Under the Full Moon

Full moon


The other night, outside, by the rice fields that surround my childhood home, the frogs were in concert with the crickets under the full moon.

Frogs Singing under the Full Moon from corey amaro on Vimeo.

What is one of your fond childhood memories?


26 responses to “Under the Full Moon”

  1. Magic!
    One of my fondest childhood memories is sitting on the porch at night and watch the stars. Living out in the countryside, flat wide open, the sky was of the darkest velvety blue, with layers upon layers of sparkling stars. I remember trying to stare long enough to see if I could find the deepest layer, where the smallest stars were blinking. Every now and then, shooting stars would light up the sky.
    The bats would come out and fly back and forth. It was magic every night. Midsummer was also filled with the perfume of linden blossoms, from the two huge linden trees next to the house. Between the trees, a small chapel with a Madonna statue watching out over us.

  2. That’s gorgeous, I can see why you love it so much there.
    Eating cherries and wedges of watermelon in the backyard, and competing with my brothers to see who could spit the seeds out the farthest. I never won.

  3. For me it’s the green tree frogs of Georgia. They sound different from yours, but still… frog-y. :o)
    I have never seen a rice field in the US before in my life. Until now, for me, I completely equated rice fields with Japan (Asia).
    It looks amazingly the same, yet different. Wider.

  4. becky up a hill

    Miss seeing the rice fields, thanks for sharing Corey.

  5. Rhonda P.

    The smell of a midwest summer day and our collie dog having puppies….we dressed them, we played with them, we fed them…it was pure heaven.

  6. Kathie B

    Fond memories throughout childhood of our weekly trip to the public library to pick out the week’s reading material (year-round, not just in summer, although I always did more recreational reading in the summer!). That’s the main reason I nagged my mother to teach me to read at age 4, because I felt so disenfranchised by being unable to read yet. Guess that’s where my lifelong love of books comes from…

  7. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    A hot, summer day, sitting on the porch, watermelon juice running down my arm and cicadas singing louder, louder, louder then quiet.

  8. Amy Kortuem

    Being at my grandparents’ house and watching the pastel sunsets over that tiny town, and seeing the fireflies come out.

  9. Playing in the woods behind our house for hours and hours!

  10. Brenda L. in TN.

    I’m with Sue…I have never seen a rice field before either.
    Hey Ya’ll….Today,June 21st,is my birthday!!!
    My favorite summer childhood memory is going barefoot and catching Lightning Bugs (Fireflys to some but lightning bugs to kids in the South)and tying a thread to a June Bug’s leg and watching him fly round and round.
    Thanks, Corey, for helping me remember…

  11. Catching fireflies, putting them in a jar and telling ghost stories by their eerie, florescent glow. Wonder why we don’t have them here in CA? Just one of the many things that makes one go hmmmm.

  12. What a fab memory…dressing the puppies!
    I can feel it was pure heaven.

  13. Like JCinCA said, I have not seen a firefly in CA since I’ve been here, almost 12 years. I remember catching them on the East Coast.
    Great photos!

  14. Cathy J.

    We were the kids on the block with the latest game or gizmo (there was 4 of us). We kept our garage door up during the summertime. We played ping pong, carroms, dolls etc. in the garage. It was great for my parents, they could keep on an eye on and so could the neighbors! Those were good times.

  15. Corey it’s been so long since I’ve been by. Just started blogging again and my most recent post was on just this, childhood memories!! Lovely to stop by and catch up with you and your lovely family again, Nel xo

  16. the sound of rain as it cascaded in a loose drainpipe that ran down the side of our apartment in New York. I have no idea why the rattle and water combination was so soothing, but it was.

  17. Endless summer stretch of checking out library books and reading them outside in the hammock. Playing kick the can at dusk with the neighborhood kids and catching lighting bugs in jars.

  18. Oh, my goodness. How could I have forgotten the lightening bugs (sadly, they are endangered here in Japan, and we can no longer see them unless we go way into the countryside), and just seeing the words “June bug” immediately brought back the scent of those beetle catcher bags that used to hand in our yard to keep them off of our plants! Now that I think about it, those were for catching Japanese beetles, not June bugs, but nevertheless that’s what popped into my mind. Isn’t funny the things that stick with us after so many years?
    Happy Birthday, Brenda!

  19. Diane Belforte Lewis

    ah, seeing that picture of Willows makes my heart ache for it, for althought we only spent a few weeks out of the year there, we “city cousins” sure did and do love it. Thanks for the familiar and beautiful sights and sounds. Willows is a part of me.

  20. My dad would take ask me if I wanted to go outside on some summers nights to look up at the constellations, or name some planets, etc. I can remember the cool air, the smell of oak and grass, and how the streetlight across from our driveway would go OFF when we approached. Funny. Wonderful memories!

  21. Oh, Corey! thank you for that! It was like a little trip back to my own childhood. You could record about an hour of that and I would buy it to play to myself as I fall asleep. Ahhhh….summer sounds.

  22. Beverly

    Oh Corey.. How I miss the country side and hearing the first “peepers” of Spring. The sound of crickets on a lazy hot summer day. I also miss the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze. The smell of fresly mown hay and garden lawn. The smell after the rain. The smell of tomato plants and marigolds in the garden I used to have.
    My roses..and peonies. My favorite memory as a child was sitting under or by a huge dark red peony bush..and just inhaling their scent.
    Sigh, when you live in the city..after living 40+ years in the country,you miss those things. Thank you Corey for sharing.

  23. There are many to list but one of my favorites was listening for the street sweeper early Sunday morning. My Mom and I would stay up really late on Saturday nights watching old movies and around 3AM the sweeper would lumber up our street. Weird, I know, but the whooshing sound of the brushes somehow made me feel safe…

  24. Judy B. Texas

    So many memories….here in Texas the Summer’s are hot, hot and more hot, so we spent a lot of time trying to cool off (we did not have a/c then). We went through gallons of sugar sweetened tea that Mamma made; loved to hear the “crack” when cutting a huge ripe watermelon that had been soaking in an ice bath; we would either get our own slice of the melon or be handed a spoon…each kid digging into the heart and sweetest part of the melon. July and August we listened to the cicadas singing their serenade in the trees; caught fireflies (don’t see them in Texas anymore) and hunt for horned toads (don’t see them anymore either). In the evenings we would hand crank some homemade ice cream; my brother or I would take turns sitting on top of the maker when the cranking got hard to keep the container from skidding across the floor; have wonderful memories of my Mamma pulling the paddle out of the creamed mixture and removing the goodness – we kids fought to clean/lick the paddle! I wouldn’t sell my childhood memories for a $million dollars!!

  25. Jane Ann

    I too am surrounded by frogs here in the Pacific NW. Our pond is green with eggs, a child’s delight. It was fun to think back to my favorite memories. I did not realize that they are mainly out of doors. I have fond memories of playing in the woods in the Seattle suburbs, playing trolls by a creek in Alabama, playing kick-the-can under the street light on the finally warm summer evenings, catching snakes, and trying to train earthworms :). Thanks for rekindling these memories.

  26. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    ..Visits to my grandparents house in the country…Picking Figs, canning, gathering eggs, “playing store” in the Corn Crib and outer buildings, sneaking into the closet that had rows and rows of sack cloth material, sometimes there were cool things hidden in the folds, like money, buttons, envelopes…
    Listening to My Grandfather talk about life
    Visiting great Uncle Gus in Missouri every summer by a different route and seeing the sites, rock hunting, fishing..
    So many memories!

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