Chelsea’s China

Chelsea's china


Chelsea's China.

Photos to follow the next few days of what Chelsea sees and snaps with her camera.

And what I see and snap with my camera. Two walking the same path with a different take….

Grab a spoon and a chair the feast is about to begin.




17 responses to “Chelsea’s China”

  1. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I Can’t wait to see the pictures.
    It is kind of a let down when you stop traveling!! hahah
    Have a wonderful time.

  2. Lieselotte

    Where do you take all this energy from, Corey ? There must be something in that Chinese food you´ve been having, I guess. Enjoy ! Give my regards to Chelsea

  3. artjournaler

    I was so excited when you were in China for trip #1. I’m besides myself for trip #2. I hopehopehope there’s a book of photographs and impressions in your future!

  4. Quality kitchen cabinets

    Hey Amazing piece of art is there in your pics…!!! Great Photography…!!!

  5. Several years ago, the Museum d’Orsay in Paris had a special exhibition of the paintings of Cezanne and Pissaro…comparing the works of the two masters.
    The museum placed their paintings side by side…showing the difference in their eye. As friends, they sometimes painted together…the same scene at the same moment…yet the paintings showed their individual souls.
    How interesting…mother and daughter together..with two similar yet unique souls capturing China.
    Hurry, hurry…I can’t wait to see!!

  6. Christine

    what a fantastic idea – i can’t wait to see how you two see things. have a glorious trip, be safe and enjoy each other’s company!

  7. She takes lovely photos! Is that you in the last picture, if it is, your hair looks fantastic.
    Hi Sam,
    Yes it is me, and thank you for the compliment!

  8. Kathie B

    What an astute point, Nance!

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    Where have my straws gone ??? I had a whole pile of them !!!
    I ‘ve got to find one in order to beable to sip the cocktail to come … !

  10. Amy Kortuem

    What wonderful memories you are building with your daughter. What a special time. You’ll remember this always. Again, thanks for inviting us along on the journey! Can’t wait to see the different perspectives you two have from that same path.

  11. I’m really enjoying going along on your vacations. No packing, no passport needed but learning and seeing lots of sites. Chelsea’s blog has excellent photos and stories-just like her Mother’s!

  12. I’ll be right back, I’ll just get my bib :-).

  13. To see the sights through two sets of eyes how wonderful! Can not wait to see the photos.

  14. Gina Baynham

    Looking forward to seeing the contrasts!

  15. How fun!
    Wishing Yann a full and speedy recovery –

  16. ellen cassilly

    Looking forward to it. Your hair looks great. E

  17. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    My sense is that while we are seeing China through different eyes, the love for the country will be the same 🙂

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