Still Life on a Windy Day

Still life on a windy day

Still life on a windy day….

As if nature takes a brush, dips it in the wind,

then sways the wheat golden.


Have you planted a garden this year?



19 responses to “Still Life on a Windy Day”

  1. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    Your photograph has the quality of a painting, Corey – just lovely. You must be all Festa-ed out – I hope it was a wonderful day for you and your family.

  2. Mmd. Tortoise

    HI Corey,
    Most beautiful photograph that reminds me of Saskatchewan( Canadian prairie) where I grew up with the waving wheat…..interesting how the feeling captured at a very young age continues to course through my veins and remains etched on my soul.I think you had to be there to get it…

  3. I feel like taking a stroll in that field. I haven’t planted a garden this year, but I have a chia pet.

  4. meredith

    no garden this year, just a few flowers.

  5. Julie Loeschke

    Yes! We finally got the garden in two weeks ago.Gardening in the mountains of Montana is chancy at best,but so worth it! 🙂

  6. I live on a peony farm!

  7. We have 8 tomato plants crammed into a little space plus a cucumber plant!

  8. Marilyn

    Yesterday I thought of you and your family celebrating a family tradition. How wonderful!
    There is a garden here, but planted by my husband. We have lots of garlic, 4 tomato plants, squash and pumpkins, lettuce, and swiss chard. It is in a small space, so quite crammed together; but it works.

  9. Sam’s chia pet made me smile!
    Boy, my “garden” is a far cry from that photo, that’s for sure. I just have to say that I am more than thrilled with the vines I have on my balcony right now, though. I planted them to make a “green curtain” to keep out the heat this summer. We are being told that we will have black outs and whatnot because of the tsunami/nuclear disaster situation over here. So far my vines are coming along really well, and I look out of my living room window and see a shimmering green shade. Nice.

  10. Paula S In New Mexico

    We are hustling to keep everything alive in 100 degree heat. The only things in the yard that don’t seem to mind are the tomatoes…….

  11. Paulita

    Are you saying the impressionists were painting what they actually saw rather than their impressions? That’s the mystery of Provence. We already harvested juicy strawberries. My husband planted a square-foot garden. We’ve had lots of lettuce. The basil is ready. The cucumbers are growing straight up.

  12. Kathie B

    We used to have ¼ acre of vegetable garden every year during the growing season (primarily my endeavor, although Farmboy Husband helped out as needed) — plus another ¼ acre of orchard/vineyard/berries (chiefly FH’s realm, but I helped with picking).
    Alas, I’m no longer well enough to garden, so some of the berry bushes, grape vines and fruit trees got old or became neglected and died, and won’t be replaced. Farmboy Husband still raises a somewhat reduced vegetable garden by himself — even took the day off work today in order to weed, since it’s not raining nor too hot here.
    Corey, I bet you’re just all tuckered out (!) today from that hard work with the sopas crew, as well as dancing the Chamarrita, right? Hope the foot injury your incurred in Thailand didn’t suffer a relapse as a result of you being on your feet so much.

  13. Homeowner Insurance Policy

    Love your painting! Err, your pictures. 🙂

  14. Amy Kortuem

    BEAUTIFUL shot! It looks like a plein air painting.
    My garden is slowly but surely getting cleared off after neglecting it totally for almost 3 years while I traveled and grew and bloomed myself. You can see photos on my blog…and stop back to see the final “garden after” pictures sometime next week!

  15. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    yes, this year I did. I planted 8 tomato plants. So far no tomato’s. I think it has been to hot to set.
    The Kansas plains are going to be the desert of the mid west the next few months. 100+

  16. Salond de Paris: Monet, Manet, Renoir…

  17. You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
    Upon the fields of barley
    You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky
    As we walk in the fields of gold.
    This song has been in my mind all day and your photo further brought by this song by Sting to mind.

  18. jend’isère

    A still moment capture of such vibrant forces! French translation of your title would destroy the energy.

  19. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Flower beds! …and of course my garden rocks….it’s a “rock garden”!

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