The French boy has turned into an American Country Boy:
He wears t-shirts with sayings on them.
Raises little chicks (chickens) in his bedroom.
Bought a hair clipper and cuts his own hair.
Rides motorcycles on a flat track in the barn.
Took up "Track and Field" …throws a discus.
Dating the rival school Homecoming Queen.
Became the high school mascot and wears a big honker bird outfit.
Drinks Coca Cola in Big Slurp cups.
Is going to his first Prom (they don't have proms in France) at the end of the month.
My mom bakes him goodies like ten times a day.
Using words I have never heard him use before… the next thing I know it he will be saying: Yo Mom.
The other day at a school baseball game he rolled up his jeans and had on sandals. The coach pointed to Sacha in the bleachers and teasingly said, "Sacha you are definitely French… who wears capris around here?"
Though his childhood friend Fabrice said, "What is happening to Sacha? He didn't take his computer, doesn't have internet at your mom's and his cell phone isn't international! Did you say he is raising chickens and has a vegetable garden?"
I added, "And nobody is ever home to answer the fixed phone!"
Sacha is spoiled happy, loves it in Willows…. Oh the culture shock he is going to go through when he comes back to France…hopefully he is coming back.
Note: Yes he lost his passport.
Yes he has re-applied.
And yes I hope it arrives before his plane takes off.
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