Rapunzel, Rapunzel

My five littlest nieces, and I had a contest.

"Whos hair would be the longest when I returned home to visit."

The contest started in February, and ended with my visit home two weeks ago.


corey amaro photography


Molly came in last, since her long locks were cut short for swimming.


photography corey amaro


Gina was in fifth place,




Marie and I tied for third, but I think mine is longer…. Marie what do you think? My hair was tied up in the photo (that Molly took.), and it still seems longer than any Rapunzel's let alone yours! Seriously, gee… Gina and you are taller than me isn't that enough. A girl has to have some ribbons of winning to hang on to.




Kate who is four, has a secret to long hair… She rarely brushes it, and came in second.


And Maci who has tight curly hair, pulled her curls straight and won by a landslide.




After we applauded each other, we decided to see whos hair would be the longest whe I return, on my next visit. Do I dare try? Or should I ask Sacha to cut my hair since he is into cutting everyone's plus his own.



16 responses to “Rapunzel, Rapunzel”

  1. What beautiful girls they are, all eyes and waves or curls. Don’t you have six nephews, how is their hair coming along? Sacha looks more and more his father’s son every day, you must be so proud; it looks like he and Kate have the same eyes.
    I say go for it, let Sacha cut it, it grows back and could be fun.

  2. christine

    Beauty inside and out.

  3. So good to see everyone
    Hair today gone tomorrow.
    Love Jeanne♥

  4. I could never participate in a contest like this. My hair refuses to grow past my shoulders. Believe me, I tried! So, short hair for me all my life.

  5. Kathie B

    My mother cut my long wavy hair when I was 4, and refused to let me grow it out, no matter how much I begged. When I finally left my parents’ home in order to marry Farmboy Husband — I was a child-bride (LOL!) — guess what one of the first things was that I did (or, more accurately, didn’t do)? Yup! And for the rest of her life, my mother nagged me about how terrible my hair looked long (e.g., “Aren’t you going to DO something with your hair?”). She’s been dead for over 20 years, and my hair’s still long (just trim the broken and split ends a couple of times a year).

  6. Rhonda P.

    Gorgeous family you have, dear Corey. Let Sacha cut your hair, his is beautiful. How sweet.

  7. Shelley@thiswhiteshed.blogspot.com

    I love it! The truest measure can oft be found in hair length….reminds me of grade 5, when Anne Dodson was the best-liked girl because of her long, golden locks. Of course, the boys liked her for her legs! Lovely photos, Corey!

  8. georgie

    Beautiful girls! I remember our neighbor Eileen. She had gorgeous long hair (like Maci) which her mother brushed for many minutes every day until it shone and was perfect. The curls and ringlets would bounce like mad when Eileen danced with her Irish dance group.

  9. Why is Sacha throwing a curtain rod?
    Beautiful children all.

  10. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Thanks for the observations, Sam. It made me go back and look again at Sacha, and to think about how his eyes are indeed like Kate’s, and how he looks like his dad.
    Corey, I just love being invited into your family with all your photos. thanks yet again.

  11. Corey; I miss you too much…. 🙂
    Just popping in to judge the longest hair contest…. aren’t they incredibly cute and beautiful?! and their aunt…. so terrifyingly good-looking too!!! :)))))))))
    thanks for this uplifting post
    more another time – bye friend

  12. It’s a pole to a flag, he is holding it. 🙂

  13. NExt year too? I kinda like my hair shorter because:
    Its easier to wash, and Easier to comb with less tangles! But i’ll try! 🙂

  14. Marilyn

    You and the girls are having so much fun no matter what the contest is or the sleeping outdoors. Just enjoy!

  15. I see now. I have a curtain rod that looks just like that! My boys would have been pole vaulting with it or throwing it like a spear…Thanks for the clarification.

  16. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    The angelic face of the Four Year Old! Smooch!

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