Tonight I am Sleeping in a Tent

A tent, without a door is set up in the backyard.

Four children and I are going to sleep in it tonight.

There is a cat that likes to sneak in and curl up on whoever it can.

I hear it likes to sleep on people's heads.

I am afraid of cats.

The four children think I am teasing when I say, "If the cat sleeps on my head, I am going to scream, and run and jump into your beds."

My littlest niece reassured my fear by adding a new one to it when she said,

"Don't worry Aunt Coco I'll try not to pee on you tonight."

(Photos…. Your imagination: Dark, tent, four children, cat and pee.)



40 responses to “Tonight I am Sleeping in a Tent”

  1. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    I’ll take the kitty sleeping on my head verses having a kiddo pee on me…any day. My retired Siamese barn kitty (she adopted me in 2003 and was injured and retired last year) sometimes like to sleep on my pillow, next to my ear. She’s not such a bad pillow, I must say.
    Sweet Dreams!
    : )
    Julie M.
    ps Here is some more reassurance for you tonight: When I was tiny little and my auntie came out for a visit from Minnesota, she said that she would never share a bed with me again…because I was sleep-kicker.

  2. oh, my … good luck, Corey. I’m thinking what is the worst, a cat on the head or pee in your bed, ha-ha

  3. Elaine L.

    Good Luck Corey. I hope you wake up dry without a cat on your head.
    You could do what my parents did. Wait until we were asleep and sneak in the house.

  4. Oh what a little sweetie your niece is. And what a sweet aunt you are to sleep in the tent with them when you are cat-phobic. In this situation i’d opt for pee over a cat-as a-hat.

  5. Sleep in a hat made of something that will deter the cat?

  6. Your blog always makes me smile…but this post has me laughing out loud…could you hear me all the way in California.
    Those little children will remember this forever…what a great family you have.

  7. Giggles and much love♥♥

  8. lol:) Hmmm, cat on the head or pee??? I’ll get back to you on this…

  9. Paulita

    Sounds like you, and they, are having the times of your lives. Better than China?

  10. Cynthia in NC

    You are…THE.BEST.AUNT.EVER…. Hope you survive it and do not have to wear the dreaded cat hat.

  11. Corey, I am interested in why you’re so afraid of dogs and cats. It seems odd that someone who grew up on a farm should be afraid. Did something bad happen to you when you were little with them? I feel sad for you because my pets give me such pleasure. Just interested…

  12. Have fun Aunt Coco!!!!!

  13. Marilyn

    Sounds like fun! They must love you to want you to share their tent.

  14. Have fun being an auntie to your little ones, lol, that niece of yours knows how to set the mood. Hope you make smores or some other campfire treat kids, big and small, love.

  15. Rhonda P.

    That is too funny. You are having a ball and making memories. Keep a dog in the tent, then no cat!

  16. Kathie B

    Corey, did a kitty once do something bad to you when you were little, that scared you ever since? I confess that Farmboy Husband and I are full-fledged ailurophiles, who greatly miss having companion cats any more, especially on the bed!
    OTOH, we wouldn’t sleep in a tent without a door (and netting) because we rationally fear mosquito- and tick-borne illnesses. Farmboy Husband, being an expert on infections diseases, enjoys regaling folks with stories of the horrible illnesses that skeeters and ticks can spread, depending on where one lives. West Nile Virus (mosquito) and Lyme Disease (tick) are biggies here in the Northeastern US nowadays. There’s also Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever… Not surprisingly, we have screens on our windows and doors.

  17. Stephanie M

    Better a cat than a raccoon! Hope y’all had fun anyway. Looking forward to hearing all about the adventure.

  18. Amy Kortuem

    Oh fun. Makes me want to set up a tent in my backyard, but the mosquitos are already the size of chickens in Minnesota, so I’d need a door on it.
    I’d invite my cats out there, too…I’d rather have a cat sleep on me than be peed on…

  19. martina

    I’d told my mother about “the bad word” story and she really got a kick out of it. So when I read this one had to call her again. She laughed so hard!
    Thank you! Sleep away from that niece and wear a hat on your head to keep the cat away.

  20. Oh how those kids must love you!
    I burned my special love scar into the hearts of my cousins (who are much younger than me), nieces and nephews, by coming out to the farm to visit and then taking them all to the beach for the day.
    We do what we can!

  21. My son woke up one morning with our deer-faced chihuahua, Ducky, lying beside him with his head on the same pillow, like they were a couple all snugged up together. Quite hilarious. For many years I was a no-animals-in-the-house person, but since Ducky needed a home, I’m a he-gives-me-so-much-pleasure-it’s-worth-it person now. At 8 a.m. he comes out of his crate in my closet and claws at the side of my bed, so that I worry he is tearing the quilt my now-deceased mother made? Oh well, no quilt lasts forever. (Can’t believe I just said that.) And he doesn’t even want out. I swing my legs over the side of the bed to put my slippers on, and Ducky goes back into his crate. What’s that all about?
    Sorry, I think I sidetracked your comment thread. Shall I hit the Post button anyway? I think I will, because … just because.

  22. Marie-Noëlle

    AAAHHH … I just love your little niece !!!
    Who’s going to pee on you first ???
    The cat ??? or the princess ???
    Can you choose ?!?

  23. Cathy J.

    Good Morning Corey,
    You gave me my first chuckle of day. That was so funny. At least she’s thoughtful. My little sister use to wet the bed and it was always a big ordeal with her. Stopping liquids at a certain time and my dad getting her up to potty before she got too comfortable. Enjoy your stay in Willows. Thanks again for the good laugh!

  24. Kathie B

    Say, isn’t the mosquito Minnesota’s State Bird?
    And don’t even get me started on black flies and no-see-ums.

  25. those kids are miracle makers. they can make you younger and in a different time. grab it up. Bestest,Denise

  26. everton terrace

    I find it a bit fascinating that you grew up in the country, so to speak, and you are afraid of cats and dogs. How is this possible? Are your siblings the same? How about your children? I grew up in the city and we always had cats or dogs, often both, living with us. I am a little afraid of motorcycles though 🙂

  27. Lauren Slavin

    you’re such a good auntie 🙂

  28. Franca Bollo

    You should be so lucky to have a cat sleep on your head. A soft, furry crown that purrs? Heaven …

  29. Kathie B

    “Stopping liquids at a certain time and… getting… up to potty before [getting] too comfortable”
    This returns in old age (sigh).

  30. I love it! Sweet dreams :o)

  31. One night i stayed there with them, and she peed on the matress during the night! 🙂

  32. patty g

    Sounds like a night in the tent never to be forgotten. Sweet dreams to all, wishing you happy zzzzzz’s

  33. Picnics in Provence

    Sounds like a recipe for success Corey!

  34. I cannot wait to hear more!!!

  35. Reading lines like “getting here up before she got too comfortable” makes my heart go out to the little children who suffer from nocturnal enuresis. Bedwetting has nothing to do with a child being “too comfortable” getting up. Usually the bedwetting child wants nothing more than stay dry during the night but is unable to control her bladder during sleep, an involuntary act! Not drinking fluids is not a panacea. It may help against occasional accidental bedwetting, but not the child who suffers from other causes. Some children simply take longer until they are able to control their bladder during sleep (just like we learn not to fall out of bed during sleep). Make sure the mattress is covered with waterproof material and show the child all the patience and love and change the bedding when the need arises, but please do not punish a child for an involuntary act, instead give her all the love she needs and more.
    I am writing this as a mother, what I have learned along the way. A good pediatrician will guide parents and child through this.

  36. mary blanchard

    Ha Ha
    Have fun :o)

  37. Cheryl~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Just think of all the fun you will have when you are a grandmother! Lucky children 😉

  38. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    hahaha isn’t that the truth Kathie!

  39. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    They will love Aunt CoCo as she puts a very snuggly quilt over her entire body head to toe! Haha, I can just imagine pictures!

  40. LOl…what a gorgeous story! I cannot believe how much your nieces and nephews have grown since I last dropped by! I remember when my girls were little and slept in my bed occasionally and they always ended up sideways and I ended up with a foot in my face…better than being peed on though 😉

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