

They had been together for years and years standing apart on delicate ground. They traveled similar journeys and tasted life in each others gaze.

Do you have a muse, someone or something, that allows your wings to unfold?

Things that allow my creativity to flow: Last minute things to do, people coming over to visit, comments and blogs, of course the love and nudging of family and friends, dancing, looking at picture books, and arriving to a flea markets or antique fair.

Photo: Turn of the century, Quimper pottery on a French transfer-ware plate.


8 responses to “Muse”

  1. Donna Boucher

    Yes. I have a muse her name is Katie Grace.

  2. We all need a muse or two, I have mine as well.
    Enjoy the company coming over, I am sure you are an excellent hostess.


    My old cassette player and Meatloaf’s Bat Out Of Hell, tempered with some vintage Jim Croce….played nice and loud in my office.

  4. martina

    Yes, my friend Corey!

  5. Rhonda P.

    I often get inspiration from the simplest of things. It amazes me and I know there is some creative angel in heaven steering me on.
    So, my muse is my angel, who watches over me and says “get it right” – remember handmade is made with pure love.

  6. Merisi in Vienna

    I can see how all the things you quoted help boost your creativity. Somehow I miss that adrenalin surge I got when brocanting with you. Who’d have thunk, me who does not like flea markets? 😉
    Good light makes me feel alive, greedy to capture it. Listening to music (although I rarely do) or the radio. This afternoon, while driving home from a slow food fair, I listened to a broadcast about Roy Orbison and Bob Ostertag and found it so inspiring, I stopped by the roadside and jotted down a few notes.
    Here I have a song for you, Corey:

  7. French Curiosités

    Tonight involved playing with paper. It was nice to let my mind wander.

  8. Brenda Brown, Walker, LA

    Like you, events, and planning dinners, having people over, and making deadlines for myself!

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