If you like ribbons, lace, and sweet things then do not, and I mean do not come to the French brocante because your eyes will pop out of your head, your heart will beat out of your chest, your arms will break, and worse of all you will NEVER want to go home. Never.
If you like digging in old boxes, are allergic to dust, just had a manicure then do not, and I mean do not come to France to find ribbons, lace, sweet things because your allergies will kick-in badly and your manicure will be ruined in a flash.
If you like ribbons, lace, and sweet things the French brocante will make you a believer in heaven on earth…
My friend Linda from Willow Nest, who is the QUEEN of ribbons, lace, and everything sweet, especially if it is pink, is in France. And from the ribbons, lace, and other sweet things she has found I can tell you one thing… I am pee green with envy and I live here.
Above: A must see video of Linda (at my house) packing her ribbons, lace, and other sweet things that she found at the brocante all in one day.
Warning: You might drool, so grab a bib.
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