One storm after another.
Brocante withdrawals.
Manageable due to the scent of lavender rain.
Not really. Just trying to stir up romantic thought, this rainy day instead of making cookies and eating them all.
Lavender Rain

15 responses to “Lavender Rain”
Lavender in the rain is nice. You could make the cookies too, there are more people at home now to help you polish them off, and it would warm the house up. If you need more excuses, let me know.
Tit for tat. Not far from Willows, in Solano County.
Love your blog. 🙂
Candy -
Lavender goes quite nicely in cupcakes too. Oh the temptation. Enjoy your rainy day.
It started pouring rain here, with thunder/lightning at precisely 1 AM. I fell asleep by 2 so don’t know when it quit.
However, it’s sunny this AM and the garden soil is plenty damp — good for all the early, mid-season and late (Silver Queen) corn seeds and small tomato and pepper plants that Farmboy Husband put in yesterday! Today he still has to plant the summer & winter squash seeds (in hills cut into heavy black plastic sheeting that we weight down with the heavy shale rocks that seem to be our garden’s most prolific crop!) and various types of pole-bean seeds (planted along plastic-coated fence fabric we’ve long used for trellises). -
Its raining in Napa again too, first batch of cookies are already out of the oven….
Rain reminds me of Bruce Hornsby,
Mandolin Rain:
I wish you sunshine, soon!
xxx -
Maybe the rain is a blessing given how much you have been on the go. Maybe it is saying slow down a little.
I love going with you and your new toy. I love the videos and hearing your voice.
But ~ I hope you will still post pictures taken with your camera. The detail is so perfect in them. But the iphone is more fun… I think I need both ~ the iphone and the camera.
xoxoxo -
Better said than Prince could concoct
I’ll send chocolate chips toute suite…
I think a batch of my lavender-ginger butter cookies are calling your name!Seems to be raining everywhere this weekend.
not here in goodyear, az….it was a hot one today…106. i will trade you some sunshine for some rain…..we need it….
Rain can be romantic. Your photos looks gentle and soft. Warm rain in summer. But raining in Malta too! Very unsettled all May and June now too. Weird for the Med this time of year. Trouble is, my lavender is over, and it tends to rain Saharan sandy mud here. I console myself with my bougainvillea which is a riot of colour at the moment; though sadly no scent! Am in Provence first 2 weeks July – I think the lavender there will be over too?
I hope the sunshines back in Provence!
I spent the morning lying close to gravestones, trying to get “looking up” pictures (the profs were not quite happy about the perspective I had chosen before). After five hours, I was too pooped to continue: temperatures nearing 80°F do that to you.
I am sending you a couple degrees and cloudless skies as I type!
M. -
We just had a much awaited shower, my lavender needed it!
Your posts are lovely!
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