad, must ease some of the sting. Definately follow the RICE plan, but I also supplement this treatment with MACS therapy. My grandmother was Cajun and learned this from her grandmother who was a healer, kinda of like a witch doctor. To prepare, you have to wear an amulet that is meaningful to you around your neck like a necklace. If you don’t happen to have something with you, it is permissible to purchase an amulet and cost should be no object as this is a medical expense. Start the treatment with a Massage a day, which keeps your mind off the pain. Only after the Massage you must purify your body with Alcohol, so drink up it is good for you. At the end of each day, watch the sunset while eating Chocolate and chant slowly while breathing through your nose “pain, pain go away, I can’t stand you another day.” The last part of the treatment is essential so don’t forget to Smile as much as possible, even when you don’t feel like it….there, feel better now?

  40. Brenda L from TN

    OH! Corey, I am so sorry to hear of your fall but everyone who suggests ice and elevation is corret…also wrap it up for support. Sounds as if a very bad and brusied sprained foot.
    FH is so sweet and this is NOT his fault nor yours…just one of those silly stupid accidents that happen to all of us at one time or another. Take care and get rest…relax and enjoy this amazing trip and time together!!

  41. Hope you are back on your feet soon. Sounds like it won’t be a bad place to recovery!

  42. Big healing hugs my darling
    I love you

  43. Ouch! I’m so sorry Corey. I hope that with a little more rest your ankle will feel MUCH better. xxx

  44. Gretchen Baldauf

    Sending plenty of sympathy to you both, Corey! I am nursing two fractures in my own foot right now, with a similar Sir Galahad to help me out by walking my dog, who caused the fractures by stepping hard on the top of my foot! Ow!! Clumsy dog! Feel better soon!

  45. Hope your foot feels better!

  46. Shelley Noble

    Poor Corey! And Yann! Don’t worry dear, when you are all healed and back cozy at home in the future, all of this trip will seem an amazing exciting dream all together.
    Have you tried Arnica, or Topricin creams to naturally reduce the inflammation and pain? Maybe daily soaks in the salt water around you might speed some relief?!

  47. Birdbrain

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to have your ankle checked out by a doctor. there’s sure to be an international hospital, even a French hospital in Bangkok. You wouldn’t want to be miserable on the rest of the trip.

  48. Jennifer in SF

    Oh Ouch! I hope that you will mend quickly! All the best to you both.

  49. Really sorry to hear about your ankle Corey – that is SOOOO painful. Hope it’ll be better with a few days of rest and FH to take care of you. Lots of love

  50. I am so sorry you got hurt! I am praying for quick healing. Would you be able to get acupuncture done to speed up recovery?
    Taking it one day at a time…great idea!

  51. Even in the midst of pain you can still find the energy and time to continue sharing your journey. Take good care both of you.

  52. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Shelley
    As soon as we went into our bungalow, I took Arnica, an asprin and FH found ice at the restaurant. Very lucky for that. I have taken Arnica ever since.
    Third day and I can walk without holding on to someone or thing.
    Rest was the best medicine.
    I have a goal… the Great Wall of China looms ahead.
    Thanks everyone for your love and prayers,

  53. Kathie B

    Sounds like a nasty sprain, poor baby.
    Did you pack an elasticized ankle brace or old-fashioned Ace bandage?
    If not, I assume once you reach “civilization” you can buy one.
    And can Yann bring you “take-out” meals, since I assume you didn’t injure your appetite (LOL!)?
    P.S. If it helps any, think of how you’d feel — and what you’d naturally do to help him — if Yann were the one who’d fallen and sustained such an injury.

  54. Kathie B

    “P.S. If it helps any, think of how you’d feel — and what you’d naturally do to help him — if Yann were the one who’d fallen and sustained such an injury.”
    Or, dare I say, if the shoe were on the other foot? (Ducks for cover (LOL!)).

  55. Elaine L.

    Poor Corey! You ankle sounds so awful. You should probably see a doctor when you reach Bangkok.
    And . . . based on your description, it sounds like the people at the hotel were too “professional” to notice. LOL . . . sorry to laugh, but you painted a too vivid description.

  56. A good pair of really sturdy shoes. This is when American’s love of tennis/running shoes comes in very handy.
    Yann and his shirt…how sweet! Now that is a guy worth keeping!

  57. Poor coco! I hope you’re okay!

  58. katiebell

    Corey, I hope you are feeling better. Remember first aid rules RICE – stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation!
    Wet t-shirt was probably a good idea. love x

  59. Ah! I am so loving your adventures by proxy, although I am throughly saddened and dismayed over the injuries you sustained. Take care, continue to out-enjoy the pains, but get yourself checked out ASAP!
    You are such a trooper. 😀

  60. quiltmom

    I was so sorry to hear about your ankle Corey. I hope that you are beginning to feel better and that it is not spoiling your trip.
    You have such a great attitude- Wishing you a quick recovery.

  61. So thankful it was not worse and you are on the mend. Do keep that foot up when you can.

  62. Sending healing wishes for you Corey. X x x

  63. Oh, Corey! I hope your ankle continues to get better and better. You have the most wonderful attitude. Sending you healing thoughts and wishes.

  64. Cathy J.

    ICE, ICE, ICE and elevate! Try Motrin (around the clock -every 6-8 hours) for the pain. Take it with food or milk.

  65. Here’s to Courage!!!
    Heal quickly, God Bless!

  66. I bet you can find a Thai medical person who will have some magic potion to put on your foot to ease the swelling. I fell while taking photos at the Taj Mahal. Luckily, I only banged my knee. It really hurt but nothing like a sprained ankle which I have had too.

  67. Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. Sprained ankles are painful…ice , and strapping when up on it is about all you can do. Time heals. Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the rest of your trip. I don’t know how you even shared this with everyone….thanks again for sharing ….you are a beautiful person

  68. Judy B. Texas

    So good to hear from your reply that you are on the mend…those footies must be in working condition to walk the Great Wall of China…you can do it.
    Sending white light of healing to your foot and prayer for your and Yann’s safety.

  69. elizabeth kirkpatrick

    What an adventure!!!!!!!!!!Just stay put for a day or two FRENCH GORGEOUS HUSBAND will understand!Your posts are beautiful thanks for including all of us!TRIP OF A LIFETIME.
    KEEP POSTING that you can do with foot up!

  70. I miss one day of posts and look what happens! I wouldn’t have commented at all since I’m a day late, but you had 69 comments and I thought I should make it an even 70.

  71. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you all 70 of you who gave your love, support and prayers towards my little chubby black and bruised foot.
    Your energy is healing.
    My foot is better and better with each day.

  72. Tongue in Cheek

    Found some, thanks!

  73. ellen cassilly

    I too missed a day and now realized that you had a tumble. Elevate and ice and maybe a soft oil massage. Ellen

  74. Oh my goodness, Corey! My father-in-law was visiting this weekend and I took some time off from the internet, so I wasn’t able to wish you speedy healing. I hope that you are feeling stronger every day, and certainly in less pain.
    I am glad that your gallant husband is there for you, every step of the way!
    Love, Tamara

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