Housekeeping, what to do:
After washing and drying the antique monogrammed bed sheets put them on the beds. Then go around to the different beds, plug in the iron, and iron the sheets right where they are. Of course only iron the top half, the monogrammed lacey part, that is folded over the bed covers. The rest can remain wrinkled.
Here is what not to do when ironing bedsheets right on the bed….
Do not leave the iron plugged in and upright on the bed.
You see, I went to shut the bedroom window.
While shutting the window the iron fell off the bed on to the vacuum cleaner, and burned a hole on the plastic suction tube.
In a split second, I had a black gooey melted plastic mess on the iron, and a nice big hole in the vacuum cleaner.
Lovely! What a reward for cleaning the house!
It was an act out of a comic movie, all I could do was laugh, and figure out how to clean and repair the two.
Note: I managed to remove the gooey plastic mess by keeping the iron on low (so it wouldn't boil, or harden, or burn my hand) and wiped the goo plastic mess off. Then I duct taped the vacuum cleaner tube.
Next time I will forego ironing the antique sheets.
Do you have a funny story regarding housekeeping? (please tell me you do so I don't feel so bad.)
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