i Photos of Paris…




8 responses to “i Photos of Paris…”

  1. Joanne Tuchman

    Have a wonderful time in Paris. You are my morning wake up, start of the day stop in Blogland so I was surprised to see the fotos this morning instead of one of your inspiring blogs. I’ll enjoy your photography and be happy that you are taking time to live in the moment and look forward to your return.

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    Wow, you sure have learned how to take pictures and blog them instantly with your iPhone! And gorgeous photos at that.
    Enjoy Paris!

  3. Corey, if it wouldn’t violate your privacy too much, could you please list where you took at least some of your photos?

  4. Have a good time in Paris!
    Love your pics.

  5. Your pictures from your iPhone have been superb! I love the different ‘development’ you are using on them too. I think a break from the computer is in order for you…have a wonderful time in Paris. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful iphonography. 🙂

  6. Babs Millward

    Envy is my middle name. My first and last, too.

  7. Brenda, Walker, LA,USA


  8. Rhonda P.

    Well, iknow I love these photos

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