A View from the 100th Floor

Shanghai World Financial Center A view from the 100th floor

Shanghai, in the World Financial Center, the third tallest building in the world.

Chelsea stood at the window's edge, she was on top of the world,

at sunset…. on a glass floor, on the 1OOth floor.



Shanghai tower view from the top
(Photo Corey Amaro: View of the building next door.)


The hyper cool, new age, out of this world elevator, took us up 93 floors in sixty three seconds.

Yes, our ears popped.

Then another elevator took us up seven more floors.


View from the glass floor

(My foot on the glass floor… it felt surreal.)


We stepped out of the  World Financial Center's elevator onto a glass floor.

Glass as in see through… as in one hundred floors down.

Are you dizzy yet?



37 responses to “A View from the 100th Floor”

  1. Fabulous indeed is all you share with us…….
    Love you

  2. Whoa Corey – there’s no way I could have stepped out onto that floor ! I get sweaty hands and shaky legs just looking at the photo ! Enjoy the rest of your stay. Lots of love to you and Chelsea xxx

  3. That first photo is fabulous. I love it! Just thinking about that elevator makes my ears hurt.
    I sure wish that I could take my father there. I took him all over Kyoto and Tokyo with all of their amazing temples and shrines, and all that history (which I LOVE), but his favorite part was going up the Kyoto and Tokyo towers, which are both very, very puny in comparison to that one! Go figure!

  4. YES!!!!!!!!! EEEKKKKKKK!!

  5. I could not have handled that.

  6. What fun, did you jump when you were almost to the top, to simulate floating? Keep enjoying yourselves!

  7. Oh my. The pictures are beautiful, but I lost my breath when I saw the glass floor. You two are brave, I could not have stepped out of the elevator.

  8. Fabulous photography!

  9. Jillayne

    Dizzy!?! Reeling is more like it!
    You two are having a wonderful adventure together.

  10. Yikes!!!!! No way. I can’t even climb a step ladder.

  11. Kathie B

    Corey, what a photographic challenge some of those shots you took must’ve been!
    Reminds me of going up one of the twin towers in the World Trade Center on a trip to New York City in the mid-’70s. Then there was the time we went up to the top of the Empire State Building — cue “Sleepless in Seattle” — when it had been unseasonably cold and windy for early April in NYC: I swear we could see all the way to Connecticut! Probably just my imagination, but I also thought it felt as though the ESB was swaying a little at the top ;-)))

  12. Wild!!!!

  13. girl, you lost me at 100 floors….

  14. Incroyable! Wow! Beautiful photos…Thank you so much.

  15. Actually, I got a funny feeling in my neck and stomach just reading your post. I don’t think I could have done it but good on you for stepping out onto a glass floor 100 stories up —

  16. Yes, and my stomach is turning!

  17. Very dizzy!!!!!
    Feel like throwing up…

  18. Shelley Noble

    Yikes! Not for me! And not for the Corey from before!

  19. Brother Mathew


  20. Wow….what a view. Not so sure about going up that high with a glass floor. I probably would of got very dizzy. Fabulous photos!

  21. Glass floors absolutely terrify me .. such a strange feeling and I cannot walk !!!

  22. I simply cannot do that! My knees are buckling way back here in the US.

  23. An Enchanted Cottage

    Oh my gosh, I am getting lightheaded just looking at that last photo! I was okay (even though afraid of heights) up until the last photo. That one did me in! You are brave woman, Corey and Chelsea!… Donna

  24. French Villa Holidays

    Eeesh, that’s a creepy pic. I went up the skytower in Auckland which I don’t think is anywhere near as high, and I still couldn’t stand on the glass floor, much to my friend’s amusement.

  25. *French Curiosités*

    Great pictures! I would have had major problems with the height.

  26. Stomach lurching as I read your descriptions…!

  27. Brenda L. in TN.

    I got dizzy just reading this….93 stories in 63 seconds? OY!…please let me sit down!!

  28. Violet Cadburry

    That is a diabolical design. Do they hand out Xanax as a precaution? Reminds me of when I the time I took the decrepit aged gondola out, you could see through the floorboards, and swung over the 2,000 ft. chasm in the Blue Mountains in Australia — never again. Had to have several pints of good old Aussie beer after that experience.

  29. WOW! C, wish I was with you guys!!!
    safe travels . . .

  30. AmyKortuem

    I hope you wore pretty undies so the people way down on the street had a nice sight looking up at you, with that glass floor!

  31. You are two brave women! Beautiful and brave!

  32. Love it! I’ve been to the glass floor at the CN Tower in Toronto. It just doesn’t seem right to walk on a glass floor, we sure had fun though!

  33. Michelle M

    had a mini panic attack when I saw that. Yikes!

  34. CN Tower in Toronto also has a glass floor on the top floor at the hight of 351 metres (1,151 ft). I was there several times taking visitors from Poland when I lived in Canada. Confession: I NEVER stepped directly on the glass floor, just stood on the edge – too chicken :-).

  35. Marie-Noëlle

    Amazing !
    Can tell right now I could NOT have stepped out with you!
    I’m very dizzy…
    a mere stepladder makes me dizzy !!!
    These 3 pictures are wonderful !!!

  36. That is terrifying!

  37. Wow, more thrilling than a carnival ride. Way to experience life from all angles!

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