The first and only time I ran away from home I was seven years old.
I remember I was mad at my mother– why I do not remember. Though I do remember putting a few things in a brown paper bag, then announced that I was leaving and walked towards the kitchen door.
My mother nonchalantly said, "Goodbye, and have fun." I was bothered by her casualness… didn't she realize that I was seriously leaving? I walked to the end of the lane then stopped since I didn't know which way to go.
I sat down by the mailbox.
Soon there after my brother Marty (who was five years old) came down the lane. He too had a brown paper bag. He sat down beside me. I assumed he didn't know which way to go either.
He opened his brown paper bag and pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and ate it. I asked him for one. He said, "Mommy told me not to share them with you unless you decided to come home."
I recall the sound of my brother opening that paper bag, and the taste of love in those cookies.
Home sweet home.
Did you ever runaway from home?
(The photo is one of my brother Marty (One year old) and I (Three years old) and I am holding a dog, what a shocker.)
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