A Garden Party

Our friends from Japan had a garden party this evening at their parent's home in our small village.

Family. Safe. Happy. Free to be. Where they could run and play outside, and eat fresh food to their hearts content!

They are from the stricken town of Fukushima.

Please keep our friends in your prayers.


A Garden Party

A Garden Party

A Garden Party

A Garden Party

A Garden Party


7 responses to “A Garden Party”

  1. My brother, his wife and their children were living in Tokyo at the time of the earthquake. They worried about the effects of the radiation on their young kids. As they looked at their options a positive pregnant test cleared their thinking and they booked one way tickets back to their home in Australia. This little one will be due in December and is affectionately referred to as their “aftershock”
    It is good to have them back safe and surrounded by friends and family, similar to the photos of your friends enjoying their party, but there is a tint of sadness thinking of all those still living in the devastation and uncertainty in Japan.
    I wish your friends good luck and safety and health.

  2. Definitely. I already pray every night for the people of Japan. Gina-I love that your future niece/nephew is referred to as their “aftershock” and happy the family is safe.

  3. RebeccaNYC

    I just spent a month in Tokyo and Nagoya, and it was a very bittersweet departure. I could leave, but my friends there do not have as many options. I think about them daily.

  4. Kind thoughts to your friends, who I infer will be returning to Japan after their French sojourn. Do they still live in Fukushima, or have they moved farther away from the nuclear plant(s)?
    I would love to visit Japan someday, as there’s a translator there who’s translated into Japanese the same Portuguese novel that a colleague and I translated into English — and he’s so multilingual that he used our English translation to check his work!

  5. I certainly will, I hope things settle down and return to normal for them very soon. It looks like a wonderful time, friends and good food, bliss.

  6. Hi, Corey,
    Its been while since I am leaving a comment here. But I check your blog everyday. 🙂 I spent half of my life in Japan and another half in California. We thank for France sending us lots of help regards to the Fukushima situation. We also thank for USA for thier friendship as well. It was the life changing moment that made people realize – what the most important things in their lives are. Y

  7. I am glad they have a place to go for respite. My nephew is in Sendai; he came back to the States for a few weeks right after the tsunami, but is back there again to finish his schooling. The young are resilient – but we worry about him all the time.
    Thank you for sharing your friends’ story.

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