Snippets of Secrets

Snippets of Secrets


While in Paris this past weekend, without my laptop, nor camera, I fell in love with my cell phone, which I now refer to as My Jean-Pierre. You see, French Husband was certain that I could not be carrying on like a teenager in love over something, and it must be someone. Since my cell phone (Portable in French) is something, and not someone, I thought I might as well make it more personal than a thing and named it.

My Jean-Pierre makes blogging as effortless as breathing! The free app "Instagram" gives photos a mysterious look, old fashion and as simple as snapping your fingers, or in this case as simple as a click.


Snippets of Secrets


Late last night Natacha and I came home from Paris. Natacha frantically packed, while I tried to sleep.

Her flight left this morning at seven. Which meant we had to be at the airport at five. Which meant we had to leave our house at four. So you can imagine what time we had to get up… Five minutes before, that's right.

I inserted toothpicks between my eyelids, while Natacha repacked her suitcase in the backseat. I tell you that girl has my number down: Last-minute and charming.

My Jean-Pierre woke me up this morning to the sound of harps.



Snippets of Secrets


By the faucet in the bathroom, there is a silver cup.

Snippets of beauty in ordinary places is key to my happiness. Simple moments that build on one another allow me peace of mind.

Cocooning is after all one thread following another, one feather falling on an another fluffs the nest, and one dented silver cup finds a home easier than a ten-foot massive walnut armoire.



Snippets of Secrets


I am happy.

My Jean-Pierre claims it doesn't know jealousy as I take photos right and left, though I hear him saying, "I am a CELL PHONE!"

Oh, Jean Pierre, you are my boy toy, flash me another.


Snippets of Secrets


A snippet of the anti-chamber. That is what this hall space, the room before our bedroom was called by the previous owner. Anti-Chambre. Dang romantic of a name for a hall space isn't it?

My Jean-Pierre sleeps here since French Husband says it is not a good thing to sleep with one's portable on one's nightstand even if it does play the harp amongst other things.


23 responses to “Snippets of Secrets”

  1. you’re right Corey; I just come back with no knowledge of what you might (or not) have told your readers before and all those luscious, delicate and utterly gorgeous little pixies whisper about secrets, tender moments, loving thoughts, precious memories!
    Have a good day; it’s windy and totally un-August’y here…. it might rain (again!) at any moment….
    Hugs, Kiki

  2. M.J. Rose

    I love your blog – you always charm me. What program do you use to blog with on the iphone?

  3. For the first time in my life, I’ve become a roaming insomniac. For a woman who used to love to sleep 10 hours a day, now I can’t sleep and wake up WAY to early. The problem is the iPhone. I’ve had to re-train myself to sleep hygiene, and keep the phone outside of my bedroom. The iPhone has not been elevated to the status of my lover, but it has elevated ot the status of my most trusted personal assistant. For that reason, I will call my iPhone, Mike. I may like Mike very much, but for the sleep disrupting characters that Mike posesses, I will NEVER sleep with Mike (again)! Out of my bedroom, MIKE! NOW!

  4. Amy Kortuem

    Oooh, a Jean-Pierre after my own heart if it plays the HARP!!! 🙂

  5. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    LOL! What a delightful blog this day. I don’t have an iphone but have thought of adding one to my Christmas list along with an ipad. Time to pick some “apples” from the tree 🙂 You and JP are definitely a great “couple”…hehehehe.

  6. elizabeth kirkpatrick

    LOve the silver cup………….Love that you have given a name to the cell phone!LOve the anti-chambre!
    We are so similar in many ways.I hope one day we can meet!
    My laptop is a DELL so she is called DAME DELL!
    Off I jete……..morning chores.
    Keep writing!WE ALL LOVE YOU!

  7. “Snippets of beauty in ordinary places”….I’m going to try to remember that phrase. It is perfect! Exactly the way I want to live. Thanks again for a beautiful, thoughtful blog.

  8. I loved your post today! Your happiness is contagious, though I am feeling a bit jealous (would love a JP for myself). I appreciate old like you do and have filled my small space with little bits of beauty throughout. I so appreciate a small silver something as opposed to a large walnut something as well; it fits my budget, space, and can fit in a handbag.
    Love your anti-chambre, too! Thanks for sharing your loveliness, poetic ways, and eye for beauty with us each day!

  9. Pairs should pay you. Your pictures are worth a 1000 words. Love your blog. Nancy P. USA

  10. you make me giggle 🙂

  11. LOL, FH probably wants to have you to himself once and a while, so J-P must sleep alone. Has FH heard the harp music, he might change his mind.
    I hope Natacha has a safe flight home, it must have been nice catching up with an old friend.

  12. Corey, you should write a book.
    Bisous from a balmy 25 degrees St. Albert, Alberta Canada.

  13. Natasha certainly will have wonderful memories traveling with her as she returns home. What a lovely trip to Paris with you know who (that Jean-Pierre). I really should do the Jean-Pierre thing sometimes instead of carrying the camera with me everywhere.

  14. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I expect to be fooled many times over from now on, having to remind myself that no, you’re not having an affair with another handsome Frenchman, you’re simply referring to your phone.
    Your phone which captures the world so perfectly for you (and us), transforming everything you shoot into ready-faded 1940’s (or 1840’s) postcards. I love these photos.
    PS. Back to the post last week on “how do you blog, and wanting to pinch French Husband’s head off sometimes”… I was thinking of that again, and came to this conclusion: poor guy, he can’t help it that he’s overly French sometimes. After all, he’s French!

  15. Oh yes. The iPhone. I,too, have a love affair with mine but that,s ok because my husband loves his too. I’ve become very fond of pod casts and when I have insomnia (which is often) I reach under my pillow and pullout my Jean Pierre and it’s like being read a bedtime story.

  16. please forgive me but I always loved your clear vivid photos and mourn them to the fog of the instagram beast who has taken over the blogging would. I hope you find it in your boy-toys apped heart to include some clear clean contemporary photos.

  17. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    The anti-chambre looks like something vaguely remembered from a dream.

  18. Franca Bollo

    You haven’t told Yann about the vibrate mode, have you?

  19. Some mood music for your day with the boy-toy. I especially love the last photo, reminds me of faded photos you’d find in a box at an antique store, perfect for a brocante blog.

  20. I’m amazed at how fast you took to your iphone!! I’v had one for a year, now. I still haven’t given it a name yet. lol

  21. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    I also love the harp music, it is the ringtone I have assigned to my shop, when they call me, I know it is Kindred Hearts!
    How do you manage to blog from the IPhone?
    I have called mine “My Little Precious”, ha ha…but it hasn’t actually become it’s nickname!
    I enjoy you, Corey! I hope we can meet one day!

  22. just read this a day late . . .too funny. yesterday I woke up with my I-phone barking! You should have seen the look on my dog’s face!

  23. Corey, I love photo apps too, especially Instagram lately, but you might also like pictureshow and camerabag (Google those first if you want to see what they’re like). I also really like the new tiltshift option in Instagram. If you haven’t run an update lately, you might not have that option until you run the update, but fool around with it if you haven’t. It gives a nice narrow depth of field sort of look to the photo. I hardly ever carry around or fancy camera anymore. I love that you’re mixing them up too. Looking forward to more iPhone pictures 🙂 xo Leigh

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