Six Years of Blogging


Today marks the sixth year of my blog.

Everyday for six years.

Over 6000 photos.

Brocante bug galore.

A range of emotion, a scrapbook of my life, a sweet collection of blogging friends, and adventures I would have never known if I hadn't blogged.

Thank you for every ounce of engouragement, for your generous comments, emails, invitations, friendship and most of all for just being here with me.


Thank you.


86 responses to “Six Years of Blogging”

  1. Congratulations, Corey, and thank you for inviting us into a world I would otherwise not have known. Hugs, M.

  2. We’re the ones to say thank you, Corey ! bravo for these six years, and merci beaucoup.

  3. Well done, Corey. You are an inspiration and I’m so glad you blog!!

  4. Thank you Corey, for taking me on this journey into your life, the lives of so many others and to many parts of the world. I’ve loved ever minute of it.

  5. everton terrace

    I’m with the majority – thank you. Thank you for the time and effort of sharing your talents and stories with us. I love coming here – love it!

  6. No, thank YOU…

  7. Congratulations, Corey. I look forward to your stories and love coming here for your photos. Perhaps a bottle of bubbly would be in order to celebrate?

  8. Congratulations. Much love and many blessings dear friend. Keep the magic flowing.
    Much love

  9. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Congratulations Corey!
    It has been a pleasure to peek into your world.
    Thank you for sharing all that you do.
    I look forward to following along for years to come!
    Take care, Laura 🙂

  10. Georgie Steeds

    Congratulations Corey, I think what everyone else has
    said just about sums it up. Thank You. xxxxx

  11. Thank you for sharing your life and family with me!

  12. linda marcov

    My life is forever changed because you blogged,we met, and we share such a common thread.. love you, and thank-you

  13. RebeccaNYC

    CONGRATULATIONS! and Thanks for sharing your life with me. xoxox

  14. Merci beaucoup!Happy anniversary Tongue in Cheek,and keep growing!:)

  15. Congratulations! Happy 6 years! Thank you for teaching me new ways to look at things!

  16. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    Happy 6th anniversary! I think I have read every single post! I wake up to read your words and see your photos~ and no matter what the day brings your blog is always a highlight! Thank you for sharing your world!
    Enjoy your family vacation!

  17. Cynthia in NC

    Thank you. Your blog, your photos, your stories of friends and family, your humor…all make me look at my world in a different, more open way. What a gift you are.

  18. Corey, thank you for sharing your life with us every day, for the beautiful photos, and for giving us a peek at life in France. I look forward to your posts every morning!!! xoxo

  19. Corey, thank you! We are all blessed that you have found the energy & passion to blog each and every day for 6 years. WOW! I’m not sure how many years ago (maybe 5) I started reading, but your opinions & ideas & creativity has touched my life . . .
    Congrats! and, here’s to meeting you one fine day.

  20. Ed in Willows

    Thank you for opening up your heart to us….. during the good times and the bad.

  21. You have made the venture worth the travel…Looking forward to what lies ahead in the world of Corey…Grazie!!!

  22. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    Congratulations, Corey, on this 6 year anniversary. I enjoy your beautiful efforts so much! My blog just celebrated its 4th year, but I work hard to post twice a week. I cannot imagine posting daily for 6 years. That is truly remarkable. I am looking forward to the next 6 years of Tongue in Cheek!

  23. Thank you for letting us be a part of your world!

  24. All thanks to YOU, Corey! Thank you for the blessings I have felt while reading your blog! You give me inspiration and peace. Thank you for sharing your life, photo’s, journey and beautiful brocante items!

  25. Congratulations! I am glad you are here.

  26. Corey,
    Thank YOU for being here everyday. Through broken bones, family crises, international travel, motorcycle rides, early morning brocantes…you are amazing.
    Blessings on you and yours!

  27. Happy 6th anniversary Tongue in Cheek. I am grateful every day for your inspiring blog and for the opportunity to count you as one of my Cotignac friends.
    Also, I am grateful for the Brocante Bug that I caught along the way.

  28. No Corey, thank YOU for inspiring us, sharing your good times and bad and for being so very kind.
    Been with you for five of those years and wish for many more years of reading your blog(and maybe meeting you some day).

  29. Thank YOU for all the wonderful words, fabulous photographs and heartfelt emotion. You have carried me along with you every step of the way, and for that I owe you the debt of thanks.
    Karon x

  30. a joy for us…merci..!

  31. Brenda L. from TN.

    No, Corey…WE THANK YOU!

  32. Parabéns, Corey! So much material to choose from for your book ;-)))))

  33. Happy Bloggaversary – I only found you in the past year, and love your view on life. Keep up the good work and thank you for blogging.

  34. Evelyn in NYC

    Happy Blog-A-versary! Love sharing your life through words and pictures, and that you shop the Brocante for me too!

  35. Corey, I only follow 4 bloggers and I look forward to yours each day. I thank you for your discipline over these past 6 years since it has been a treasure to all that read it. Many blessings to you and your beautiful family! Kimberly

  36. Dorian Fletcher

    You have brought a smile, tears and sheer enjoyment with my morning coffee for almost all of those six years. You really are a blogging treasure, Corey!

  37. Joanne Tuchman

    It has been a privilege to share your thoughts and memories. I have so enjoyed sharing your world and seeing so many wonderful things and places through your words and your camera lens.
    T.O. Joanne

  38. Congratulations on 6 yrs of blogging! It is so nice to read about your escapades and one day I’ll be knocking on your door in France or Willows to say Hi and THANKS.

  39. Happy 6th anniversary – thank you for sharing your life and style and wit and family with us.

  40. labergerebasque

    Congratulations and thank YOU. When I moved to this farmhouse out in the boontunies and discovered your blog it was like finding a friend 🙂

  41. Victoria Ramos

    Congrats on 6 years….keep the stories and photos coming!!!

  42. Congratulations, Corey, and thank you so very much for sharing your life and talents with us your fortunate readers!

  43. Thank you Corey. You are my Herb Caen fix every morning.
    Just arrived in Avignon!!

  44. Thank you, Corey for a wonderful way to see, experience and feel how another person relates to her life. You have a wonderful creative eye for the perfect picture but even more, you express a willingness to embrace life in all of its joys and imperfections. Your open heart allows us all to look again at our own reactions to everyday events and to the events that rock us back on our heels.
    You are a visionary and a teacher and a beautiful book author. I know some day I will see all your best images compiled in a most fascinating book.

  45. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    thank you for sharing for 6 years.
    celebrate with a toast.

  46. Stephanie M

    Joyeaux Anniversaire. We just love you! And your extended family too. You are always in our thoughts. Keep writing.
    Stephanie M.

  47. Anne Gsolfot

    The thanks goes to you, dearest Corey. You’ll never know how much inspiration and help you’ve given over these 6 years. I shed so many tears when we went through your dad’s illness, I was thrilled at the accomplishments of Yann and your children, I’ve gained too many pounds from reading about food, I’ve laughed my head off at some of your antics, I’ve loved, celebrated, mourned, dined, shopped, – gosh, I’ve even taken a few big falls with you. Your Blog has been a blessing for me and it has become a very important part of each day to read. Thank you for including me in your circle of love.

  48. Happy Anniversary Corey……
    Yours was one of the first blogs I ever found.
    Every day…..amazing!!

  49. Congratulations Corey! I’m so happy to visit with you via your blog. Thank you for sharing YOU with all of us!

  50. Paula S In New Mexico

    Thank you my dear. We are the ones who get to say that.

  51. Lemon Verbena Lady

    OMG Corey, I have only been around for three, but time has flown. I have enjoyed all of the years I have read about your life. We are very lucky. Congrats!

  52. I have been here with you in the mornings for about 5 of those 6! Thank you for being so inspiring, and for sharing your family and life. Don’t quit now!!

  53. Brother Mathew

    THEE only blog in my book!

  54. Good job coco! I love you!

  55. Congratulations, Corey!! However, the thanks all belong to you for opening up your life, your great big wonderful family (on both sides of the Atlantic!), and most of all, your heart, to all of us. We are the fortunate ones; we love you and your beautiful spirit. May you never change! Blessings to you on this special day!

  56. Happy 6th birthday to Tongue in Cheek! May there be many more.

  57. Natalie Thiele

    Thank you Corey. I have been reading for three or four years and always look forward to your beautifully told stories, stunning photographs, and watching your children, as well as nephews and nieces, grow up.
    It is a daily pleasure. I do hope you will turn it into a lovely book.

  58. Rebecca in the pacific nw

    Happy 6 years, Corey! I’m glad I stumbled on you, looking for photos of Provence. I found you and have followed for several years since then. I appreciate the effort you make to post something every day — always worth “tuning in” to the Corey channel to see what today’s wonders will be! Thank you.

  59. Thank you, my friend. Hearing from you everyday is a gift.
    It feel great to know you,your family,your friends, and the world you have shown us through your artistic mind and eyes.

  60. Hi Marty,
    How is the winter in Avignon?

  61. Congratulations Corey!
    I love reading your blog.
    Thank you so very much.

  62. Happy Blog Anniversary, Corey! Thank you for sharing your life, pictures, family, and thoughts with us every day. Yours is the only blog I read daily. You continue to inspire and show us all how to love and for that I am so thankful. Blessings to you this anniversary day and always.


    6 years and counting! Thanks for taking me on the journey with you…France seems that much closer when I read your blog, despite my being as geographically far away as is possible…here in New Zealand!

  64. Amy Kortuem

    What a gift you give me/us each day, Corey. Thank you.

  65. 6 years! Congrats! Blogs are such a fun way to get a peek at someone’s lives and get to “know” them!

  66. Barbara Snow

    Dear Corey,
    Six years of blog entries will be a great way to start that beautiful book about life in France that I know you have in you…:) Congrats – it’s really quite an achievement.
    Barb in Minnesota

  67. Thank you so much for sharing your life and adventures. Your blog has enriched my life in many ways. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  68. Susan young

    Félicitations!!! 6 ans!!!! Bravo!!!!! Ton blog est mon favori!!!
    Bisous, Sue

  69. artjournaler

    Congratulations! I love your blog and read it daily. You truly have inspired so many people, blogging through thick and thin, making us yearn for a life in France, or Willows, or just plain ol’ anywhere that you write about and photograph. I do hope you create a book someday.

  70. Thank you for your blogs. They are a daily pleasure for me.

  71. Thank-you Corey and congratulations on blogging daily for 6 years! I look forward to your writing and photographs and adventures every day. Someday I hope we can meet, but of course I’ll feel I know you so well and you won’t know me at all!
    If you need a ride from SFO to Willows someday, I could pick you up and drive you up there. I live in Marin.

  72. Happy blog Anniversary! Yay for you and most especially Yay! for us. Thank you for all that you share.

  73. Just Plain Jane

    Imagine a huge round of applause for your accomplishments which have brought us all so much pleasure. I agree with all of the other comments and am risking redundancy in adding my 2 cents worth, but I need to speak up as part of that large audience who depend upon you to start and enrich each of our days.
    Gratefully yours,

  74. It is we who thank you Corey, for sharing in the wonderfully descriptive and interesting way that you do, many thanks

  75. Happy Anniversary!
    I am so happy I found your blog – I love starting my day with your photos and words.
    Thank you!

  76. A beautiful blog, with heartfelt words & photos. Thank you for sharing your corner of life in France with us.

  77. Massilianana

    Bon anniversaire, then ! Six years of blogging for you and , I realize it now, about five years of reading you for me , then ! What a treat ! Looking for the many more years to come filled with inspiration, beautiful pics, humor, generosity, love, fun,….Hope you craked a bottle of champagne to celebrate !
    Take care and safe return in France

  78. Sue J. at Naperville Now

    Happy Blogoversary, Corey. Six years is quite an accomplishment. Look very much forward to reading the next chapters of your life.

  79. Judy B. Texas

    You have brought such joy and adventure into my life – each day it’s a gift when I read your words and view your wonderful photography – Happy, Happy Anniversary.
    Hubby and I might get out to California this next Summer – just for the heck of it, I looked up Willows on the map…just might detour from Hwy 1 to check it out. We lived in Concord, California many years ago and I worked in San Francisco – can hardly wait to visit California again.
    Thank you, Corey!


    And to think I have only seen the last year!!!!!!!!!!!I have a lot of reading to do!CONGRATULATIONS.No small fete!So, enjoy your daily musings……….and I promise YOU I will get to WILLOWS and look up your beautiful Mother s shop!Safe travels……… are safer in the air then you are on the ground.FACT!

  81. Kristin McNamara Freeman

    Happy day of anniversary celebration, Corey. You have brightened my life’s mornings for nearly all of those years! I treasure your shared thoughts and photos. It was a blessed day in my life when I found you. I look forward to many more years of walking along the road of life with you, your eyes, and your thinking…all shared in fantastic photography, poetry and prose that just flows….

  82. Though I didn’t were here the very first day, once I found you I read all your entries starting from #1 and I’m glad I did.
    I’t nice to meet you every day.

  83. I call this blog my daily dose of beauty. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us!

  84. Camy Cooney

    Corey–you are an amazing woman and blogger. As I’ve told you before, I read a lot of blogs and yours is the one I read first and it’s always the best! Congratulations on six years of blogging…your beautiful photos and lovely words have been part of my life for many years. I hope to see you again the next time we’re in Provence (hopefully next year!)

  85. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    I am surely glad to have found you!

  86. Thank you Corey..for the daily beauty that you add to our lives..

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