Then and Now




Four years ago … Gina then,



Corey amaro photo 1



Gina now.






Marie then,




Corey amaro photo 2

Marie now.






Maci then,




Corey amaro 3

Maci now.






My Godchild George then,




Corey amaro four

George now.





Molly then,




Corey amaro 5


Molly now.




Kate surrounded by her sisters and cousin three years ago,



Corey amaro 6

Kate now.


Corey amaro 7


And Warren who is now a big little boy.


Corey amaro family


I have twelve nieces and nephews (on my side of the family): Six boys and six girls. The photos above are of the six littlest ones. The oldest of my nieces and nephews is 21 and the youngest is four.

Do you have any nieces and/or nephews?


62 responses to “Then and Now”

  1. I have two gorgeous nephews and another one on the way. Oh the fun of being an Auntie. All the fun and none of the tidying up!

  2. meredith

    Counting both sides…I have twelve. Twelve little french and american nieces and nephews 🙂


    Yes – ditto 12 nieces and nephews….more boys than girls sadly but they are all worth having whatever variety.
    Lovely photos and they certainly have developed into gorgeous people.

  4. Merisi in Vienna

    “Kate surrounded by her sisters and cousin three years ago”
    Corey, you are a magician with a camera, such a bewitchingly beautiful image!
    I love how you captured the younger set, now and then.
    (Oho, I discovered that the picture embiggiates, wow!)
    Being the oldest of eight, I have surprisingly few nieces and nephews: five.
    There is always hope, though. And then there are my own four offspring.

  5. Great to see the “then” and “now” photos.
    I have 3 nephews and 2 nieces and since my siblings are much older than me, I also have one great (grand) nephew already. He is about 20 months old.

  6. LibbyWNZ

    I have 12 on my family’s side – 7 nephews & 5 nieces. Aren’t children just beautiful? What gifts !!

  7. I have 10 on my side ages 14-26. I have really missed watching them grow up, living so far away. I am so grateful for Facebook. I stay better in touch with them, and get to see photos of them, now that ever before!
    The 8 nieces and nephews on my husband’s side are closer in age to me than my husband is! The oldest is only 3 years younger than I am.
    These photos are so beautiful, Corey!

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    No, unfortunately ! (I’m an only child) and we hardly see my husband’s only niece.
    BUT 2 of my aunts are a couple of years older than me…
    And their children (my cousins) are like nephews and nieces to me. I used to babysit for some of them. I took them on holiday with me (CAMPING – I know the joy of being pee-ed on in the tent!). I took them to their first concert when they were about 8 and 6 (they still remember the event !). I was always in charge of them when the big family gathered… etc… (behaviour at the table, oral games in between courses, and then fun games away from the table to keep the lot busy while the adults were together) … tons of memories !!!

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    PS thank you for the photos of them all THEN and NOW !!!
    I appreciate !!!!
    They were beautiful and are growing beautiful !!!

  10. What gorgeous children, thanks for the update photos. It looks like you are having a ball Auntie Coco!

  11. They’re growing into such happy and beautiful children and young women, all smiles and shining eyes. They grow so fast, it always amazes me.
    I am an aunt, tons of nephews and a niece, they are a treasure. Enjoy your riches today, I hear it will be a beautiful day for it.

  12. Only two on my side of the family. I rarely get to see them but I do send them good gifts every year!

  13. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    They are all so beautiful


    those children are all stunningly beautiful… like their Auntie CoCO

  15. Marilyn

    You have beautiful nieces and nephews. I have 4 nephews all grown up and that I don’t know well. You are indeed blessed.

  16. Nancy from Mass

    What beautiful children!
    I have 9 nieces and nephews (6 on my side, 3 on hubby) and currently 11 grand-nieces and nephews on my side, with a 12th on the way!

  17. Lovely children, love them all.

  18. Kelleyn

    They are gorgeous children!

  19. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Yes! I have 5 nieces and 5 nephews, all very grown up. The youngest grandchild on my side of the family is 19, he is our youngest son.
    On my husband’s side alas, no nieces and nephews because he is an only child…
    I don’t sleep in the tent with them! 🙁

  20. How proud of them you must be. They are beautiful people! You have done well to photograph them and stay connected….

  21. Cheryl~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Thank you for these photos! I’ve been wondering how these young people have changed over the years. Their faces are as lovely as I’m sure are their hearts and souls. Wish I came from a large family…but not so lucky. Thank you for sharing YOUR family with us!

  22. Brenda L. in TN.

    So glad you printed these pix of then and now…I was curious to see how they all looked “now”…Still beautiful I see…
    Sad to say I don’t have any nephews or nieces…I was an only child and I married an only child…so my 2 sons don’t have any 1st cousins or Aunts or Uncles…only great aunts/uncles and 2nd cousins…a shame too…I remember fun times with my 1st cousins.

  23. Cathy J.

    My nephews must be the two luckiest boys in the world. Three aunties to dote all over them; heaven.
    Corey, thank you sharing the updated pictures of your nephews and nieces. They’re all very cute kids!
    Have a great day!

  24. Amy Kortuem

    They are all so gorgeous! I don’t have any nieces or nephews (my brother, my only sibling, is a proclaimed hermit-bachelor). So I lavish all my love on my younger cousins when I see them and on the ADORABLE triplets who live down the block from me. They wait for me to walk by every night, which is around their bedtime – they pull the curtain back and whisper and we wave and giggle in secret so Mom and Dad don’t know!

  25. RebeccaNYC

    Beautiful, beautiful children! I have several nephews, and only one niece. My niece was the first baby of my siblings, and I lived with her mom (my sister) and dad for a few months when I graduated from college. She was “my” baby, and since I never had any kids of my own, she is still “my” baby. “My” baby just had a baby of her own, and it is wonderful and heartbreaking all at the same time, it all happened so fast.

  26. Rhonda P.

    You are so blessed, I have one nephew and one niece.
    Love ’em to pieces.

  27. Beautiful indeed.
    Yes I have nieces and nephews
    I became a great Aunt yesterday.
    Marcus James entered our world
    June 14th.
    Love all you post.
    Love you

  28. cynthia Wolff

    glorious, close knit and beautiful family…what joy you have and are surrounded

  29. Beautiful, beautiful children. What a lucky Auntie Coco.

  30. Natalie Thiele

    Stunning! What a lovely family!
    Thank goodness you are photographing them. Their beauty and your extraordinary talent- what a combination!

  31. Toni Mason

    Beautiful children all of them! I have 7 neices and 3 nephews, 7 great nieces and 9 great nephews, 1 great great neice and 3 great great nephews! And one brand new grand daughter!!

  32. Theresa

    What beautiful children! Yes, I am Aunt to 14 on my side of the family, and Great Aunt to 13! Wow….didn’t realize there were so many! Sounds like you are having a wonderful visit.

  33. Toni Mason

    Those were on my side only, on Gary’s side we have 2 nephews, 3 neices and one great neice on the way!

  34. I don’t have a single niece or nephew. I have one brother who is not married (and has no children). Since my husband and I do not have children either, it’s pretty quiet in our neck of the woods! Thank you so much for sharing the shenanigans that go on in Willows 🙂

  35. everton terrace

    I have three on my side and 13 on my husbands! I also consider the children of my closest friends to be like family so we need to throw in 7 more. I’m very lucky 🙂

  36. Shelley Noble

    Every photo in this post is outstanding, Corey! YOu have an amazing ability to capture the beauty in a person, especially when you love them, and they you.
    The one of Kate with her sisters is a treasure. It looks like something very old, a composition you might have found in Brocante. Thank goodness you are here to make these things in real life today!

  37. Lieselotte

    The changes of 4 years in between are amazing … they all look lovely. I have only 3 nephews, but about 25 cousins. It´s nice to see one or the other occasionally … at weddings or granny´s birthday. Must go and see the eclipse of the moon now ( if there´s anything to be seen if you can´t see the moon LOL).

  38. What a great Auntie you are. I think Maci resembles you alot. They all have gorgeous hair:) My mother had such a large family I have cousins who are like nieces and nephews because they are the same ages as my children and younger.

  39. I have 5 nephews, 7 nieces and a great nephew and niece. Two are married and I’m off to Chicago soon for a wedding of the third. So fun!
    I just returned from a vacation to Sonoma and Nappa and am catching up on your blog. Loved the graduation photos and sweet post.

  40. Such beautiful photos of beautiful kids! They change so much so fast!! I have 18 nieces and nephews and 16 great nieces and nephews( I think). Love family get togethers which happen pretty often and are very loud and fun!! Know y’all all are having a great time!

  41. Celeste

    19 nieces, 12 nephews, 25 grand nieces, 27 grand nephews and several still in the oven. That’s just my side. World domination!

  42. Amylia Grace

    Gorgeous. I am with my two nephews and niece in Maryland right now (my twin sister’s kids). Elliott just graduated pre-k today, and Max (7) finishes first grade on Friday. Annabelle is two, and the funniest girl! My “little” brother has a baby who is five months, and the sweetest boy ever! I LOVE being an aunt, especially since I have no kids of my own (yet). 🙂 Thanks for sharing the photos of the kiddos. So great!

  43. tongue in cheek


  44. tongue in cheek


  45. Holey Toledo! 🙂

  46. Gorgeous children! I have two gorgeous nephews who I love dearly. They make me feel so loved! 🙂

  47. LibbyWNZ

    It’s a big fat full one here in the Southern Hemisphere!!

  48. They’re beautiful! I have six nieces/nephews so far on my side and another seventeen on my husband’s with two more on the way.

  49. None for me but yours are lovely!

  50. Beautiful photos! These are perhaps the most beautiful children in the world. Nieces and nephews…hmm… Let’s see. I think I am in trouble. I have 13 nieces and 23 nephews. Ouch. I come from a family of 9 and my husband from a family of 11, so 36 is not really that much, is it? I myself have 52 FIRST cousins!


    No nieces or nephews here. May I have George?

  52. you have such a beautiful family!
    Safety Harbor FL

  53. Darlene

    I have one of each – a boy and a girl. Chelcee (pronounced Chelsea) is 17 and Ethan is 8. Since I have no children of my own, I live vicariously through them…

  54. Marie-Noëlle

    WONDER !!!
    I just try and figure out what your family banquets look like … and sound like !!!
    WONDER !!!

  55. Tamsen Reid

    I loved, loved, loved your post! What sweet faces they all have! My niece just got married at the young age of 20. Her face just as beautiful now as when she was a babe.

  56. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Eleven…4 male, 7 female…I was the “young aunt”,”Nanny” is what my sisters kids call me. They were more like my friends and I love them today more than ever!
    You have a beautiful family, truly blessed!

  57. Rochambeau

    This is amazing! Thanks for sharing~~

  58. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    George has changed the most. He is very handsome.
    They are all just beautiful.
    I have not seen my neices and nephews for 50 years and have no idea where they are.

  59. OMG…what beautiful children.

  60. Rebecca from the Pacific NW (but currently in HOT Houston TX)

    I’ve been travelling and have missed this and more recent posts of yours. Saw the one of the children 4 years ago and was wishing you’d post current photos of them too, et voila! Here they are on my next visit to you.
    Coincidentally, I’m writing this and then will dress for the much-anticipated, joyful wedding of a nephew! How timely!

  61. Shannon

    Whoa, I was blown away by how much the kids have matured. Every single on of them are gorgeous.

  62. Maci Amaro

    I love and miss u.Loved the pic. LOVE U!!!!!!!

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