The Matchmaker is back in business.
Men and women please apply.
French and/or English language skills needed (To speak a little of one or the other, and a great deal more of the other.)
Must love France, baguettes, and dinners that last a few hours.
Pierre and Mimi….
in France when two people meet one another and share a moment in time together (i.e. two people who met: On a cruise, or summer holiday, for a short period of time in a place away from home.) Then go out, to dine, dance or whatever suits their fancy, knowing it is only for a short period of time, is called: A "Passage".
As Mimi was in France for a holiday, and Pierre was a friend of ours… I introduced them to each other, suggesting a "Passage".
A passage between one place to another.
A moment of time shared.
A step that leads to a memory, or maybe a journey.
The unknown territory: Beyond the door of tomorrow.
Following hope, I believe, is a good key to have in one's breast pocket.
Mimi and Pierre took the first steps, which lead to a journey.
Pierre proposed last week.
Oh blogging, you are deliciously wonderful, and often a cyber hug of happiness ever after!
Who is next to step onto the balcony?
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