Back Home


green pumpkin

sheep and tractor




green pumpkin

little pumpkin


one jack in the pumpkin patch



tree fairy


a-million in the tree Pomegranates



ruby fruit jewels Pomegranate seeds


Pomegranate seeds



Back home!

One thing out of a million things that I look forward to when coming home is the drive down the lane to my parent's home. The ever-changing rice fields, the pomegranate tree, the walk to the front door, the smell of home, the decor my mother has added for the season, and then my mother's embrace.

Home. Catching up with my brothers, sister in laws, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and especially my nieces and nephews. My oldest niece picked me up at the airport, she drove three hours and then three hours again. Beyond sweet.

Home for two weeks. Where every single moment counts as one hundred years. I plan to soak up every drop.


32 responses to “Back Home”

  1. Chris Wittmann

    Enjoy your stay Corey, and cherish every moment!

  2. Welcome home! I am sure you will treasure every moment. What a lovely start to the treasuring!

  3. I know all of those feelings so well….have a wonderful visit!

  4. the love shows….

  5. Yum . . . those pomegranates. When I was young and lived in the San Joaquin Valley they grew along the canal banks. We would pick them and enjoy their juicy, messy goodness!!

  6. Judging by the lightweight clothes, it must be a whole lot warmer there than here (lucky you!). Farmboy Husband noticed a few snow flurries this afternoon.
    Jet-lagged much? I prescribe See’s dark chocolate-covered marzipan. Take three and blog me in the morning ;-))))))

  7. I love seeing some of your features in those young faces!! Have a great time!

  8. Beautiful photos, and wonderful you are with your California family again. Would be fun to cross paths in Willows if you have free time, but perhaps on a longer visit.

  9. Great pix, the kids are getting so big! Sophia and I just ate a pomegranate-we have them here in the northeast around thanksgiving and X-mas. I never knew they grew on trees in California. Have a wonderful time soaking in the love.
    Say hi to mom!

  10. I feel really stupid, but I didn’t know that pomegranates grew on trees. I just never thought about it. I learn some much from your blog. Have a great visit.

  11. Beautiful children, they definitely have your genes…..may every moment be blessed! Xo jody

  12. Have a wonderful, wonderful time.

  13. so,so, happy for you, Corey.

  14. There’s just nothing like Mother and home! I live 900 miles away from where I grew up and I love where I live, but I still love going home, too! On another note, those pumpkins are awesome! I adore pumpkins. They are so autumnish!

  15. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Welcome back to California 😉

  16. Welcome home…..this is the first time I’ve seen a pomagranate tree!!!!

  17. Natalie Thiele

    Yum! Does it work for insomnia, too? I’ll have to try it. Was just in See’s yesterday picking up a prescription.

  18. Natalie Thiele

    Love to see your beautiful nieces and nephews growing up.


    Oh I love the turn down the lane to your parents home. How excited they’ve been anticipating your arrival. So happy for u and them. Franco

  20. Violet Cadburry

    Those are some of the most beautiful photos you have taken. I was just thinking of my mother, who would have been 90 tomorrow. Miss her everyday.

  21. Welcome home to Northern California. Took a drive to Chico from Yuba City today then home through Paradise. The colours are so beautiful. The thought of you home with your family warms my heart. I just might take a drive to Willows again someday.
    Enjoy every moment of your stay.

  22. Glad to hear that you made it home again. I’m looking forward to more Willows photos and family stories!

  23. Marie-Noëlle

    Simple, authentic, magical…!!!

  24. On returning home, the United States or France?
    Ah, the country where one is born for us will forever be the country “our house”!
    This children are MAGNIFIQUES !!
    Enjoy the wish
    large poutous

  25. Aeron Chair

    Glad to hear that you made it home again. I’m looking forward to more Willows photos and family stories!

  26. Beautifully said. Glad your niece didn’t forget about you! How long will you be in willows?

  27. I’m sure you will have lots to share in a near future….

  28. Have fun at the wedding and I am sure there will ba a cousin or two to visit with! LOL! Enjoy life is what we make it and it looks like your cup is full to the rim with love and sweet memories!

  29. Home Sweet Home…there’s nothing like it. Enjoy!

  30. Natalie, I think See’s works for just about everything, except diabetes.

  31. Welcome home!

  32. Such lovely images of your homecoming, Corey; beautiful children, beautiful scenery, beautiful feelings come floating through the blogosphere. What a joy to see that pomegranate tree, and, of course, smiling and silly childrens’ faces. Enjoy.

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