Blooming in the Garden (iPhone)



Blooming in the Gardent

Blooming in the Gardent


Under a steady downpour– it amazes me the power that these tender small bossoms, buds, and petals have to hold on, to remain strong… Ah lessons that the smallest of things can bring to us, lessons of courage, endurance and steadfastness…


8 responses to “Blooming in the Garden (iPhone)”

  1. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Well, ok. I like your iPhone postings and esp. the video’s. I like to hear your talk more. It makes me feel like I am back in France.
    I thought the brocante in Avignon was your favorite????
    You will have to take me to this one you speak of now!!

  2. Paulita

    Okay, are you being paid by Apple, because I’m thinking about buying an iPhone now.
    I needed that photo and message about tenacity after a week in a very dark place. Thanks

  3. Is it your garden? So beautiful, they look like tiny white trumpets.

  4. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Sam
    Yes the jasmine is in our courtyard. It took a pounding with today’s storm.

  5. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Paulita
    I am not being paid, but should be! I would be a great cheerleader for the iPhone. I wish I had bought one years ago.

  6. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Sharon
    I have many favorites.
    Gardanne is a favorite because it is nearby and only two or three times a year.
    Avignon is a weekly favorite.

  7. martina

    Would you please tell your wonderful, fabulous, terrific husband how very much I appreciate the Mother’s Day gift he gave you? I really love the mini updates, photos and videos.

  8. Very true!

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