Small Details speak of a Larger Picture


Baby's hand with daisies



The small details of how we live our lives measure large. Isn't it true that you can getting a feeling about a person in how they shake your hand, or look into your eye? Wouldn't you agree that generosity of spirit can be seen in how someone smiles?

                            It is in such small details that speak of who we are.


16 responses to “Small Details speak of a Larger Picture”

  1. oh yes, it’s certainly true. First impressions and all that…

  2. I love how baby fingers are all wrinkly and chubby.
    I am a believer in it, when I meet someone I can feel who they are in my gut. It can change with time, but impressions I took in from observing the little things have never steered me wrong.

  3. something small can make your day. A single word or glance, a smile from a stranger, a tear that falls silently can say so much. Today your post was very apt and the link to the book seemed as though you knew what I needed. So far away yet so close, your words speak to my heart just when i need it the most. Love and peace to you.


    Yes, very true. I also think much is revealed by how people eat.

  5. martina

    I always go by gut instinct/first impressions of people; their smile, their eyes, how they express their feelings. Oh, and if the dogs are with me-how they react to the person. Dog instinct is amazing!

  6. Oh definitely eyes and smile reveal it all… the eyes are the window to the soul.

  7. Rhonda P.

    I get vibes from people – sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes it’s bad. I think we all send out these messages, whether we know it or not.

  8. Amen beautiful words and picture
    I love you
    I love those that are kind genuine and true and have sparkling eyes, smiles of love and depths of love surrounding them.
    Love is all you need♥

  9. Amy Kortuem

    You’re so right, Corey. I especially note how a person shakes my hand. I’m a harpist and have very, very, VERY strong hands and fingers. I nearly get the creeps if somebody gives me a limp handshake!

  10. You and your Franco-American boy must be enjoying all this family time, are planning to head home next week after Festa? I remember seeing the pictures you posted of it, with masses of bread everywhere, lol, looks like fun.

  11. Paulita

    Thank you for the reminder to pay attention to the small details. Today we hurry so much that we miss too much.

  12. susanna

    Yes, it’s the little things that are said or the small actions that are made that speak volumes about ourselves and others. Thank you for the link to the book, Corey.

  13. Just Plain Jane

    Much as I try not to be judgmental, I find handshakes so telling and a limp one, especially from a man, makes me want to say, “No, no, no, let me show you a better way”. I’ve yet to do that, but one of these days I just might…….especially if I like everything else about the person.

  14. Oh very much so Corey. A person’s smile says everything as does a limp handshake.

  15. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Details are the seasonings of what might just be dull and nondescript, in life, in art, in everything! I had a Mom and Dad that paid much attention to detail and effectively passed it on…
    The way they entertained, dressed, spoke, and decorated…
    the details lingered in a persons mind.

  16. bramble

    It is not always easy to read a person whether they are in front of you, on the phone or writing a letter. Sometimes it is a gesture, or something left unsaid that speaks volumes. This is a timely post as I have recently started corresponding with someone from my early years and we both remarked how easy it was to just talk to each other. openly after all these years. My reply” I appreciate your generosity of spirit”. Great minds are thinking alike Corey!!!

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