What Are Those Thingies?



What are those things anyway?

Like always the creative answers were  far out wonderfully creative!! It is fun reading what you guys come up with! Imagination is definitely a trait in the comment section.


Here are a few of my favorites:

1) Laurie in SF wrote:

They are underground newspapers disguised as 'french confetti' during Nazi occupied France. Inside held a wealth of information on first hand intelligence information and escape networks from the French Resistance.


2) Salut 15 wrote:

These were the world's first tampons!


3) Marilyn wrote:

Cotton candy holders.


4) Carol L. wrote:

They are haircurlers. Being a hairstylist for 25 years I have only seen them made out of newspapers, Katharine Hepburn used them all the time on movie sets to curl her hair. The paper absords the water and your hair dries faster. Figures the French would make them out of beautiful wallpaper instead.


5) My wickedly funny cousin Franca Bolla wrote:

They're suppositories for the creatively retentive.


6) Cynthia Wolff said:

For snorting attic dust.


7) Zosia wrote:

For smuggling Cuban cigars to the USA 🙂


Tell me in the comment section who the winner should be, the one with the most votes will win a few of those thingies!

Also I'll announce the winner who guessed the real reason these thingies were made.


I am off to the doctor to have my cast taken off!!


46 responses to “What Are Those Thingies?”

  1. Number 1.

  2. Honestly I think that they all should get a little something….Congrats at getting your cast off!

  3. I vote for Franca Bolla “suppositories for the creatively retentive”.
    Yay! for the cast coming off.

  4. Franca Bolla!

  5. Georgie Steeds

    Number 5 closely followed by Number 6
    Congratulations on your cast being removed, bet your arm willl feel very strange without it for a while!

  6. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    What great news, Corey! And I think Franca Bolla’s suggestion wins hands down.

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    Number 1 is my favourite.

  8. Cotton Candy holders, of course!
    Yay, for you getting your cast off today!
    Have a glorious day!

  9. #5 suppositories!

  10. F R A N C A. B O L L O.

  11. Plus. She’d display them and not use them.

  12. Franca Bolla should win, too funny. Glad the cast is coming off, you could celebrate with a cup of joe.

  13. Franca Bolla-definitely

  14. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Worlds first tampons>??? hahaha!

  15. Christine

    Hard to pick, but either Lisa in SF or Franca Bolla and Yay! for getting the cast off!!

  16. Mmd. Tortoise

    Hi “Corey,
    It was the comment
    made my your
    cousin that
    had me in
    fits of
    I loved the
    others but
    she has my

  17. everton terrace

    I’m with the majority, Franca Bolla.
    I must say everyone was so clever 🙂

  18. Tammy Hensley

    I love Franca Bolla’s guess!

  19. Franca Bollo

    If there actually was a product like this, Franca would buy them by the case. She’ll just have to continue to rely on her close friend, Mary Jane.
    That was a joke. Franca ingests only the finest, organically grown magic mushrooms to cure a case of creative blockage.
    That was a joke, too.
    No, wasn’t.
    Yes, it was.

  20. Well I think it is a riot that my answer was picked as a “creative” one because I was being dead serious ! Women did roll up paper just like that out of newspaper for curlers and there is a photo of Katharine Hepburn in one of her books and there they are on her dressing table. She even explains how she lets them sit out overnight to dry !

  21. First of all, Corey, I’m so delighted to learn that your cast will be removed. Good news is especially welcome these days!
    Favorite creative answers?
    #6, Cynthia Wolff, “For snorting attic dust,” because I’m sure a lot of brocante items have been accumulating attic dust for decades, if not centuries.
    And, like so many others, Franca’s, because I suspect a lot of us here are “retentive” (LOL!).

  22. Laurie in SF gets my vote.
    So glad to hear you’re going to be rid of the cast!

  23. They are all pretty darn funny, but Franca’s made me snort my coffee up my nose!
    glad to hear your wrist is coming out of hiding!

  24. i vote for laurie in SF no. 1. good luck!!! Bestest,Denise wrist,wrist herway,yippee.

  25. Victoria Ramos

    Franca Bolla ….. too funny!

  26. Franca Bolla!!! Too funny!

  27. I vote for #4. Oh the relief of getting your cast cut off – I know it!!! Happy for you Corey.

  28. Franca! I too choked on my coffee when I read it. Laurie’s is great, as is Cynthia’s, but Franca’s just is too funny and hits close to home. Happy that you are finally going to be free of that wall plaster on your hand. Celebrate!!!!

  29. Franca!

  30. When did you stop ingesting them?

  31. Franco, and congrats on getting your cast off-now stay off the ladder young lady!

  32. Franca Bolla!! Hilarious!!

  33. Natalie Thiele

    No.1! Laurie’s creative answer was my favorite.
    So glad you’re getting your cast taken off.

  34. Alison Violano

    Congrats on getting your cast off! I think that they are paper beads.
    Alison V.

  35. #5 followed by #2

  36. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Franca Bolla hands down!

  37. #5, fo’ sho’

  38. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    #5…hands down.
    : )
    Julie M.

  39. Weaverbec

    Number 5. Then number 3. Congratulations on the cast removal!

  40. -Cynthia Wolff-

  41. My vote is for Cynthia 🙂 Congrats on finally getting your cast off Corey!

  42. parisbreakfast

    Number #1
    because I love thrillers & watch too many fr films on the Resistance-like ARMY OF SHADOWS!

  43. Number 5 – made me laugh out loud! Happy cast removing day!

  44. Amy Kortuem

    Snorting attic dust – that’s hilarious.
    I did some dust snorting myself this weekend, only it was basement dust. Basement cleaning spree. And I have the battle scars to prove it! (you can see evidence on my blog)
    The cast is coming off? Good for you!

  45. Curtains in my Tree

    I loved # 5 and can’t wait to really see what you say they are,
    they look like materail rolled up on a french rolling pin to me
    better late than never

  46. cynthia wolff

    I think Cynthia Wolff is do damn funny.

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