American Boy





The French boy has turned into an American Country Boy:


He wears t-shirts with sayings on them.

Raises little chicks (chickens) in his bedroom.

Bought a hair clipper and cuts his own hair.

Rides motorcycles on a flat track in the barn.

Took up "Track and Field" …throws a discus.

Dating the rival school Homecoming Queen.

Became the high school mascot and wears a big honker bird outfit.

Drinks Coca Cola in Big Slurp cups.

Is going to his first Prom (they don't have proms in France) at the end of the month.

My mom bakes him goodies like ten times a day.

Using words I have never heard him use before… the next thing I know it he will be saying: Yo Mom.

The other day at a school baseball game he rolled up his jeans and had on sandals. The coach pointed to Sacha in the bleachers and teasingly said, "Sacha you are definitely French… who wears capris around here?"

Though his childhood friend Fabrice said, "What is happening to Sacha? He didn't take his computer, doesn't have internet at your mom's and his cell phone isn't international! Did you say he is raising chickens and has a vegetable garden?"

I added, "And nobody is ever home to answer the fixed phone!"

Sacha is spoiled happy, loves it in Willows…. Oh the culture shock he is going to go through when he comes back to France…hopefully he is coming back.

 Note: Yes he lost his passport.

Yes he has re-applied.

And yes I hope it arrives before his plane takes off.




38 responses to “American Boy”

  1. Corey,
    what a give you gave that boy,
    you and Yann.
    I know it is not easy for you,
    but he will know so much more about where and how to find his happiness.
    One of our girls went to California for a semester,
    I was sure she would not come back,
    that she would become the quintessential California girl.
    She is back. Happy. She knows what she is missing and she knows what she has here.

  2. What a “gift” instead of “give” – what would Dr. Freud say, I wonder. 😉

  3. Whether the French boy has turned into an American country boy or not, he still has that certain je ne sais quoi, from that lovely picture of him.
    He will be back Corey, just enjoying every minute of his time there.

  4. Corey,
    You certainly have an international family now! Daughter studying in China, son living in California! Don’t worry Mama all your little birds will fly back home to you. It’s always exciting to be in a new place but even better to come home to those you love!

  5. Corey, you crack me up! I can sometimes tell you’ve been in France too long. “Big Slurp?” How could mix up the two iconic drinks in the US–Big Gulp and Slurpie? Sacre bleu!

  6. Wandering Chopsticks

    Does Sacha want to go to college in the US?

  7. Indeed, what a lovely gift – what well-rounded young people you have in your family. I so often wish I had had a broader world view as I grew up, and certainly wish I had given it to my children. And to know that he is in a safe place, among people who love him, while he gets these experiences… nothing could be better. Good for you.

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    Didn’t you say lately he has lost his passport …?

  9. Merisi, Vienna

    Jen, there was a time when 7-Eleven had a big Slurp! It was mega-sized, a bucketful, maybe half a gallon. 😉

  10. lindamarcov

    you know what they say, you can take the boy to the country , but you can’t take the French out of the boy.. or something like that… he will always be French!!!!! Just like you will always be an American living in France, although you could fool me… love you.

  11. Rhonda P.

    How handsome your son is. As much as California has changed him, I’m sure he has changed California.
    That is one lucky homecoming queen.

  12. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Perhaps he will attend college in California (Chico)? Or SF State? Or does he still plan to return to France and finish at the university near you?

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh Dang! I have been here too long.
    I couldn’t for the life of me think of the name.
    I have never had such a drink.
    A small is large enough.

  14. Rest assured. He is Sacha the French nephew.

  15. Lieselotte

    Corey, what are proms ?
    Is your Franc-Aine boy coming back ?

  16. Amy Kortuem

    He will come back to France a citizen of the world – and better for it! (Who WOULDN’T come back to France???)

  17. He’s a fine young man, so adventurous and always trying new things, who knows where he got that from. Being spoiled happy with love is never a bad thing, something tells me your mom is a pro.

  18. Kimberly

    Corey, I was just thinking about your son and wondering how he was doing in Willows. Thanks for the update. Blessings, Kimberly

  19. Michelle M in KY

    Spoiled happy…I’ve never heard that before but I love it and I’m actually going to strive for it! Thanks Corey. I’m so happy he’s doing well and loving it in the States. I think it will be a grand transition to go back to France. When’s he planning to come home? Are you going to go back to China? Love keeping up with all of your adventures. Safe travels my friend!

  20. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    His heart will be in 2 places now. What will become of his girlfriend?
    Oh, to be young again and know what I know.
    We have drinks called “Route 44” at Sonic. They are huge.

  21. He’s so handsome and I’m sure he will leave more than 1 broken heart behind! Your children are so fortunate to be traveling and experiencing life in other countries. 🙂

  22. Franca Bollo

    1. Go figure.
    2. He sold his passport
    3. Don’t count on seeing him anytime soon.

  23. “An American in Paris”, a French boy-turning-man in Willows – can he sing and dance like Gene Kelly? Lovely photo, Sacha looking into the future.

  24. LaurieSF

    Twenty four years ago, my date for the Willows prom was Hanz from Amsterdam. He wore a white tuxedo with pink bow tie and I of course had a pink taffeta dress to match.
    Love that Sacha has embraced all that is Willows, it sounds exactly how it was twenty four years ago.

  25. Victoria Ramos

    Many a tear will be shed in Willows when Sacha departs! He is livin’ the California dream! Motorcycles, land to run around in, big man on campus, prom queen girlfriend, jock….hard to top that. Are they/did they do any fun things during ‘spring break’? Like going to the ocean/beach?
    And didn’t his dad fall for an American girl?!?!?!
    And hey, it gets hot here — they have 64oz drinks at Arco,too! And Icee’s.

  26. Hmmm, has his girlfriend applied for her passport yet? A trip to France will be in her future. It’s fun hearing how easy it has been for him to be an American boy.

  27. cynthia Wolff

    your son is so beautiful…what a cool story and how he is adapting to life with your mum. Your family h as so many wonderful adventures. How lucky you all are.

  28. ellen cassilly

    Did he get the job at Hollister? He may be the international boy. Love, E
    Hi Ellen,
    No he didn’t get the job. Maybe that is why he is raising chickens?
    Thanks for asking,

  29. I saw him the morning on the ride with his two cousins (Mat’s) cruising around in an old red pickup while we all were riding. They were three peas in a pod. He has that Amaro smile.

  30. you have a Dream Boy…. He’s happy, he’s having the time of his life – he will be back!!!!
    What a blessed family you have. Have my blessings too!

  31. Wow! Really? That just points out that we like things too big in America. I heard somewhere that our small fry is a large in France. I guess that explains our butts too.

  32. When he is supposed to be home?

  33. Elaine L.

    When I saw the picture of Sacha, my first thought was of how French he looked. I don’t think CA boys dress as stylish. He does have a flare for it.
    I, agree, his heart will now be in two places, just like you. I think it is so wonderful that you have given your children so many experiences. Europeans are much more Cosmopolitan than their US counterparts. They travel with such ease and grace, too.

  34. The American girls are swooning, yes?
    Very handsome.

  35. Brenda, Walker, LA

    No Matter how we broaden our horizons, we always know our roots and where home is!

  36. He may have adopted some American ways but that picture has French all over it. That child has style….French style. I guarantee the boys in Willows don’t have that! Maybe he will teach them some new things!
    What a handsome young man. He is well grounded. Just like his mom!

  37. FYI coco, not every boy in America, say “Yo”!:)

  38. Such adventures your beautiful children are having. You’ve surely given them the proverbial roots & wings.
    BTW the translation of “poste fixe” for a phone is “land line.”

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