
A rose is a rose


Yesterday, I asked you to give me themes in the comment section that would be easy for me to select some photos from my archives and paste them on my blog since the next several days are going to be very hectic.

Your generous ideas, sharing of memories, and offering themes was a cornucopia of wealth! Thank you! Each and everyone gave me many a good directions to go with photos, and spurred many ideas and stories for me to share. You guys are the best!

This morning I went to physical therapy (just another word for torture).

It hurt.

I am in pain.

I want to quit (but I won't.)

I dropped a few swear words.

I thought about hitting the guy.

I cried afterwards,

and I don't feel like writing today.

I will be back tomorrow….

Thank you for understanding.

If you want to leave a comment tell me a joke or a funny story.




61 responses to “Interrupted”

  1. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    No joke. No funny story. Just wishing you a restful day.

  2. Funny and true story to make you laugh.
    Last weekend I was shopping in a thrift store, looking for good finds, linens, lace, anything I can use in my art. I was in the shopping zone, you know that one where it’s all about the hunt.
    I noticed people smiling, mostly men. I thought, everyone is in a good mood today.
    While standing in line to check out (my arms were full of white and oatmeal colored linens I had found) I noticed my top had completely worked it’s way down, past my bra and my sweater barely covered up my chest. I had been flashing people the whole time. I gasped and tried to pull my top up, it was strapless and I never felt it work it’s way down, I swear. No wonder people were smiling at me. I shook my head and vowed never to go back into that store for a while.

  3. So sorry this is so painful, but I hear that it is indeed. No jokes, just a hug from far away to cheer you up.

  4. Suggestions:
    Go to a spa after your physical therapy, get a pedi, or facial, or massage. Something to look forward to helps.
    Take an ibuprofen before you go (or some other anti-inflamatory medication,) it helps during the treatment and after.
    Drink champagne during treatment (and after…oh hell, you might as well start drinking before treatment. )
    Frankly (and I probably shouldn’t tell you this) I quit going when I had “frozen shoulder” because it hurt so much.

  5. I am too embarassed to post this, but at work a toilet seat cover .. you can imagine the rest. i laughed and laughed that day, oh my goodness!
    hope that was the worst of it!
    pain meds? warm and cold before treatment?

  6. C, rest & feel better soon. xo

  7. Corey
    So sorry you are hurting. Hope it gets better by leaps and bounds very soon.
    Why does it take 4 PMS women to change a light bulb? IT JUST DOES!!!
    Nancy W

  8. Massilianana

    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” – Groucho Marx
    Did it make you smile ?
    I hope so !
    Take care and bon courage !

  9. A woman with peas in her ears and carrot sticks in her nostrils went to see her doctor. She said, “Doctor, I don’t feel well.” Her doctor replied, “You aren’t eating right.”
    Hope your pain is eased today.
    I’ve been inspired by your blog for years. Thank you for touching my heart in so many ways.

  10. I’m terrible at jokes, but I’ve heard my husband tell this one enough times (he heard it from the chaplain at his work) that I can probably give a good rendition.
    There were three young men in a foxhole and things were looking dire. They all decided that ‘now’ would be a good time to say a prayer. One by one, each shared that he had not grown up in a home where church was a part of daily life–none of them knew how to pray. Still, they felt that circumstances warranted it, so one of the three finally confessed that his childhood home was next to a church and, based on what he’d heard over the years, he was willing to give it a try. So they all bowed their heads and clasped their hands in front of them as the young man began. “I-29, B-5, N-42…”
    Hang in there, Corey!

  11. Here is a link to a great Senior Moment story. I hope you feel better tomorrow!

  12. christine

    Why did the blonde keep an empty milk carton in her fridge ?
    Just in case someone asked for a black coffee.
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, can’t bear to think of you crying…….

  13. Hang in there Corey, PT is no fun, but you want the use of your wrist again. Take the day to smell the flowers, have some tea, and spend it with those you love.
    I’ve heard sugar actually helps to reduce pain, I hope it’s true! Chocolate is full of the stuff.

  14. Two Swedish friends board a plane bound for Stockholm. After the flight takes off, one friend goes to use the restroom. He is gone for many minutes. Other guy looks up and down every aisle after a while. No sign of his friend. Where did he disappear to? Finally just before plane lands the missing man comes back to his seat. Where were you? Vell, ven I vas on de toilet da sign came on saying “take your seat and remain seated” so I did.
    This joke was told to me by an elderly Norwegian man.

  15. Love hugs and lots of laughter.
    Keep the faith and your beautiful positive spirit
    my friend.
    I hope my mail arrived in good order.
    Always thinking of you with much love and sending hugs and prayers.
    Jeanne ^j^

  16. Corey…..
    An elderly man and an elderly women were each waiting for a very long time in the doctor’s office. After several hours the man said to the woman “Would you like to go back to my place and have sex?”. The woman replied “Yes”.
    After having sex the man said to the woman “Oh my, if I had known you were still a virgin I would of never been so casual about asking you to have sex with me”. The woman then says ” That’s okay, if I had any idea you could still get it up I would of taken off my pantyhose”.
    Ba-rum-bump ……hope that made you laugh. Feel better.

  17. Paula S In New Mexico

    A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her childhood was like: “We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire, it hung from a tree in our backyard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods.”
    The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, “I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!”
    Smile, take a break, be kind to yourself. Hug.

  18. Amy Kortuem

    Oh you. You have to take care of yourself and I’m glad you are. Sending you healing wishes.
    This will make you laugh:
    I was playing my harp for a wedding reception at the Civic Center and was all loaded up with the concert harp on its cart, the bench hanging from the cart, the music stand in one hand and my music bag in the other. No one was around to hold the door open for me so I went to the automatic door and reached my leg up to kick the opener with my foot…and split my dress right up the back. Clear up to the top of my, well, lacy undies.
    Boy, did I get to the truck fast. Good thing it wasn’t a windy day!

  19. Brenda L. from TN.

    When I was about five my daddy used to tell me a possum was “a flat animal that slept in the middle of the road”….when I was about eight I found out differently. (This memory always made me smile…now it just makes me laugh!)
    Hope you feel better!

  20. Jennifer in SF

    Corey, I hope that you mend quickly. Trust that it will get better soon, and these down moments are part of the healing.
    I take an express bus downtown each day to work. There is a tiny woman, with all white hair, whom I see walking a lot in the neighborhood. If I had to guess her age, it would be around 80. She also sometimes takes my bus. I have seen her leap up from her seat on the bus to give it to an “older” person…usually someone who looks to be about 20 – 25 years her junior. Never give up!!!

  21. Marie-Noëlle

    Was teaching in an area so called “difficult”. Was on duty in the playground at break when a group of young pupils swarmed to me. In its middle, a young and sad black child said :
    – Victor said “you dirty black boy” to me.
    – That’s wrong, I must have a word with him !
    I did not know Victor. I asked some chidren from my class to go and bring him to me. So they did and I was surprised to be introduced to Victor, a little BLACK boy!

  22. Marie-Noëlle

    I think you were ready for a French can-can !!!
    I don’t know about Corey … but that story made me LAUGH !!

  23. In a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 am, regardless of their medical condition. This puzzled the doctors, and some even thought it had something to do with the super natural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 AM Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts were assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents. The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 AM, all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer books, and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits. Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.
    I hope you are feeling better and not hurting so….xo jody

  24. Birdbrain

    DO Not Slack Off On The Physical Therapy!! The more pain the better as it means you will recover sooner. Having gone through this with a badly broken ankle encased in a cast for 10 weeks with pins thru it, I watched others cry, moan and quit. I regained full range of motion and could run, ski and do anything else I wanted. The others – who knows, but they were still there when I was finished and fully recovered. The old saw – NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

  25. Tamara Komuniecki

    I’m with you, Corey! In a bit of a foul mood and trying to lift my own spirits but it’s not working too well so I am going to read all of your comments and then see how I’m feeling!!
    Funny story? Well what comes to mind is one that my parents have been delightfully sharing with their friends! Finn has come to call himself “Fa” and he and I had quite a cold last week. He also knows the word cough. So imagine what Grandma thought I was teaching him when he said “Fa cough!”
    Oh dear. I shall have to explain that one everyone we meet if it happens!
    Sending warm wishes and a big e-hug…

  26. Tamara Komuniecki

    Wonderful!! Thanks, Amy – I needed that!

  27. Tamara Komuniecki


  28. Christine

    Hi Corey, feel better real soon. I think the idea suggested of going to a spa or getting a massage every now and then after therapy is a good idea. A long time ago, after a very painful root canal, I had an upper body massage focusing on my neck, head and shoulders. The woman warned me to take it easy for two days because a lot of bad energy can build up during a painful experience and that I might feel a bit ill. She was right. For a day I felt like I had the flu. I called her and she said it was all of the toxins leaving my body. Within 24 more hours, I felt great! It was remarkable.
    I don’t have a joke for you, but did see a funny thing the other day. Was in a “ritzy” part of LA and at what seemed like the world’s longest stop light. I looked to my left and in the Lexus next to me was an older woman dressed to the nines…plucking the hairs on her chin! She not only used the visor mirror but angled the rear view mirror for a better view. OMG!

  29. My friend calls his PT his physical terrorist.I get that. Hang in there, Corey.

  30. I saw this ad when still in Canada and I couldn’t stop laughing. Perhaps you’ve seen it already, but in case not, here is a link . Note: I am not paid by Old Spice, just really think it’s a great and very funny ad.

  31. No jokes from me either. Wish you the best and stick with the PT. It is the secret to full recovery. When it is all over I will tell you a scary PT story of my experience with my knee replacement. But for now keep on going on and you will be glad you did. Love your picture.

  32. everton terrace

    I had physical therapy after ankle surgery (and before but that’s a long story). The best thing that happened at physical therapy:
    There was an elderly gentleman on the table doing his therapy and a few of the tech’s had to help him up. They then sang him Happy Birthday because he was turning 92 that day! One of them jokingly said he didn’t look a day over 70 and he replied “I’d love to be 70 again”. It made me feel so young and whenever I think I am old I remember him wishing he was a young 70 🙂

  33. Tongue in Cheek


  34. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Carol
    That joke will go down in Yann’s ‘dirty joke’ bank, he has plenty. I’ll be laughing over this one for years to come. Thanks,

  35. Tongue in Cheek

    That is a winner!

  36. (((((((((big hug))))))))

  37. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Is there something wrong with me that this is the one that really struck my funny bone?

  38. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Those were some pretty good jokes, everyone! I’m thankful for them too!
    No joke from here, but I do remember back to a time when I had to have PT for a bad lower back. For starters, the PT room in the hospital was in the basement right next door to the morgue, which gave me the willys but in a creeped out good way. (?!) I was glad to be getting tortured in the room I was in, instead of feeling no pain next door.
    The PT guy pressed his elbow REALLY hard right into the middle of my buttock, doing some sort of pressure release on an uber-tight small muscle under the bigger muscles. I bruise easily. You should have seen the remorse and shock on his face when I went back several days later with the biggest, blackest bruise ever on my right cheek, all created by him! (Fortunately, the bruise hurt but the pressure really had helped.)

  39. I am also in the middle of PT (knee surgery) so feel your pain! On my way home from PT today I went a different route than usual, taking in the glowing New England foliage. I was looking at the street signs – all lovely ones like Buttercup Lane, Red Maple Street… then came upon a small hilled area with a very large Baptist church perched on top. I slowed to look at the street sign and saw that it was located on…. Beelzabub Road!!! Now who goes and builds a church on such a street – lol??!!
    Hang in there with the PT ~ my therapist told me that he would do 50 push-ups if I would just make a full rotation on the stationary bike. It was the best incentive of the day and he now knows not to issue a challenge lightly! Perhaps you could get yours to stand on his head!

  40. Corey, Physio was not the option I chose for my broken wrist out of the cast, as so many people said it hurt so much. I let a great acupuncturist take it over instead and was marvellous. This I can recommend. 🙂

  41. Dear Corey,
    I am so sorry you are in such pain. I wish I could just take it away for you. When I had shoulder surgery, (I fell off of a ladder!) my physical therapy lasted for a long time. It was quite painful and sometimes, while lying on my back at therapy, the tears would roll in my ears. I was ashamed, because I thought I should be stronger. I even got very down in the dumps, because I thought my shoulder would never be right again, BUT I kept on doing my therapy and did it at home faithfully and finally, after longer than I wanted it to be :(, my shoulder was good again. I now probably need surgery on the other one, but I’m putting it off as long as I can, because I know what it will be like.
    Funny note: I have naturally FRIZZY hair(the kind that has to be blown dry so that you can go out in public). I couldn’t do my hair and I asked my then 16 year old son to help me. He stood back and laughed at me and what did I do, I cried. I am so silly, but there is only so much a person can take!!!! I hope this will make you laugh. I looked pretty hideous for quite some time! I hope this will encourage you. It WILL get better, but it just takes too darn long!
    Much love to you. xo

  42. Okay Coco Here’s a joke for ya:
    Okay so a horse walks into a bar and the bartender says: “Why the long face?”
    HhHHhhahahahahHAHAHAHAHAH!! Feel better!

  43. Listen to Birdbrain. Have a reward for when you finish a session like a glass of wine or a dessert or a glass or two of wine. Keep at it so we can continue to be treated to your beautiful photographs.

  44. Not sure if this is funny – but I found it amusing – surprising and nice in it’s own way. Today I got a handwritten Thank You note that said I was doing a good job. It was from my garbage man!
    Do plan a reward after PT – something to look forward to – maybe visit Annie and let her tell you stories.
    Love from all of us – we are praying for you.

  45. Just remember, Corey….Not all of us can be the Queen…some of us must sit on the curb and wave as she goes by. Hope this brings a smile to you.

  46. Hope your PT pain is on the run and that you will be feeling better soon. Don’t know if you have asked for pain meds, but it is wise to take one before PT to take the edge off.
    Hope this makes you laugh!
    The Man and I were going out to dinner with friends and meeting up at the restaurant. He hopped out of the car and I reached in my purse and took a quick swipe across my lips with the foam applicator of the lipstick and went to catch up. Luckily before anyone else saw me, my husband turned to look at me and said “Well that’s a “different” look for you!” and seeing my confusion pointed at his mouth. I bent down and looked in a cars sideview mirror. I had put concealer on my LIPS!!! Nice…NOT!

  47. Me too…still laughing.

  48. Sorry for what you’re going through, Corey. I do know how painful physical therapy is, but as you know it will be worth it.
    I’m not sure which wrist you broke, but I just got an e-mail that said stewardess is the longest word to type with the left hand and lollipop is the longest word with the right hand.
    Hang in there it will get better!

  49. Hope your road to recovery will soon be smoother, Cory.
    My daughter brought this joke home from school when she was in 2nd grade, and it’s still a favorite.
    Q: “If potatoes have eyes, and corn has ears, what do peas have?”
    A: “They have each other.”

  50. Dawne Polis

    Well, I was having lunch with some of my girlfriends the other day, and we got to talking about brassieres [ which is kinda funny in itself ], and one of the women, a retired French teacher, reminded us that the name for bra in French is “soutien-gorge”, which got us cracking up, thinking about the translation of “hiking our Upper Frontals up under our throats”, and then we all just got to saying “Soutien-Gorge”, like Sacré Bleu! with our best French accents, and it just sounded to me like the perfect French insult, and when I added a certain eloquent hand gesture to it, well, indeed, I think it could be used to great effect when PT guys need to be sworn at…but in a nice lady-like French way. Oh, and minus the hand gesture, of course. That would just be painful.
    On second thought, since your PT is French, and speaks French, he might think you a bit weird, if you suddenly cried out “BRA”…But it works great on my American husband…

  51. Sue Matheson

    A Rabbi, a Priest, and a Minister walked into a bar, and the bartender said, “Is this a joke?”

  52. Jonathan from Napa, CA

    Hang in there Corey. Here’s a laugh for you and Annie.
    Why I Call Him Honey
    An elderly lady was invited to an old friends home for dinner one
    She was impressed by the way her lady friend preceded every request to her husband with endearing terms such as: Honey, My Love,Darling, Sweetheart, etc.
    The couple had been married almost 70 years and, clearly, they were still very much in love.
    While the husband was in the living room, her lady friend leaned over to her hostess to say, ‘I think it’s wonderful that, after all these years, you still call your husband all those loving names’.
    The elderly lady hung her head.
    ‘I have to tell you the truth,’ she said, ‘his name slipped my mind about 10 years ago,
    and I’m scared to death to ask the cranky old curmudgeon what his name is.’

  53. cynthia wolff

    A man was driving down the street, in a sweat, because he had an important meetina dna couldn’t find parking. Looking up toward heaven he said. “Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I will go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up drinking.” Miraculously, a parking space appeared. The man looked
    up again and said, “Never mind. I found one.”

  54. jend’isère

    Domestic accidents for a chuckle:

  55. Never been good with jokes, how about a funny video?

  56. Amy Kortuem

    Good thing it was AFTER the reception!!!!

  57. Thanks! I have shared that with several people already, very funny! Pam

  58. oh, I’m late here, but hopefully it gets less painful every time. Thinking about you, dear Corey.

  59. I third Birdbrain and second Mardog. Nearly three months of Physical Therapy was one of the most painful experiences I’ve undergone, but it was ultimately worth the price, because I’m so glad that now my once-frozen shoulder works nearly as well as the uninjured one.
    Corey, I don’t know what your experiences are, but it wasn’t so much DURING PT sessions that my shoulder hurt as afterwards, for the rest of the day. I don’t know whether your injury is amenable to end-of-session electro-stimulation (sort of like a massage), but that seemed to soothe my greater shoulder area. OTOH, usually within an hour of getting home from PT, I’d “fall into the arms of Morpheus” (i.e., between the PT and electro-stim I’d so be sleepy from exhaustion, verging on narcolepsy, that I was incapable of refraining from napping for a couple of hours at least).
    I’d also take the proverbial 2 aspirin as soon as I got home from PT, to “nip the pain in the bud” (it probably also contributed even further to my sleepiness). There were days when I wished I’d had a prescription for aspirin-codeine, but I hate taking meds, so forced myself not to ask for a scrip.
    Hang in there, Corey!!!

  60. Not quite a joke, but a great turn-of-phrase… Farmboy Husband and I attended a Luso conference this weekend where one of the speakers, in a call to action (as opposed to non-involvement), exhorted us:
    “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu!”

  61. Le client demande au serveur, en consultant la carte:
    Le client: Que me recommandez-vous en toute confiance?
    Le serveur: Un autre restaurant…
    PT sucks, but it gets better.

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