A Flower in a Vase

Flower in vase




Spoke with Sacha, he is into raising chicks, literally. The little chick-lettes are yellow and fluffy. His girlfriend raises chicks every year for Easter.

Chelsea called to ask if I wanted to come back and travel with her for the last two weeks of her stay in China… to go deeper into the countryside. In two weeks time!

Should I stay or should I go?

My foot is a miracle thing. I have another doctor's appointment Friday.

Annie is doing very well, we walked to a nearby field and picked weeds for a salad.

Sticky Cat hasn't been around, well at least not in our house that is.

Where are your thoughts taking you today?







65 responses to “A Flower in a Vase”

  1. I am thinking that packing is the down-side of traveling; that I am happy it’s Thursday because it’s my Bible Study Day; I’m also happy to be going to Zermatt tomorrow for two nights; and finally … I am VERY excited to be going to Paris on the TGV on Monday!! hooray!
    I’m thankful for your miracle foot. Tempting offer from your daughter for sure. Thank you again for all the wonderful images of China. God bless your decision.

  2. Ana Maria

    Yes! Definitely go back and visit some more magical places with Chelsea! It would be different in a way – the two girls traveling together – a different type of adventure!
    Discuss it with FH and if all are in agreement, I encourage you to do it.
    I’m happy to read that your foot is all right.
    PS, and this time, take a larger suitcase so you can bring back a couple of antique Chinese treasures!

  3. jendisère

    Stay off your feet as much as possible for 2 weeks and then reward yourself with that China voyage

  4. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Ana Marie
    If I go I will take a carry on back pack only. Chelsea needs an extra suitcase so mine my suitcase will be for her stuff (40 pounds allowed, one suitcase per person, each extra pound 15 dollars.).
    Ticket prices are good…. so tempting! Yann says go for it.

  5. I’m thinking….
    that yes, you should go…and how much I’ll love reading your blog posts from your return trip….
    that you have a great husband, who is so very agreeable….
    he’s a lot like my hubby….who happened to come through his surgery yesterday with flying colors…
    and that I’d like another 30 years (or more) with him…maybe we can see China someday too 🙂

  6. Chance to travel with your daughter in China is priceless. Go you may never have this oppurtunity again.

  7. Karen@Pas Grand-Chose

    Wow! If you have the energy (you must be jet-lagged still?), I say go for it! I’m curious (and impressed) about how you manage blogging daily while travelling, especially in remote places? Will you carry a laptop as well as your big camera in that backpack?

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    Go, GO, GO !
    Whatever your luggage … A suitcase, a backpack, a clutch bag…, GO !!!
    All you need is your camera !!!

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    PS – By the way, my thoughts were about getting tickets to Turkey until I popped to your blog and started to wonder about the/my hackneyed cliché of cycling straw-hatted swarms in china blue, mao-collared jackets round the streets of all Chinese cities … !!!

  10. Of course you go to China. You fell in love. If that boy you had a crush on called and asked if you wanted to go out, you would have gone out.
    Also, the foot thing — no doubt Eastern medicine would have cleared it up in a week. I think you missed one of your callings by not exploring the healers there.
    Can’t wait to see more of your travels

  11. YES! I was going to say OF COURSE too. If you can afford it, do it! Why NOT is the real question.

  12. michelleb

    GO!!! Be with your daughter!

  13. what is better packing or unpacking?
    I’m packing, we’re taking off tomorrow morning.

  14. Mother’s Day in US is May 8th…what a wonderful way to celebrate !
    How loving to be invited by Chelsea.

  15. Oh yes, do go to China and travel with your girl. You will never get another chance to do such a spectacular thing! What does the dr say about your foot? Does he think you’re crazy for continuing to travel with a nearly broken, or perhaps surely broken, foot?

  16. To the many things I have to do and not having enough time…….http://mylittleplace.blog.com/2011/04/14/some-due-reports/

  17. cathy.615@gmail.com

    GO! Chance of a lifetime..two weeks in China with your daughter. So what if it’s only 2 weeks since you were there. GO!

  18. GO.
    A verse just came to mind–“Today is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
    Today is the day to go for it!

  19. Sounds like there is no reson not to go.
    Read yesterday’s posting and it was ironic that you wrote of Mat and brocante and biking. Last Saturday in Willows their was a fund raiser ride and we rode with Bro Mat for part of it and talked about brocanting (and your post). He has a cool bike, a Richey that he’s had for years and you could say he “brocantes” for parts. Must be in the Amaro blood.
    To Mat’s credit, he rode the 100 mile (stud)and we did the 35 mile Clarks Valley loop.

  20. Welcome back Corey! As you told me when I needed your advice, your heart will lead you. So let your heart lead you back to China if that is what it wants. Your health is first though, and I am sure it depends on how that foot is doing. I was so worried for you when it happened and prayed that it wouldn’t ruin your trip. I am amazed you were able to blog the whole time from your travels in Asia! It was wonderful to read every morning and see what new adventure you were taking that day. Best wishes and good luck!

  21. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    And has FH taken off to the skies in his little airplane?? Bet you are both busy catching up with home and business! Chelsea will be back in France before you know it 😉

  22. Where are my thoughts taking me today?
    First, to finishing polishing translations of two poems and a short story that my collaborator and I have been nursing along for the past few weeks, so they can be published on the Azores Comunidades blog.
    Then to Paris, where I’ll be giving a talk at a conference on two other already-published poems about Azorean women in California that another colleague and I translated — but I have to finish writing the talk first before I can give it 🙂
    And finally to Provence, where I hope Farmboy Husband and I will be able to travel during our Paris trip, in order to meet this blog’s hostess (and host, and friends like Annie and Stinky Cat) in person!

  23. Go for it, Corey!!! Another life adventure and with your daughter. I love travelling with mine.

  24. Paula S In New Mexico

    Oh, moments with a child are so cherished. Of course, you will go, won’t you? And take tons more photos!! I am so addicted ! Hug

  25. Cathy J.

    Hi Corey,
    I agree with some of the other bloggers, nurse that foot before you leave and then go for it. It ceratinly will be a different adventure with your daughter. I believe it’ll be a cherished moment for both of you!
    Thank you so much for sharing you experience in China with all of us. Job well done! Thanks again!
    Wishing you a fab Friday!

  26. First sight of your orange ranunculus (right?) and I ran out to get one growing in my CA garden for my hubby, it’s our anniversary today. Today I’ll dream about adventures we can take together one day.

  27. Go for it! I’ve never known you to pass up a good thing!
    Always in my thoughts and forever in my heart…

  28. Go for it Corey. What an opportunity and adventure for both you and Chelsea. I’m also glad you are going to get your foot checked. That bruise was awesome!!
    My thoughts are with my 95 year old Favorite Aunty who is going to a nursing home today after fracturing her femur and having surgery this weekend.
    Also my 13 year old beloved dog who is having health problems. Her soft brown eyes so full of love and she is trying to act like she feels fine.

  29. I am trying to gather my thoughts but it is like herding cats these days! We are at that challenging and fun time of having Finn go from two naps a day to one, which means less sleep for the most part as he adjusts. As a consequence, I am kind of ragged at the moment and have a to-do list a mile long…that includes relaxing…and I feel I can’t get to any of it…and I do NOT feel relaxed! But I am told this too shall pass and he’ll be back to being a champion sleeper in no time. (Well, as much as three months’ time…)
    It sounds like your foot is doing better, and I am so glad for that!
    And as for China — I say YES!! For the adventure and the special time with Chelsea. If she asked, that means she really wants you there and this will be a shared adventure you talk about for the rest of your lives. Besides, as much as you will fall further in love with that country and its people, you will have a greater love to return home to in French Husband…and just imagine the stories you’ll have to share with him upon your return!

  30. Oh yes, go back to China. Happy your foot is a miracle foot. Good to hear about Sacha and the chick, and hear about Annie. My thoughts are taking me to Thailand, soon very soon I leave on my adventure.

  31. Brenda L from TN

    I say GO! GO! GO! ….take your camera, very comfortable shoes and clean undies…You will be very glad you did…(just be sure your foot is much, much better)…:)…you and Chelsea will have a great time together and it says a lot that she asked you to come back just to be with her!!!

  32. Brother Mathew

    Thoughts on Sacha:
    Yes he is raising chickens. Roosters to be exact. He threw the discus in track and field further than ever before yesterday and continues to represent the Willows High School Honkers as the mascot. He with the help of others refurbished the green house on campus and are growing tomato plants. Many are proud.

  33. Carolyn Mallin

    Go with Chelsea!!!! It’s so sweet that she wants that time with you to make special memories. Don’t miss this.
    My thoughts are taking me to the place where I’m getting ready to do summer art shows. Have to make my jewelry and make it plentiful.

  34. LaurieSF

    Yes. Go to China and be with Chelsea. After all one needs a vacation after a vacation. How wonderful.

  35. He looks like the athletic type, like father like son. Way to go Sacha!
    If it was me, I’d already be booking my flight, Corey.

  36. LaurieSF

    The real question at hand. Will he be wearing a black or white tuxedo to prom?

  37. Victoria Ramos

    I say go for it….since money doesn’t seem to be an issue….in time she will want to travel with her significant other and not with mom….
    Thoughts from my desk at work today? Wish I had the choice to travel to China, that’s for sure! Been working full time for 35 years so far….so if I had that opportunity for whatever reason, I would go for it!
    Rest up and get ready for another adventure!

  38. Amy Kortuem

    Yes, go there with Chelsea. No-brainer.
    Glad your foot is better.
    my thoughts are today:
    • the cold, rainy, windy weather here in Minnesota reminds me of being on the West Coast of Ireland, only somehow this kind of weather feels actually pleasant when you’re in Ireland…
    • wondering which knitting project to start first (my favorite yarn store is closing and I stocked up. Big Time.)
    • laughing so hard when I typed “ribbin” instead of “ribbon” at work
    • wondering why some people are so mean, so consistently
    • being overwhelmed by the huge project that is the book I’m writing and wondering if I can find a writers’ group
    • loving this little break from playing my harp that happens between St. Patrick’s Day and wedding season

  39. Oh, go with Chelsea if you foot will take it. You can’t replace those memories!

  40. Linda G.

    Yann is right! Go for it! You really suspected that’s what we’d all say, didn’t you? So I add my voice to the chorus. Have a wonderful trip, and count your lucky stars that you have a dear daughter who loves to be with you. I have one like her, and we are planning a trip together this summer. Aren’t we unbelievably lucky!?!

  41. *French Curiosités*

    Get a move on it girlie:)
    You will never have this time with
    Chelsea again and China has more to
    share with you 🙂

  42. Franca Bollo

    I’ve just invited myself. At which airport to we meet? Bangkok?

  43. Amylia Grace

    What kind of experience would Chelsea have were her mother along vs. the kind of experience she might have if her mother were not along?
    You know Chelsea and what she needs better than anyone (except Chelsea herself).
    My instinct is to tell you to go, that it would be an indelible memory like no other, but I also wonder about Chelsea–what she gains and gives up by having the comfort of her mother along for the ride…

  44. Christine

    Welcome home and Bon voyage…..go and spend this time with your beautiful baby.

  45. Oh Corey, GO!
    And how sweet that your brother Matthew wrote of Sascha’s other accomplishments 🙂
    My thoughts today are of warmer weather and gardening, although here it is still a few months away…

  46. Go! More China, more Chelsea – you’ll love it!

  47. Tongue in Cheek

    …and getting ready for the prom.
    Thanks Mat for the news about the discus!

  48. cynthia Wolff

    My thoughts today are with my mom who is now 91, I haven’t seen her in almost a year and I dread and fear what she will be like this time around. Thing have changed..
    Absolutely go and enjoy girl time with your daughter. This may be the last time.

  49. Violet Cadburry

    I have enjoyed your trip immensely, but somehow it doesn’t feel like it is over…did you leave something unfinished in China? There is a karma that can’t be explained. I think you should go back and tip that poor maintenance man who had to reprogram the computer chip in the toilet after you played with it. When life extends an invitation, how could you decline?

  50. Whoa! Go, go , go if you can!
    Deeper into the countryside with your daughter, Whoa!
    Love to hear about Sacha and the chicks , etc. Sounds like he has farming in his blood.
    Our 8 y/o son is with his first trip away from home tonight with his 3rd grade class. They’re spending the night at Point Reyes! Wish I could see the whole class with all their stuffed animals in their sleeping bags.

  51. Go! You will regret it if you don’t and the time alone with Chelsea will be a priceless memory!

  52. Birdbrain

    Saw Judy today, she said she, Robin and Joan are due to leave Mon., May 8th to come to see you? Would they go to China, too?

  53. Welcome home! For however long that might be!

  54. That lone ranunculus is just plain pretty! This is the first spring I’ve been without them.
    Glad your foot’s healing.
    Go! 😀

  55. Brother Mathew

    Good point. I really do like bike stuff old and new. Bicycle brocanting would be right up my alley. I hope you had a nice ride Sat. It was fun riding in your group too. Next time.

  56. Denise Griffiths

    Corey I always enjoy your blog but especially loved your journey to China opening my eyes to another China. Seize the moment with your daughter and go exploring more of China……………. pure selfishness on my part I want to read more!

  57. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Cousin BB
    Judy, Joan and Robin come on the 8th of May. If I go to China, I will come back with Chelsea on the 4th of May (that is the date on her return ticket.)
    That gives me four days before they arrive. I wasn’t in the least bit jet lagged when I returned this time, and even if I am, it won’t be the first time.

  58. Wandering Chopsticks

    I was a little surprised when your previous post said you were back in France already. It seemed like you weren’t quite done yet. Plus, you can arrive with two empty suitcases and stuff them with antiques. 😛

  59. Go.

  60. In the days following the return from every trip, in retrospect I think about all the things I wish I had included, tried, explored, BOUGHT, etc. I think of the perfect thing to do with a little thing I saw somewhere and didn’t pick up or an interesting little street that I thought there would be time to get to and explore. I always wish that I could go back and do (BUY)the things I missed (because I was too hurried, tired, distracted etc.) This is the chance, if you can swing it. xoxo

  61. Oh Corey…I hope you go for it! Today my thoughts are on my trees in front of the house and hoping that this crazy wind doesn’t knock them over onto our house. It’s tornado season in Kansas. Have a wonderful day!
    Maura 🙂

  62. Welcome home. So glad to hear your foot is getting better! If, in two weeks your foot is better still, I think traveling deeper into the Chinese countryside with Chelsea would be a treasured time you’d never forget. And, of course, seeing more of your exquisite photographs from there would be a gift to us all.

  63. Alison Murray Whittington

    My Dad came to see me during my last week in Prague, and it was awesome to be able to share the city I had grown to love with him, and also to see it from a new perspective.
    I wish I could go with you!

  64. I’m thinking you should go back to that beautiful country and make memories with Chelsea! That’s the reward for getting to the empty nest stage when you’ve done a fabulous job at parenting!
    I so admire your adventurous spirit. I’ve commented before that I think you’re a very good sport (taking those twisty turns on the back of a motorcycle and traveling with almost NO LUGGAGE!), but really you’re living life out loud and everyone from your immediate family to your world of blogger friends gets to benefit. That’s pretty cool.

  65. Absolutely no question…..go with Chelsea!

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