Summer Wine


Summer Wine


Dinner with friends,
Under the Provencal sky,
Light breeze perfection mingled with easy conversation.
Tomato, courgette, aubergine, rosemary…
Plenty of time.



Summer Wine


Unfortunately, that is not a good thing for French Husband…. He use to have impeccable manners…. Now, he has become the guy who puts ice in his wine,
and comes to a dinner party in shorts.

Franco-American style, or I should say:
Casual-Chic n'est pas?



Have you rubbed off on someone? Or has someone rubbed off on you?


23 responses to “Summer Wine”

  1. It looks like a hot day, who could blame him for wanting a wine cooler and the breeze on his legs. I don’t know if I have rubbed off on anyone, lol, I hope not.

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    Ice cubes in RED wine? Yann, do I have to worry? 😉

  3. Red wine with ice in the summer is delightful! Along with a lemon slice, it is quite refreshing. As long as his shorts weren’t of the gym persuasion or cut off denims, I am sure he passed the muster in the dress code. Heck, the pictures I have seen of him, he always looks fine.

  4. Just got back from the UK where I spent a lovely week with my fiery friend, Isabel. She is a passionate European, not afraid of confrontation. I hate confrontation, but when a man at the airport cut in front of me in line (as well as several others waiting patiently) I told him quite harshly that what he did was wrong. It didn’t help, he didn’t move, but I couldn’t help but think how proud Isabel would be of me. So I guess you could say she rubbed off on me. And yes, when I told her the story, she was tickled and proud of me for confronting that naughty man.

  5. No I don’t think I have rubbed off on anyone, but I guess my daughter has turned into a younger me is some ways. Ice in wine on a hot day would be a good thing I think. My husband wears shorts whenever possible in the summer.

  6. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Casual Chic…..we love that 😉

  7. Have I rubbed off on someone? Well, Farmboy Husband’s lost most of his Midwestern/Appalachian rural twang thanks to all these years living with someone who speaks perfect, unaccented Northern Californian English — Corey has it too, so knows what I mean!

  8. In the phrase “Corey has it too,” I’m referring to her perfect NorCal diction!

  9. Rhonda P.

    FH sounds like a California man, no?
    Yes, I’m sure you have rubbed off on me, oh so much! I pray I’ve rubbed off on those I know, who now enjoy a touch of French passion in their lives.

  10. You have! Now when I decorate the house, I imagine what suggestions you would make-you have such an excellent sense of style and grace. You’ve also reminded me to be alertand discerning for thrift shop/garage sale items. You’ve shown the joy and sorrows in life and made me giggle a time or two.

  11. Laura McHugh

    As long as there’s some rubbing, just sayin’

  12. Corey, if you decide to bestow a “Comment of the Day,” nay, “Comment of the WEEK” award, may I please nominate Laura’s?!?!?!?

  13. I’m in agreement with you. He looks like one of those guys that look great in anything. I hate women like that :). I say, call his wine cocktail Sangria with out the fruit.

  14. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Last time I dove face-first into a lovely glass of red wine without stopping first to inhale and savor before sipping, I thought of a post you did on FH’s insistence that that’s How Wine Must Be Enjoyed. And now you tell us that he’s putting ice in his wine?
    So confused. Tout confus.
    Surely it was white wine the ice went into? And I must say, I’m jealous of your warmth that requires ice. I live in the cold corner of the US this summer, but can’t gripe because everyone else is miserably baking, even with ice in their wine.

  15. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Rebecca
    Don’t be confused. FH tastes wine like you mentioned, and this summer he gulps it with ice. I don’t understand, but I think it has something to do with living with me…Confusing? Me too! 🙂

  16. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi L
    I wondered if someone was going to say that.

  17. Franca Bollo

    Coco, is this post your ‘summer whine’? If the red’s served too warm, a cube may be necessary.

  18. Franca Bollo

    Won’t you go blind if you rub off?

  19. Tongue in Cheek

    Hey Cuz
    No whine, just ruined wine.

  20. Franca Bollo

    Deliciousness is on the tongue of the beholder.

  21. Only if it’s solo ;-)))

  22. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    My tougher business friends have told me to learn how to say NO, I have!…So they have rubbed off on me! However, They say I have a way of saying NO with much grace, and have seen that to be quite affective, so in that way I have rubbed off on them!

  23. Becky Lane

    Ha! My hubby was on the track team in high school, ran 10 miles a day, and probably weighed less than I did. Good thing I didn’t know him then. Luckily, by the time I met him, we weighed about the same as me, but I remember thinking I wasn’t sure if I should get serious about a guy like that, ’cause he’d probably always be wanting me to do stuff with him that involves a lot of sweating. Now he outweighs me by at least 40 or 50 pounds, and I’m the one who feels guilty if she doesn’t get some form of exercise each day!

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