He is Back



That boy-boy is back, I stuffed him with pasta and baked tomatoes, while he tried to get two words out between bite fulls.

Papa listened more with his eyes than with his ears. I could see him measuring the change in his little boy: I read his thoughts, "Oh has turned into a man. Poof overnight it seems. Yes he is taller, yes his shoulders are broader, and yes he has a little beard growing on his chin."





Papa and son, ten years ago.

Time's measuring stick has a beat of its own, I think it went full throttle when our children hit ten.

I can honestly say this photo seems like it was taken yesterday.




Sacha is back. This was a photo of him when he left last year. I'll add another tomorrow when he doesn't look all sleepy eye after a twenty-four-hour door-to-door trip.

Momma is going to bed; sleep promises to be rich and sweet, knowing all the chick-a-dees are under one roof.



32 responses to “He is Back”

  1. Paulita

    So happy that he is home safely and I can imagine the relief you must feel, the aaaah, as you settle into sleep knowing everyone is together — for now.

  2. Welcome home to the much loved son. I always thought he looked so much like you, I must have missed something because he looks a lot like his father as well.

  3. Happy day! and you have a year-worth of stories to listen to. I wonder whether Sacha will use more English than before in telling them.

  4. So glad he’s home with you again. Enjoy your time with all of you together!

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un2EfjEJAOA

  6. Kathie B

    Did Sacha request baguette with Camembert too? I would 🙂

  7. annechung

    Wow, he looks like Adonis.

  8. cynthia Wolff

    Corey…what a beautiful grown up boy…looks of you both.

  9. georgie

    Now the cute and charming little boy is a very handsome and charming man. Of course with parents like he has, this is to be expected. Welcome home sonny boy!

  10. Kathie B

    P.S. Corey, I just wondered, are you and Sacha the only people in your village to have celebrated both the 4th of July in the US and Quatorze Juillet in France this year?

  11. Picnics in Provence

    Like father like son. What a delicious treat to have your whole brood back again Corey.

  12. i like my ekspresion

  13. Merisi in Vienna

    I can only begin to imagine the peace you felt when you went to sleep last night.

  14. I am glad all your babies are home and under the same roof with you for a while. You have a beautiful family that comes from two beautiful parents.

  15. Ivy and Elephants

    Welcome home Sacha! He is so handsome. Glad to see you are back. You were missed very much!

  16. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Images and words are both tender and beautiful. So glad you’re having this precious time.

  17. Brenda L. in TN.

    So happy he made it home safe and sound…He is a hamdsome young man…looks more like his father with every photo you show…you and FH are very blessed.

  18. Isn’t that a nice feeling when all your kids are home safe and sound? Rarer these days, now that oldest daughter is in college. She’s home for the summer and I was so glad last night when she announced she wasn’t going out last night–too tired! (Ah,hurray! I can go to sleep early and not have to wait for her to come in…:)
    Happy for you that your world travelers are home–for now!

  19. Jane Ann

    Pure joy! How wonderful to have him back! Our children do grow up so fast. I call my 5 my chickadees too.

  20. Brother Mathew

    Glad to you made it back Sach.

  21. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    aaahhhh finally. Just for a while.

  22. Jean(ne) P in MN

    Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what’s been taught them. — Jonas Salk

  23. What a darling! To me his looks are just the perfect combination of you and FH!

  24. It doesn’t get much better than having everyone together. So happy for you.

  25. Welcome home, Sachinga! My heart hurts a little thinking of the sweetheart he left behind in California. Maybe his first love?

  26. Même si je ne suis pas certaine de saisir chaque petite particule de cet american post , je ressens cet indéfinissable lien qui unit les méres et leur fils oh ouiiiiii !
    take care of him and all of you .

  27. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    “Young Adonis” is what I was thinking too: his before-leaving photo looks like statues could be made of it. Look forward to seeing a current portrait.
    Was just reading your bio line in the right column. What age are your nestlings now? Your bio says “Married to a Frenchman & have two teenagers.”

  28. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    That safe feeling of all the chickadees being under the same roof does not last long enough!

  29. What a beautiful boy.
    Dad’s aura and Momma’s piercing eyes.
    There must be many a broken female heart in California tonight.
    So happy for you to have him home again…….

  30. Tamra/The Gilded Barn

    Ahh, the sweet comforting bliss of having your family all home safe, sound and well fed.

  31. Elaine L.

    In both pictures, he reminds me of a young David.
    How did he handle leaving the girlfriend? That must have been difficult.

  32. Angela Vular

    Isn’t it a wonderful feeling having your children back home, even for a little while? I am in heaven when my son visits from California. My boys are grown and on their own and I do miss having them around. My nephew (16 yrs. old) is spending the week with my husband and I and we are so happy. This means….car cruises, movies, outdoor adventures, watching the Tour de France, eating French toast, sleeping in, and funny conversations…..I feel so relaxed already!
    Enjoy the weekend.

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