Joyous Easter


Going on a journey

Going on a journey!


Joyous Easter!


May the golden egg be yours today.


16 responses to “Joyous Easter”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Have a blessed Easter, Corey!
    : )
    Julie M.

  2. Safe travels to you! And have a blessed Easter!

  3. A very blessed Easter to you, and a prayer sent up for safe travels. Looking forward to more posts about China!

  4. bon journee mon ami!

  5. Happy Easter! Hope you have a great time!

  6. Wishing you a very special Easter!!!

  7. Wild Plum Cottage

    Have a great time!

  8. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time.

  9. Happy trails to you… and a Happy Easter to everyone.

  10. Safe travels and have a lovely Easter
    Love Jeanne

  11. Have a safe journey, and have a great time!

  12. Happy and safe traveling!

  13. Marie-Noëlle

    Joyeuses Pâques !!!
    Fly safely to China !

  14. How long are you gone for this time? Lucky girl! I want to be in your suitcase. I could be a itty bitty egg tucked under some of those gorgeous French blouses? Happy Easter my friend.
    PS. Spoke with Celeste, thanks for intro. Off she goes in June.

  15. Happy Easter to you and yours Corey! I dragged my son to Easter mass this morning. He is making his first Communion in 2 weeks so I thought we had better go, or what kind of Catholics are we?! 😉 I can’t believe he is making his 1st Comm. I still remember wearing a white eyelet dress for mine. Have an amazing trip, take care of yourself, and I can’t wait to read updates along the way.

  16. Sue Morris

    May your journey be a safe one Corey – happy travels in ‘your new love -China- with Chelsea……come back with lots and lots of your special stories to share with us.
    Hugs and smiles Sue.

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