Going Home



Going home.

Physical torture break.

Two weeks.

Isn't it odd when we lose something we are aware of what we had?

My broken, now healing wrist, made me aware of my hand.

Little things I can do now with my left hand, that I couldn't do for the last two months:

Scratch my back (I scratch it with my left hand.).

Drink, I didn't know it but I usually hold my drink in my left hand.

Put my hair in a ponytail. Tie my shoes. Buckle my belt. Button a shirt. Cut with a knife.


Wash my hair.


I am going home to Willows for two weeks. I leave on Wednesday.

I asked my mother if there was anything she wanted from France… she asked for old soap cubes from Marseille.

Those puppies are heavy. My right hand is going to have a workout.






If you happen to be in Willows let me know. I'll be there on November 17th until the First of December.

I wonder if my brother Mathew will pick me up?

One of the main reasons I am going home is to attend my cousin Alma's daughter Morgan's wedding. I haven't been to a cousin's wedding in years. And that is a missing joy factor in my life. When one is part of a family as big as mine it seems there is a Baptism, Wedding, Birthday, and Funeral to attend every month. I am slightly exaggerating.



Baby b


Packing is a pain.

In the whole of life packing is not a problem.

But thinking about packing makes thinking about the bigger issue easier:

The fear of flying.





What are you afraid of?

I am afraid of animals, though they ALWAYS come up to me.

I am afraid of flying, but one would not know it.



Standing on a ladder


I am afraid of ladders.








31 responses to “Going Home”

  1. Afraid of ladders…that made me laugh out loud. Animals always come up to you because they know you are a kindred soul. Please stop in Boston!!! Last but not least, I will help you wall paper in April if you want!
    bliss farm antiques

  2. I just saw this cartoon today http://pinterest.com/pin/178545251/ .
    Think of all the joy of the wedding and seeing your family and the flight will pass by quickly.

  3. You should be afraid of ladders. My daughter Grace is afraid of flying. She has a plane ticket home from France in December. She plans to go back to college in January so I can’t afford to fly over to France and fly back with her. She will have to be brave.
    I’m afraid of being too afraid to do everything in the world.

  4. jend’isère

    but you are not afraid to be you!

  5. I love you
    I am afraid of loss any loss.
    I wish you a safe trip and know you will have a most excellent time.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Flying too. And it always consoles me to hear of other, seemingly rational adults who share this same fear!

  7. Dear Cory, If you have time while you are in Northern California, hopefully you can again talk and visit with all of us in Chico area at Nantucket Home Store in Chico…….now that would be our Christmas gift ! Have a safe trip over the pond and enjoy your family visits.

  8. omg… did you just admit you exaggerated ?? 😉 hihihihi

  9. Chris Wittmann

    I used to fly across the Atlantic ocean with no fear, but we live in a far different world now so now I am even afraid of the 50 minute flight to Phila. to visit my sister. I wish you a happy 2 weeks with family. By the way….where did you get thos GORGEOUS little crochet camisoles? They look so comfy and feminine!

  10. Amy Kortuem

    Spiders. I can catch bats and trap mice, but spiders render me 5 years old and screaming.
    Have a wonderful trip!

  11. everton terrace

    I so wish I WAS going to be in Willows to meet you – someday I’m certain…
    I am afraid of the ocean, being far away from shore. I love nothing more than to walk along the sand up to my knees but past that – nope. I don’t like the idea of fish touching me (or sharks eating me). Only recently have heights started to bother me, never did before, but now, in my mid-forties, I get a bit anxious about them.

  12. Will you be having a blog gathering while you are in Willows? My 15 yo just said the other day, “Mom, someday we HAVE to meet Corey Amaro!” We would come if at all possible.
    Fears? I have to work not to fear things for my children. And I am not too crazy about the dark.
    I love flying, though. Prayers for your flight coming from Placerville,

  13. Brenda L. from TN.

    I am afraid of spiders…large or small…too many eyes and legs to suit me…I am only afraid of snakes if they are poisonus, if not, then I’m OK with them.
    Of course, I’m very glad I don’t live in the Florida Everglades and have to deal with those HUGH African Rock pythons!
    I’m only a little afraid of flying…just a wee bit.

  14. Flying is my top fear, that and a car accident. I seriously say a prayer before doing either. How I made it to France is beyond me, all I can say is, my angels were watching out for me. I felt them.
    Have a great trip, Corey. I bet your family is so excited!

  15. Heights, driving a vehicle and rats. Trying to drive on a overpass and a rat flying through the car window would be really bad…
    Be brave Corey, look at all the other fears you have conquered in your life!

  16. Brother Mathew

    Might be able to.

  17. I wish I was packing to come to my home with those soaps and the beautiful knit item at the top of your packing box. Afraid of, hummm? Dogs that run up to me barking, speaking in front of a group of people, and just putting myself out there for others to see my flaws.
    Happy travels and enjoy the family gathering, they are precious.

  18. i just know that you are going to have a blast with everyone especially your cousins. cousins are gifts. just read on pinterest~ Grandma’s House~ the place cousins go to become best friends. so true. i will keep you in my prayers,especially wednes. for a safe trip with confidence to and from the States. rack up memories. Bestest,Denise

  19. I, too, am afraid of flying. I never feared flying until I became a mother, however… odd! lol

  20. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    How wonderful that you will be “home” for Thanksgiving, an American tradition! And a wedding, too…what fun!
    What am I afraid of? That YOU will stop blogging and sharing your photos and adventures in France 😉
    Have a swift and safe journey!

  21. Hope the wedding is joyful and get their minds off the fire at least for a day! congrates Morgan and Roco!!!

  22. I am super afraid of flying. I love the soaps and I am a painter so I use ladders every day and I hate to admit it but I fear go up them all the time. I seem to never get over it. Oh well! Blessings, Kimberly

  23. If you were coming to visit ME, I’d beg you to bring me a few kilos of authentic French Camembert (drool).
    How nice that you can spend Thanksgiving with your American family, as well attend the wedding!

  24. My thoughts exactly!

  25. Yes Please stop in Boston! And of course have a wonderful visit with your family.

  26. Travel mercies and hope it all goes smoothly.
    If you come by Texas, west Texas to be exact.. drop in!
    I am afraid of failure.
    xo marlis

  27. Natalie Thiele

    I am afraid of the dark, afraid of snakes, afraid of standing too close to the edge of cliff, and afraid of going to the doctor.
    Glad you will be home for Thanksgiving. It is a good place to be when you have a big family or a little family.
    Love the little corset covers. Are you bringing them for your cousin’s trousseau?

  28. Do you have a ride yet from san Francisco to willows? Let me know…it would be an honor.

  29. Marie-Noëlle


  30. sue/western australia

    I am in the USA at the moment but sadly, not anywhere near Willows at the moment……we are heading to Louisville Kentucky tomorrow….at present in Columbus Indiana…….One day, I will come back to France and, maybe you will be there when I am. Enjoy the wedding and the time with you Mum and family. Hugs and Smiles.

  31. I was junkin’ in Willows last weekend and I saw a gal who looked alot like you. I asked her, are you related to the Amaro’s? She said her dad and your sweet mom are cousins! Maybe I will get to see you this trip! You never know!

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