Match Maker’s Tale One Year Later


Photographs and text by Corey Amaro


Do you remember this Match Maker's Tale?


Match Making: Two willing souls who did not know they wanted to be together.

One Match Maker: Who was not thinking about matchmaking.

Came together unexpectedly.

The French Man (Pierre)

Late fifties, divorced over fifteen years ago. Handsome. Intelligent. Romantic. Wanted to fix up his apartment.

The American Woman (Mimi)

Late fifties, divorced fifteen years ago. Beautiful. Intelligent. Romantic. Likes to fix up old places.

The Match Maker (American living in France)

Fifty two. Married. Blond fake. Romantic. Likes to fix up anyone or thing.


Mimi was heading home, when the volcano grounded her plans (a year ago).

She was stuck in France.

What to do? We decided to go to the brocante.

At the brocante we unearthed more than old things. Mimi shared her dream to live in France.

The volcano allowed her to live in France for two more weeks: Chez Corey's (That's me the Match Maker in case you didn't know.)


Later that infamous brocante day, French Husband called to say he was with his friend Pierre.

It doesn't take much for the Match Maker to get her wheels turning. The Match Maker quickly asked if they wanted to have dinner together.

The Match Maker asked Mimi if she had a hair brush and some lipstick in her purse? When Mimi said yes, the Match Maker told her her plan.

Mimi freaked.

Match Maker did not care… it is the task of the Match Maker to go where others dare not go.

Straight to the heart of the matter.


Pierre, nor French Husband, had a clue to the Match Maker's plan.

The element of surprise, or a quick test of compatibility is essential.

It is best to keep some aspects in the dark.

The Match Maker set the scene… She ordered wine, and during the first course asked Pierre about his apartment. Mimi blushed. The Match Maker kicked the leg of the blushing gal, under the table. Mimi squealed, which passed as the sound of excitement, interest, as she added: "Really, you have an apartment you want to fix up?"




The two were a pair. Though they did not know that.

The Match Maker licked her lips. Juicy never tasted so rich.




But never in my wildest dreams did I know the pleasures of biting into the passionate fruit.




While at dinner Pierre offered Mimi a taste of his wild mushrooms. The Match Maker watched his fork enter Mimi's mouth, at that moment I wished I had my camera instead of a glass of wine in my hand

Touché! Fruit pictures instead.


The apple.

Cut in half.

The half an apple with a seed exposed.

Fruit pictures serve it up nicely don't they?

I bet you didn't know an apple could be hot? Hence, hot apple pie.



Servings of Hot Apple Pie to be continued…..

One Year Later… Guess what happened????


59 responses to “Match Maker’s Tale One Year Later”

  1. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    I’ve always wondered what happened to these two, and now you’ve left me in a state of suspense! Can’t wait to hear the next episode … :))

  2. Oh Corey, you are such a tease 😉
    I remember them well (insert Maurice Chevalier’s I remember it well here.)
    Please don’t keep us in suspense!

  3. Linda C.

    I remember, didn’t you have a dinner and the night was singing a song on the breeze…or something poetic like that.
    Can’t wait.

  4. I had in my head what I was going to write here and strangly enough it echoes what Carol wrote! You are a tease Corey, what with the suspense of this and your story of how you met your FH at the HiBeam still hanging on. I can’t take much more of this, after all I am 62 years of age with high blood pressure, this is all too much for me !!!!! 🙂 So please, please do tell……did they get married and are living happily ever after?

  5. Homeowner Insurance Coverage

    Very intriguing! I can’t wait what will happen to these two!

  6. Makes one think of the old song,
    Love is lovelier the second time around,
    Just as wonderful with both feet on the ground,
    It’s that second time you hear your love song sung,
    Makes you think perhaps that love, like youth,
    is wasted on the young…..
    Sure hope that there is a very happy ending
    to this story of romance….
    and Please don’t keep us waiting….

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    Let me paint my guess !!!
    A still life : an apple core and a few apple seeds on a Moustiers plate.

  8. What fun, an adventure for both—oh, and you also.

  9. Apples are a sexy fruit, and versatile– pie, juice, roll ups, etc. I’m a bad guesser, with a vivid imagination, you don’t want to know what I could come up with. Something tells me Mimi and Pierre are doing well. Matchmaking is a fun, and sneaky, past time.

  10. Let me guess: Mimi did get the job to decorate Pierre’s apartment!
    Voi che sapete:

  11. Your timing on this subject is perfect….I just made a mental note to myself a few days ago that when you returned home to ask you about it. I thought that maybe since there weren’t any updates that romance had “died on the vine” , but now….hummmm

  12. LOL, your writing is getting better by the day…and the episode…I want to be the flower girl!!!

  13. I bet Mimi is moving to France to fix up Pierre’s apartment for both of them to live in Happily Ever After.
    Speaking of match making, whatever happened with that young couple you fixed up?

  14. Hmmm. Engaged? Half of the time in Europe/half of the time in the States?

  15. My guess is that things have worked out very well because a Match Maker wouldn’t talk about their “matches that didn’t work”. Can’t wait for tomorrow.

  16. Rhonda P.

    I bet they are getting married…right?


    and to think I too will reap the rewards of this match made by one little matchmaker, fake blonde, but true heart..

  18. Pierre got his apartment fixed up.
    Mimi stayed in France.
    They married and lived happily ever after.
    The End.

  19. RebeccaNYC

    You are a dreadful tease and if you don’t post pictures of the happy couple on their wedding day you are gonna have some ‘splain-en to do!

  20. patty g


  21. Hmmm…DO NOT tell us it is now “apple crumble”!!! With that cliffhanger it had better be “spiced apple cider”!!

  22. Gail Sullivan

    Corey, Corey, Corey,
    You are such a tease.
    PS – now I know you well. You will forget to update us for a couple of days to keep us in suspense.

  23. Cheryl~ Casual Cottage Chic

    They will be married in Texas at Willow Nest and share their time between the States and France, oui??


    You wouldn’t lure is into a prosaic ‘found they had nothing in common and moved on’ now would you?

  25. Marilyn

    Oh you tease! I am guessing they got married and are living happily after.

  26. God, how I love your stories!!!

  27. Weaverbec

    Yes, you are such a tease! I hope there is a happy ending to this “story.” I most certainly will tune in tomorrow…

  28. Cathy J.

    My one matchmaking adventure was a disaster. The guy that I thought was a catch and my best friend didn’t hit it off at all. Both are happily married to others now, but I could still kick my male friend, because he was actually rude to my best friend. I guess you can’t force love.
    Please tell me there’s a happy ending to your paring up!

  29. Stephanie M

    Nothing like a little intrigue to get all excited again! Looking forward to the next story of these two……….

  30. Paula S In New Mexico

    Oh another exciting day at Corey’s place !!!!!

  31. Amy Kortuem

    A wedding??? Do they need a harpist???? I’m available!!!!

  32. everton terrace

    SERIOUSLY COREY?! Your cruelty knows no limits. 🙂 Thought the “it is the task of the Match Maker to go where others dare not go.” was quite funny, still smiling. Please do not make us wait long.

  33. Now you stop that teasing right now and tell us what happened. Don’t make me come over there . . . Well, okay, make me come over there, but, tell us anyways.

  34. Corey, if I fail my exams tomorrow, it is all your fault:
    I keep coming, checking …. 😉

  35. lcconnally

    I’ve been waiting so long for the rest of this story!!! I hope they get together. Oh! Please tell us tomorrow, Corey!

  36. NOW I know what Yann was talking about at lunch in Cassis!! Your matchmaking! So, there is this girl, in her late fifties, who lives in Seattle and wallows away the day watching the rain comes down dreaming of far away places, of falling in love, and of living in Provence, happily ever after. Get on it Corey! LOL 🙂

  37. Lauren Slavin

    me next!! me next!!! 🙂 lol

  38. Think I will go have some fruit salad while I wait for the end of this story……………….

  39. Kathie B

    “One Year Later… Guess what happened????”
    You’ve emailed that tailor shop in Shanghai that has your measurements on file, in order for them to whip up a Matron of Honor frock for you, and a superannuated flower-girl one for Chelsea? You’ve booked honeymoon reservations for the couple in Cassis, or at La Madone, or at the charming little B&B in your village?

  40. Corey, you are great on everything you do(match maker included).

  41. shiver me timbers. you wascal!!!!!! yes,i remember the story,but truthfully i forgot about it. i will stay tuned. Bestest,Denise

  42. Theresa

    You writing is so wonderful…the suspense of what happened is not……excited to hear more. She fixed the place up and moved in?

  43. oh how exciting!…… I just know that it will be a happy ending…..

  44. cynthia Wolff

    didn’t forget this story nor the fact that we never got to the ending. hopefully a wedding in France at the said apartment already done up tastefully to the yanks exquistie taste.

  45. Kimberly

    This is the longest I have ever waited for a story. I remember this last year! Can’t wait to hear more. Blessings, Kimberly

  46. *French Curiosités*

    Let me know how it ends 🙂 Are you sure she’s late 50s?

  47. I love that there is finally going to be an ending to this story ~ and hopefully a happy one? 😉 What about that other couple … Eva and Mathew or something like that…whatever happened with them???

  48. I was going to say the same thing but then I saw this response. I only say Ditto……. to it all!

  49. You know that if the story doesn’t continue within the next 24 hours you are going to have a blog riot on your hands, right? Now, how do I keep myself from obsessively checking your blog for the rest of the day? Cruel. Cruel, I say. (But, really fun!)

  50. OH! What a tease you are! What a funny, lovely tease you are!!!! I hope that once you spill the beans, or should I say ‘seeds’, you’ll also tell us what happened with the younger couple, which is why and when I found your blog and have read it each and every day since!
    waiting….waiting…waiting! (…and will it be my turn one day too? 🙂 )

  51. Tamra / The Gilded Barn

    Well if there had been a cake at the end of the post I would have said a wedding but I’m not exactly sure.
    But that sure was some steamy fruit!

  52. Jane Ann

    I have always wondered what had happened! I’m so excited! Your blog is like a great book! I’ve got to have the next chapter please. I’m guessing it ended with roses and smiles. What happened with the younger couple? I love a good romance!

  53. Sue Morris

    Well I am very intrigued now……your story is certainly a lovely one……The mystery deepens.
    Smiles Sue.

  54. How cool is that?!! It must be love.

  55. Shelley Noble

    Tell, tell!! (great work maker of matches!)


    Love the luscious images that go with the salacious storyline….now I have to wait till the next instalment and I just finished watching “The Notebook” movie with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams – James Garner and Gena Rowlands…and that romance made me cry…..seen it before and it did the same last time.
    Now here I am reading about another romance, equally as tantalising – so do tell!
    Nelson, New Zealand

  57. Geez Corey!!!!

  58. oaaaaawh….. fingerlicking, lip smacking good!
    gloriously accompanied by lucious paintings…… aaaah!

  59. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    You are probably a natural born matchmaker. It’s so sweet when you witness a match! Like the final stroke of a painter’s brush!

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